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单词 gimmick
释义 gimmick nounadjective | phrases adjective➤latest, new最新的噱头;新把戏◆a new gimmick to encourage people to spend more鼓动人们多花钱的新噱头➤election, marketing, publicity, sales竞选招数;营销花招;宣传手法;销售噱头◆the promise of lower taxation may have been just an election gimmick to gain votes.减税的承诺或许只是争取选票的一种手法。phrases➤just a gimmick, nothing more than a gimmick, only a gimmick只不过是一种伎俩◆he dismissed the event as just a publicity gimmick.他不理会这件事,只当它是一种宣传手法。 gimmick /gɪmɪk/ noun [countable] an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention or to persuade people to buy sth (为引人注意或诱人购买而玩弄的)花招,把戏,噱头◆the free gift is just a gimmick to get you to buy the magazine. 免费礼品只是让你购买杂志耍的花招。◆it's a competitive business and you've got to have a gimmick. 这是竞争性的行业,你必须会耍花招。⨁ to have / rely on / use gimmicks有/依靠/使用噱头 ⨁ a marketing / promotional / sales gimmick以营销/促销/销售为目的的花招 ▸ gimmicky /gɪmɪki/ adjective◆a gimmicky title 骗人的头衔☞ gimmickgimmick/ˈgɪmɪk ||; ˈgɪmɪk/noun [c] an idea for attracting customers or persuading people to buy sth (为了招徕而想出的)点子,花招,噱头: ◇new magazines often use free gifts or other gimmicks to get people to buy them. 新办的杂志经常用赠品或其他花招来招徕读者。 gim·mick /`gɪmɪk; ˈɡɪmɪk/n [c]something unusual that is used to attract people's attention [为吸引注意力而用的]花招,花样:◇advertising gimmicks 广告噱头




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