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单词 break into sth
释义 ☞ break break into sthphrasal verb(broke, broken)to enter a building or open a vehicle by force, especially in order to steal things from it(尤指为盗窃而)强行闯入;撬开(车辆)◆thieves broke into the store and got away with $50 000.窃贼闯入商店偷走了 5 万元。◆our car got broken into last night.我们的车昨晚被撬了。  ➡ see also break-in → theft break into sth 1. to enter a place that is closed 闯入(关闭的地方): ◇thieves broke into his car and stole the radio. 窃贼闯进他的汽车偷走了收音机。 (figurative 比喻) ◇the company is trying to break into the japanese market. 公司正试图打进日本市场。 2. to start doing sth suddenly 突然有某种举动: ◇to break into song/a run 突然放声歌唱/拔腿就跑 break into sthphr v [t] 1. to enter a building using force to steal something 闯入[行窃]:◇they broke into the room through the back window. 他们从后窗闯入房间。 2. break into a run/dance etc to suddenly start running, dancing etc 突然跑起来/跳起舞来等 3. to start being involved in doing something 开始参与:◇american companies are trying to break into eastern european markets. 美国公司正试图打入东欧市场。




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