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单词 girlfriend/boyfriend
释义 girlfriend/boyfriend1 someone that you have a romantic or sexual relationship with2 to have a girlfriend or boyfriendrelated wordsget rid of a girlfriend or boyfriend 抛弃女朋友或男朋友 get rid of,see alsofriend,relationship,love,sex,marry,gay,1. someone that you have a romantic or sexual relationship with 恋爱对象或情人 girlfriend /ˈgɜːʳlfrend/ [countable noun] a girl or woman that you have a romantic relationship with, especially for a fairly long time 女朋友 somebody's girlfriend i met my brother's new girlfriend last night. 昨天晚上我碰到了我哥哥的新女朋友。 katherine is his first girlfriend since breaking up with maggie. 凯瑟琳是他和玛吉分手之后的第一个女朋友。have a girlfriend does mark have a girlfriend? 马克有女朋友吗?old/ex-/former girlfriend someone who used to be your girlfriend 以前的女朋友 denver police said the suspect had earlier made threats to kill his ex-girlfriend and then himself. 丹佛警方说嫌疑犯曾威胁要杀死他的前女友,然后自杀。serious/steady girlfriend a girlfriend that you have a serious romantic relationship with 真心相爱的/固定的女朋友 wendell hasn't had a steady girlfriend in years. 温德尔已经有好多年没有固定的女朋友了。 boyfriend /ˈbɔɪfrend/ [countable noun] a boy or man that you have a romantic relationship with, especially for a fairly long time 男朋友 somebody's boyfriend josh was my first boyfriend. 乔希是我的第一个男朋友。 all she does is talk about her boyfriend. 她就不停地讲她的男朋友。have a boyfriend i was talking to this guy at the bar and he starting asking me whether i was married or had a boyfriend. 我在酒吧里和那个家伙聊着天,他就开始问我是不是结婚了或者有男朋友了。old/ex-/former boyfriend someone who used to be your boyfriend 以前的男朋友 oh, my god! i've just seen barry, my ex-boyfriend. 噢,我的天!我刚才看到了巴里,我以前的男朋友。serious/steady boyfriend a boyfriend that you have a serious romantic relationship with 真心相爱的/固定的男朋友 sarah's doing well and has a serious boyfriend, michael, whom she plans to marry next year. 萨拉目前不错,有一个关系稳定的男朋友迈克尔,她打算明年和他结婚。 partner /ˈpɑːʳtnəʳ/ [countable noun] someone that you have a serious romantic and sexual relationship with, especially someone that you live with [尤指同居的]伴侣,配偶 sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples. 瑞典允许同性恋伴侣享受异性夫妻可以得到的许多福利。sexual partner the survey found that only about one of every four men had had ten or more sexual partners over their lifetime. 这次调查发现,只有1/4的男人一生中有过十个或十个以上的性伴侣。 mistress /ˈmɪstrɪs, ˈmɪstrəs/ [countable noun] a woman who has a sexual relationship with a man who is married to someone else 情妇 she thought that her husband had a mistress but could not prove it. 她觉得丈夫有情妇,但是无法证实。 the former prime minister's wife and mistress both attended the funeral. 这位前首相的妻子和情妇都出席了葬礼。 lover /ˈlʌvəʳ/ [countable noun] someone who you have a sexual relationship with, without being married to them 情人 somebody's lover that night she received a call from her lover. 那天夜里她接到了情人打来的电话。have a lover over her lifetime, catherine had many lovers. 凯瑟琳一生中有过许多情人。become lovers a few nights later, they became lovers. 几个晚上之后,他们成了情人。be lovers kilpatrick claims that she and the congressman were once lovers. 基尔帕特里克称,她和那位国会议员曾经是情人。 old flame /ˌəʊld ˈfleɪm/ [countable noun] informal someone who was your girlfriend or boyfriend in the past 【非正式】以前的情人,旧情人 in a box in the closet, i found love letters from one of his old flames. 在壁橱的一个盒子里,我发现了他一个旧情人写给他的情书。 after 17 years of marriage, he left his wife for an old flame he ran into at a high school reunion. 结婚17年后,他为了在中学同学会上碰到的一个旧情人而离开了妻子。2. to have a girlfriend or boyfriend 有女朋友或男朋友 go out with /ˌgəʊ ˈaʊt wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to have someone as your girlfriend or boyfriend 和…交往,和…谈恋爱 she's going out with some guy she met at work. 她和在工作上遇到的一个家伙交往。 can you believe she's going out with him? 你能相信她在和他谈恋爱吗?be going out together jack and i have been going out together for four years. 我和杰克已经交往了四年。 be seeing /biː ˈsiːɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone, especially a relationship that is not very serious and does not last very long 和…交往[尤指不认真、维持不长的关系] do you know if tanya's seeing anyone at the moment? 你知道塔尼娅这阵子有没有跟谁在交往吗? her husband, whom she adored, confessed that he had been seeing other women. 她深爱的丈夫坦白承认,他在和其他女人来往。 go steady /ˌgəʊ ˈstedi/ [verb phrase] to have a serious romantic relationship with someone - used especially about young people [与某人]有固定的恋爱关系[尤指年轻人] we've been going steady since our sophomore year. 我们大二起就建立了稳定的关系。 samantha went steady with her high school boyfriend for more than a year before they had sex. 萨曼莎和她高中的男朋友正式谈了一年多恋爱之后发生了性关系。




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