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单词 continental
释义 continental/ˌkɒntɪˈnentl ||; ˌkɑntəˈnɛntḷ/adj1. connected with or typical of a continent 大陆性的;与大陆有关的: ◇moscow has a continental climate: hot summers and cold winters. 莫斯科属大陆性气候:夏天炎热,冬天寒冷。 2. (brit 英) connected with the main part of europe not including the british isles 与欧洲大陆有关的(不包括不列颠群岛): ◇continental holidays 欧洲大陆假期 con·ti·nen·tal /ˏkɑntə`nɛntḷ; ˌkɒntɪˈnentl◄/adj 1. belonging to or consisting of a continent, and not any of the islands around it 大陆的:◇flights across the continental us 横跨美国大陆的飞行 2. bre on or belonging to the continent of europe, not including britain 【英】 [不包括英国的]欧洲大陆的




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