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单词 squabble
释义 squabble nounadjective | verb + squabble | preposition adjective➤minor, petty小口角▸➤bitter, unseemly (bre) 激烈的/不体面的争吵▸➤domestic, family, marital家庭口角;夫妇间的争吵➤political政治争端▸➤internal, public内部争执;公开争吵verb + squabble➤have争吵▸➤resolve, settle解决/平息争吵preposition➤squabble about, squabble over就⋯争吵◆squabbles about money为钱发生的争吵➤squabble among, squabble between⋯间的争吵◆i always have to settle squabbles between the children.我总是得平息孩子们间的争吵。➤squabble with与⋯的争吵◆a squabble with her publisher over royalties就版税问题与她的出版商产生的争吵squabble /skwɒbl; name skwɑːbl/ [intransitive] to quarrel noisily about sth that is not important(为小事)争吵,吵闹◆my sisters were squabbling over what to watch on tv.我的姐妹在为看哪个电视节目争吵。◆will you two stop squabbling!你们俩别吵了!note 辨析 bicker or squabble? squabbling usually refers to noisy but small arguments, and happens especially between family members, close friends or children. bickering can suggest that you think the arguing is childish. it is often used to describe arguments between couples in a romantic relationship. * squabble 通常指家人、好友或小孩之间喧哗但不严重的争吵。bicker 可暗指这种争吵显得孩子气,常指恋人之间的斗嘴。squabble /skwɒbl; name skwɑːbl/ [countable] (rather informal) a noisy argument, especially about sth that is not very important(为小事的)争吵,口角◆there were endless squabbles over who should sit where.为谁该坐哪儿吵个不停。squabble/ˈskwɒbl ||; ˈskwɑbḷ/verb [i] squabble (over/about sth) to argue in a noisy way about sth that is not very important (为小事)争吵,大吵大闹 squabble noun [c] squabblesee ⇨ argue 2,5 squab·ble /`skwɑbḷ; ˈskwɒbəl/v [i]to argue about something that is not important [为琐事]争吵:◇+ about/over what are you two squabbling about now? 现在你们俩在吵什么呢? squabblen [c]




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