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单词 business
释义 business noun¹ 1buying and selling of goods买卖adjective | verb + business | business + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big大生意▸➤profitable有利可图的买卖▸➤private私人买卖▸➤core核心业务◆it's time to focus on the company's core business.该是集中于公司核心业务的时候了。➤retail, wholesale零售/批发业务➤online网上业务◆supermarkets are doing more online business.超市的网上业务增多了。➤competitive, tough竞争激烈的/难做的业务◆retail is a tough business.做零售生意不容易。➤catering, computer, consulting, insurance, investment, etc.餐饮、计算机、咨询、保险、投资等业务◆he spent his whole life in the insurance business.他一辈子都在从事保险业务。➤entertainment, movie, music, newspaper娱乐业;电影业;音乐业;新闻业◆we're not trying to educate-we're in the entertainment business.我们不想去教育人 - 我们从事的是娱乐业。verb + business➤carry on (often law法律) , conduct, do, transact (formal) 经营业务;做生意;谈买卖◆a company that has ceased to carry on business已经停业的公司◆he's someone i can do business with (= that i find it easy to deal with).我觉得和他做生意很合得来。➤work in在⋯行业工作◆she works in the computer business.她从事电脑业。➤go into, set up in经商;开公司➤go out of停业◆the company went out of business during the recession.这家公司在经济衰退时期停业了。➤put sb/sth out of使⋯停业◆the new regulations will put many small companies out of business.新规定将使许多小公司停业。➤help有利于商业◆he argues that tax cuts will help business.他认为减税会促进商业发展。➤understand了解业务◆nobody understands the music business better than him.没有人比他更懂音乐行业。business + noun➤deal, transaction商业交易➤opportunity, venture商机;商业冒险▸➤meeting商务会议▸➤lunch工作午餐▸➤travel, trip商务旅行;出差➤person商人 (see also businessman, businesswoman) ➤traveller/traveler商务旅行者➤expense业务费用◆meals are considered a business expense.餐费算业务费用。➤community, sector, world商界▸➤executive, leader, manager商务主管;企业领导;业务经理◆a conference of women business leaders女企业家大会➤associate, partner生意伙伴▸➤contact业务联系➤relationship生意关系◆they developed a lasting business relationship.他们建立了长久的生意关系。➤affairs, interests, matters商务;商业利益;业务问题➤decision商业决策◆it was purely a business decision.这纯属商业决策。➤ethics商业道德➤development业务发展▸➤investment商业投资▸➤secret商业秘密◆to protect business secrets保护商业秘密➤model, plan, strategy商业模式/计划/战略◆a business model for using electronic commerce利用电子商务的商业模式➤practice商业惯例◆it's good business practice to listen to your customers.倾听顾客的意见是良好的商业惯例。➤acumen商业才能▸➤card(业务)名片➤attire, suit职业装;西装◆he wore a business suit.他穿了一身西装。➤hours营业时间◆you can call the helpline during normal business hours.你可以在正常营业时间拨打服务热线。➤school商学院▸➤studies商科➤major (name) 商务专业▸➤park工商业园区◆the company's offices are located in the new business park out of town.公司办公楼坐落在城外的新工商业园区。➤district商业区◆the city's main business district该市的主要商业区preposition➤in business在商界;在某行业;准备就绪◆he's in business.他在做生意。◆what business are you in?你从事哪个行业?◆all we need is a car and we'll be in business (= we'll have everything we need to start what we want to do).只要有一辆车我们就可以开始了。➤on business因公◆i'm going to paris on business.我要出差去巴黎了。phrases➤business as usual (= things will continue as normal in spite of a difficult situation) 一切如常◆it's business as usual at the factory.工厂还是照常开工。➤business or pleasure因公还是游玩◆is the trip to rome business or pleasure?此次罗马之行是出差还是去游玩?➤mix business with pleasure把公务与娱乐相结合◆when i travel overseas i like to mix business with pleasure.到国外时,我喜欢公务、娱乐两不误。➤my, his, her etc. own business我自己、他自己、她自己等的事情◆he left the department to start his own business.他离开那个部门去自己创业了。➤a place of business营业地点business noun² 2amount of trade done做成的生意量adjective | verb + business | business + verb adjective➤brisk, good生意兴隆◆business was brisk and they had sold out by midday.生意很好,到中午他们就卖完了。➤bad, slack, slow生意不景气;生意清淡➤new新生意◆they've cut their rates to attract new business.他们降低了费用以招揽新生意。➤repeat回头客生意◆our repeat business is 50% or higher.我们的回头客生意有 50% 或者更高。verb + business➤do做生意◆they're doing good business in asia.他们在亚洲生意做得很好。➤attract, drum up, generate招揽生意◆she's in europe drumming up business for her new company.她在欧洲为自己创办的新公司招揽生意。➤tout for (bre) 拉生意◆insurance salesmen touting for business拉生意的保险推销员➤affect, hurt影响/损害生意◆cheap imports are hurting business for domestic producers.廉价的进口货损害了国内生产商的生意。➤lose失去生意◆we're losing business to our main rivals.我们的生意正在被主要的竞争对手拉走。➤handle处理业务◆we took on temporary staff to handle the extra business.我们雇了临时人员办理额外的生意。business + verb➤boom, grow业务繁荣/增长◆business is booming for the big pharmaceutical companies.大制药公司业务繁荣。➤pick up生意好起来◆after a slack period, business is now picking up.经过一段不景气的时期,生意现在好起来了。➤slow, slow down生意清淡下来◆business has slowed considerably in recent months.最近几个月生意清淡了许多。business noun³ 3commercial organization商业组织adjective | verb + business | business + verb | business + noun adjective➤large, medium-sized, small大企业;中等企业;小企业➤new新企业◆loans for people to start new businesses为创业者提供的贷款➤family, family-owned家族企业▸➤global, international, local全球性/国际/地方企业▸➤private私营企业▸➤state-owned国有企业▸➤booming, lucrative, profitable, successful, thriving, viable兴隆的/赚钱的/有利润的/成功的/繁荣的/有活力的企业◆the family owns a booming construction business.这个家族拥有一家生意兴隆的建筑企业。➤internet, online, web因特网企业;在线企业◆she runs a successful online business.她经营着一家成功的在线企业。➤traditional传统企业◆traditional businesses are having to compete with the internet.传统企业不得不与因特网竞争。➤mail-order, retail, wholesale邮购商行;零售企业;批发企业➤catering, grocery, hairdressing, restaurant, etc.餐饮企业、食品杂货店、美发店、餐馆等◆she had her own hairdressing business.她拥有自己的美发店。➤legitimate合法企业◆these laws make life more difficult for legitimate businesses.这些法律使得合法企业的日子更加难过。verb + business➤have, own拥有企业▸➤manage, operate, run管理企业;经营企业◆it was always my dream to run my own business.我一直梦想经营自己的公司。➤establish, launch, set up, start建立企业;创办企业◆they decided to start their own business.他们决定创办自己的企业。➤build, build up把企业做大◆we built up the business from nothing.我们白手起家。➤expand, grow扩展/发展企业◆we are looking to grow the business over the next couple of years.我们正考虑在未来几年里把公司发展壮大。➤work in在企业工作◆he works in the family business.他在家族企业工作。➤enter, join进入/加入企业◆after leaving school she entered the family business.离开学校后她进了家族企业。➤leave离开企业▸➤buy, take over收购企业➤sell出售企业business + verb➤do well, flourish, succeed, take off, thrive企业运营得不错/兴旺发达/成功/开始赢利/生意兴隆◆after six months the business really took off.6 个月后企业真的开始赢利了。➤expand, grow企业扩大/发展◆the business is expanding fast.公司发展得很快。➤collapse, fail企业倒闭/破产➤be based in企业总部设在⋯◆he owns a management consulting business based in santa barbara.他拥有一家管理咨询公司,总部在圣巴巴拉。business + noun➤assets, premises企业资产;营业场所▸➤failure企业破产➤owner企业主  ➡ note at organization business noun⁴ 4work/responsibility工作;责任adjective | verb + business | phrases adjective➤daily日常工作➤real正事◆he needs time and space to get on with the real business of writing.他需要时间和空间去继续干写作的本行。verb + business➤get on with, go about继续做正事;忙着做事◆market traders going about their daily business为日常交易奔忙的市场交易员➤make sth将⋯当成职责◆i shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.我将以找到责任人为己任。phrases➤have no business doing sth, have no business to do sth (especially bre) 没有权利做⋯◆you have no business (= no right) being here.你没有权利待在这儿。➤keep your nose out of sb's business, mind your own business别管某人的闲事;管好自己的事◆keep your nose out of my business!不要多管我的事!◆'what are you reading?' 'mind your own business!'“你在看什么书?”“不要多管闲事!”◆i was just sitting there, minding my own business, when a man started shouting at me.我就只是坐在那里,也没招惹谁,这时有个男人朝我大吼起来。➤no business of yours, none of your business不关你的事◆my private life is none of your business (= does not concern you).我的私生活与你无关。business noun⁵ 5important matters要事adjective | verb + business | phrases adjective➤private私事▸➤important, pressing, urgent重要的事情;紧迫的事情;急事➤official正式的事情◆this isn't a social call-i've come on official business.这不是社交拜访,我来是有公事的。➤unfinished未完成的事情◆we have some unfinished business to discuss.我们有一些尚未了结的事情需要商量。verb + business➤get down to着手干正事◆ok, let's get down to business.好,我们言归正传。➤deal with, discuss, talk处理/讨论/谈论要事◆i'm not going to talk business tonight.今晚我不想谈重要的事。➤finish完成要事◆jack and i finished our business early, so we went to lunch.杰克和我事情完成得早,所以我们就去吃午餐了。phrases➤any other business (= items discussed at the end of a meeting) (会议结束前讨论的)其他事项◆i think we've finished item four. now, is there any other business?我想我们已经完成第四项了。现在,还有其他事项吗?➤mean business (= be serious about doing something) 是严肃的◆he says he's going to make changes, and i think he means business.他说他打算有所改变,我想他是认真的。business noun⁶ 6situation/event情况;事件adjective➤whole整件事情◆i'll be glad when the whole business is over and done with.到整件事情完全处理好的时候,我会很高兴的。➤dirty, messy肮脏的事情◆i'm just glad to be out of the whole dirty business.我很高兴能彻底摆脱这件龌龊的事情。➤bad, sorry, terrible (all especially bre) 糟糕的/遗憾的/可怕的事情◆it was a bad business-he couldn't work for months.那次太糟糕了,他几个月都不能工作。➤funny, strange (especially bre) 古怪的/奇怪的事情➤dangerous, risky, tricky危险的/冒险的/棘手的事情◆changing your life can be a risky business.改变生活要冒风险。➤serious严肃的事情◆having fun is a serious business.能开开心心是件重要的事情。business /bɪznəs/ noun1. [uncountable] the activity of making, buying, selling or supplying goods or services for money 商业;买卖;生意;交易◆she works in the computer business. 她做计算机生意。◆she has set up in business as a hairdresser. 她已经开店当上了理发师。◆he has business interests on both sides of the atlantic. 他在大西洋两岸都有商业利益。◆the prime minister addressed the audience of business leaders and economists. 首相向在座的商界领袖和经济学家发表讲话。◆it's been a pleasure to do business with you. 和你做生意很高兴。  ➡  commerce , trade ⨁ to go into / set up in business经商;创业 ⨁ business activities / affairs / dealings / interests商业活动/事务/交易/利益 ⨁ a business analyst / consultant / executive / guru / leader / manager业务分析员/顾问/主管/专家/领导/经理 ⨁ a business deal / transaction商业买卖/交易 ⨁ a business contact / partner / relationship业务联系/伙伴/关系 ⨁ a business idea / investment / proposition / venture商业构思/投资/计划/投机 2. [uncountable] work that is part of your job 商务;公事;事务◆is your trip business or pleasure? 你这次旅行是公干还是游玩?◆mr castorri is away on business. 卡斯托瑞先生出差去了。◆business travel 公务旅行  ➡  business lunch , business trip 3. [uncountable] the amount of work done by a company, etc.; the rate or quality of this work 营业额;贸易额;业务表现◆business was bad. 生意不好。◆business was booming. 生意兴隆。◆her job was to drum up (= increase) business. 她的工作是提高营业额。◆the opportunity to grow business in europe would be slow and challenging. 扩大欧洲贸易规模的机会可能不会很快到来,而且会荆棘满途。⨁ business is bad / booming / brisk / slow生意不好/兴隆/红火/增长缓慢 ⨁ to drum up / grow / increase business提高/增加/提高营业额 ⨁ to attract / encourage / generate / seek / win new business吸引/鼓励/创造/寻找/赢得新的生意 4. [countable] a commercial organization such as a company, shop/store or factory 商业机构◆they run their own catering business. 他们经营自己的餐饮店铺。◆she didn't want to work in the family business. 她不想在家族企业工作。◆it has taken ten years to build up the business to its current size. 将企业建成现在的规模花了十年的时间。◆business premises 商务场址  ➡  see note at trade ⨁ to have / manage / run / set up / start a business拥有/管理/经营/建立/开办企业 ⨁ to build up / expand / grow a business建立/扩大/扩大企业 5. [uncountable] important matters that need to be dealt with or discussed (需要处理或讨论的)重要事情◆the main business of the meeting 会议的主要议题  ➡  any other business 6. [uncountable] the fact of being a customer 消费◆we're grateful for your business. 感谢您光顾本店。 syn custom 7. [uncountable] something that concerns a particular person or organization 职责;责任◆she made it her business to improve the general atmosphere in the office. 她亲自改善办公室的总体气氛。 ●business as usuala way of saying that things will continue as normal in spite of a difficult situation (尽管处境艰难)一切照常◆we're under new management, but it's business as usual for our workers. 我们的管理层发生了变动,但是对我们的工人来说一切照旧。●business is businessa way of saying that financial and commercial matters are the important things to consider and you should not be influenced by friendship, etc. 公事公办●get down to businessto start dealing with the matter that needs to be dealt with, or doing the work that needs to be done 着手处理正事;认真着手工作●go/put sb out of businessto stop or to make sb stop operating as a business because there is no more money or work available 停业;歇业◆the new regulations will put many small firms out of business. 新法规将使许多小公司倒闭。  ➡  see note at bankrupt ● in be operating as a business 经营◆the loan will help the company remain in business. 这笔贷款将有助公司继续经营。 have everything that you need in order to be able to start sth immediately 准备就绪◆all we need is a van and we'll be in business. 我们所需要的只是一辆客货车,然后我们就准备妥当了。  ➡  idiom at land office , order noun any other business ◇ big business ◇ e-business ◇ first order of business ◇ organizing business ◇ small business ◇ volume business ☞ business☞ trade/business/industry☞ business/agency/company/consultancy/firm/housebusiness noun 1➤none of your business不关你的事➤thank you for your business.谢谢您的惠顾。business ♦︎ concern ♦︎ preserve ♦︎ affairthese are all words for sth that concerns a particular person, group or organization.这些词均表示与某个人、群体或机构相关的事。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) private / personal business / concern / affair◆sth is sb's own business / concern / affair◆to be none of sb's business / concern◆sth is no business / concern of sb's■ business [singular] something that is a particular person's or organization's responsibility or that they have a right to know about(某人或某机构)负责的事,有权知道的事◆it is the business of the police to protect the community.警察的职责是保护社会。◆my private life is none of your business (= you do not have a right to know about it).我的私生活与你无关。◆it's no business of yours who i invite to the party.你无权过问我邀请谁参加聚会。◆i shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.我要亲自查出是谁的责任。■ concern [countable, usually singular] (formal) sb/sth's business(某人或某机构)负责的事,有权知道的事◆this matter is their concern.这件事由他们负责。◆how much money i make is none of your concern.我赚多少钱没有必要告诉你。note 辨析 business or concern?there is no real difference in meaning between these words, but concern is more formal, used mostly in written english. both are used in the phrase sth is sb's business/concern but only business is used in the phrase sth is the business of sth.这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,但 concern 较正式,大多用在书面语中。二者均可用于短语 sth is sb's business/concern,但只有 business 可用于短语 sth is the business of sth◆it is the concern of the police to protect the community. you can make it your business to do sth, meaning that you decide that you have a right to do or know sth, and will do it or find out about it; concern is not used in this way. * make it one's business to do sth 指某人认为自己有权做或知道某事,且决意去做或查明; concern 不能这么用◆i shall make it my concern to find out who is responsible. ■ preserve [singular] an activity, job or interest that is thought to be suitable for one particular person or group of people(活动、工作或兴趣被视为某人或某群体的)专属领域◆higher education is no longer the preserve of the wealthy.高等教育再也不是富人的专利了。◆i began my career in the days when nursing was a female preserve.我开始工作的时候,护理工作是女性专属的领域。■ affair [singular] (rather formal) sb/sth's business个人的事◆how i spend my money is my affair.我如何用钱是我自己的事。◆the details of your relationship should be a private affair.你们关系的详细情况应该是私事。ⓘ affair can be used in the same way as business and concern in the phrase that's my business/concern/affair. however, you cannot say that sth is ◆none of sb's affair or ◆no affair of sb's however, it is quite common to say that sth is, or should be a private/personal affair.和 business、concern 一样,affair 可用在短语 that's my business/concern/affair (那是我的事)中,但不能说 sth is none of sb's affair 或 sth is no affair of sb's。不过,a private/personal affair (私事)倒是很普遍的说法。business noun 2➤none of your business不关你的事➤thank you for your business.谢谢您的惠顾。  ➡ see also the entries for company, industry, task and trade另见 company 条、industry 条、task 条和 trade 条business ♦︎ customthese are both words for the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop or business.这两个词均表示光顾、惠顾。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to lose / get / compete for / keep / retain / want (sb's) business / custom◆thank you for your business / custom.■ business [uncountable] the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop or business(顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾◆we're losing business to our main rivals.我们的生意正被主要竞争对手抢走。  ➡ see also do business → sell 2 ■ custom [uncountable] (bre, formal) business(顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾◆thank you for your custom. please call again.谢谢您的惠顾,请下次再来。  ➡ see also customer → customer note 辨析 business or custom?in british english custom is the term often used by shops and businesses when talking to their customers; when talking about the amount of trade done by a shop or business, business is often preferred. in american english, business is always used whether talking to or about customers.在英式英语中,商家对顾客说话时常用 custom,谈及商店的营业额时常用 business。在美式英语中,无论对顾客说话还是谈到顾客,都用 business。 business [singular] something that is a particular person's or organization's responsibility or that they have a right to know about(某人或某机构)负责的事,有权知道的事◆it is the business of the police to protect the community.警察的职责是保护社会。◆my private life is none of your business (= you do not have a right to know about it).我的私生活与你无关。◆it's no business of yours who i invite to the party.你无权过问我邀请谁参加聚会。◆i shall make it my business to find out who is responsible.我要亲自查出是谁的责任。 business [uncountable] the fact of a person or people buying goods or services at a shop or business(顾客对商店的)惠顾,光顾◆we're losing business to our main rivals.我们的生意正被主要竞争对手抢走。  ➡ see also do business → sell 2 business [countable] a commercial organization such as a company, shop or factory商业机构;企业;公司;商店;工厂◆i've decided to start my own business.我决定自己开公司。◆they've got a small catering business.他们做餐饮小生意。◆this legislation will hurt small businesses.这项法规将损害小企业。ⓘ business is a general term for commercial organizations of any type or size. * business 是任何类型或规模的商业机构的统称◆almost all businesses will be closed on christmas day (= shops, factories, offices, etc.).几乎所有的公司行号在圣诞节那天都关门。it is also used especially to talk about small organizations, including those run by a single person or family, without any employees. (a company or firm always has employees.) business is often used when people start up or set up in business for the first time. you can also have a big business but big business is used even more often as an uncountable noun to mean 'large companies as a group'. * business 尤指小生意,包括个人或家庭经营、没有雇员的小企业。(company 和 firm 则一定有雇员) business 常与 start up 或 set up 连用,表示初次创业。big business 可以是可数名词,指一家大公司,但更多时候是不可数名词,指视为一个整体的各大公司。  ➡ see also business → industry , business → trade business (usually used with an adjective通常与形容词连用) [singular] (rather informal, especially spoken) a matter, event or situation事情;事件;状况◆i found the whole business very depressing.我觉得整件事都令人很沮丧。◆that plane crash was a terrible business.那次飞机坠毁是十分可怕的事。◆the business of the missing tickets hasn't been sorted out.遗失票这件事还没解决呢。 business [countable] a particular type of activity that involves producing, buying, selling or providing goods or services for money商业;买卖;生意◆she works in the computer business.她从事电脑业。◆falling prices are wreaking havoc in the oil business.价格下跌使石油业遭受重创。ⓘ business places the emphasis more on the management activities involved in an industry or service, than on the physical work involved. it is used especially to talk about service industries. * business 更强调产业或服务业中的管理活动而非实际的工作,尤用以指服务业◆the catering / hotel / entertainment / advertising / insurance business餐饮业;酒店业;娱乐业;广告业;保险业it is also used to talk about very large industries that produce or trade in very basic products or raw materials, where it is a slightly more informal choice than industry, used especially in journalism. * business 亦可指生产或买卖基础产品或原材料的大型产业,略不如 industry 正式,尤用于新闻报道中◆the energy / oil / food business能源业;石油业;食品业  ➡ see also business → company , business → trade business [uncountable] work that is part of your job, especially work that involves talking and doing deals with other people in business商务;公事◆a business trip / lunch出差;工作午餐◆is the trip to rome business or pleasure?这次去罗马是出差还是游玩?◆she's away on business.她出差去了。opp pleasure → entertainment  ➡ see also the entry for business 2另见 business 条第 2 义 business [uncountable] the activity of producing, buying, selling or providing goods or services for money; the amount of work done by a company; the rate or quality of this work商业;买卖;生意;营业额;营业状况◆it's been a pleasure to do business with you.和你做买卖很愉快。◆she has set up in business as a hairdresser.她已经开店当美发师了。◆when he left school he went into business with his brother.他毕业后和哥哥去经商了。◆what line of business are you in?你从事什么行业?◆there are strong links between politics and big business (= large companies that have a lot of power and influence).政治和大企业之间有紧密联系。◆how's business?生意如何?◆if we close down for repairs, we'll lose business.如果停业整修,我们会失去生意的。◆ (especially name) stores are doing brisk business in wizard accessories and vampire kits.商店里魔法配件和吸血鬼套装卖得很火。ⓘ in british english it is more usual to say doing a brisk trade in sth.在英式英语中,更常说 be doing a brisk trade in sth。 ➡ see also business → company , business → industry , do business → sell verb 2 note 辨析 trade or business? trade is used slightly more to talk about buying and selling goods rather than services. business is often used when people are emphasizing the more personal aspects of these activities, such as making contacts, discussing and agreeing things and working together to provide goods or services. * trade 表示商品交易略多于服务交易。使用 business 时常更强调过程中人际交往的活动,如签订合同、洽谈、达成协议并合作提供商品或服务等。business/ˈbɪznəs ||; ˈbɪznɪs/noun1. [u] buying and selling as a way of earning money; commerce 生意;商业: ◇she's planning to set up in business as a hairdresser. 她打算做理发师的生意。◇i'm going to go into business with my brother. 我准备跟我的弟弟一起经商。◇they are very easy to do business with. 跟他们做生意很利落。 2. [u] the work that you do as your job 业务: ◇the manager will be away on business next week. 经理下周出差去。◇a business trip 出差 3. [u] the number of customers that a person or company has had 顾客量;生意额: ◇business has been good for the time of year. 这个时节生意一直挺不错。 4. [c] a firm, a shop, a factory, etc which produces or sells goods or provides a service 公司;商号: ◇she aims to start a business of her own. 她打算自己开公司。◇small businesses are finding it hard to survive at the moment. 这个时候,小企业要求生存很困难。 5. [u] something that concerns a particular person 跟某人有关的事情;本分: ◇the friends i choose are my business, not yours. 交什么样的朋友是我自己的事,你管不着。◇our business is to collect the information, not to comment on it. 我们的工作是搜集资料,不是就这些资料发表评论。◇‘how much did it cost?’ ‘it's none of your business! ’(= i don't want to tell you. it's private.) “这个花了多少钱?”“不关你的事!” 6. [u] important matters that need to be dealt with or discussed 须要处理或讨论的要事: ◇first we have some unfinished business from the last meeting to deal with. 首先,我们要处理上次会议没有解决的事情。 7. [sing] a situation or an event, especially one that is strange or unpleasant 事情,事件(尤指奇怪或令人不快的事情): ◇the divorce was an awful business. 离婚那事真叫人难堪。◇i found the whole business very depressing. 整件事情使我沮丧不已。 get down to business to start the work that has to be done 着手做(工作): ◇let's just have a cup of coffee before we get down to business. 我们先喝点咖啡再干活去吧。 go out of business to have to close because there is no more money available 倒闭: ◇the shop went out of business because it couldn't compete with the new supermarket. 这家商店不是那新开张的超级市场的对手,只好关门大吉。 have no business to do sth/doing sth to have no right to do sth 没有权利做某事: ◇you have no business to read/reading my letters without asking me. 没有我的同意你没有权利看我的信。 mind your own business→mind²monkey business→monkeybusiness1 the work that companies do2 the amount of business a company is doing3 relating to business4 to do business5 a business agreement6 someone who works in businessrelated wordswhen a business fails 生意失败 fail (8),see alsocompany,manager,money,profit,sell,buy,job,shop/store,1. the work that companies do 公司进行的业务 business /ˈbɪznɪs, ˈbɪznəs/ [uncountable noun] the work that companies do when they buy and sell goods and services 商业;贸易;生意 business in europe has been badly affected by economic conditions in asia. 欧洲的业务受到亚洲经济局势的不良影响。on business for business reasons 出差 she'll be back next week - she's in korea on business. 她下周回来—她去日本出差了。the advertising/computer/insurance business the work of companies that are involved in advertising, computers etc 广告业/电脑业/保险业 he's been in the advertising business for over 20 years now, and he wants to get out. 他从事广告业至今已二十多年,他想不干这一行了。have a head for business have a good understanding of business 有商业头脑 spending a year working for a big company will be good for him - at the moment he has no head for business at all. 在大公司工作一年对他有好处——现在他一点商业头脑都没有。 trade /treɪd/ [uncountable noun] the buying and selling of goods and services, especially between countries [尤指国家间的]贸易,买卖 trade with/between the introduction of the euro should make trade between european countries much easier. 欧元的使用应该能给欧洲各国间的贸易带来更多便利。trade in something the buying and selling of a particular kind of goods 某种商品的买卖 the trade in data processing between countries is likely to grow faster than the trade in goods. 各国间的数据处理贸易很可能比商品贸易增长得更快。trade agreement south korea and japan have signed an important trade agreement. 韩国与日本签订了一份重要的贸易协定。trade deficit when a country buys more goods from another country than it sells to that country 贸易赤字,贸易逆差 the trade deficit with china remains high. 与中国的贸易逆差仍然很高。trade embargo when a country refuses to buy goods from another country or sell goods to that country 贸易禁令 the u.s. has maintained a trade embargo against cuba since 1962. 美国从1962年起开始对古巴实施贸易禁运。balance of trade the difference between the amount a country buys and the amount it sells 贸易差额 strong exports of services helped the overall balance of trade. 强劲的服务输出有助于改善总体的贸易差额。world/international/overseas trade after agriculture, overseas trade accounts for the largest portion of the economy. 海外贸易排在农业之后占了经济的第二大份额。the fur/arms/diamond etc trade the buying and selling of fur, weapons etc 毛皮/军火/钻石等贸易 the war has created favorable conditions for the illegal arms trade. 这场战争为非法军火贸易创造了有利条件。 commerce /ˈkɒmɜːʳsǁˈkɑː-/ [uncountable noun] the buying and selling of goods and services, especially between companies or countries - use this to talk about these activities in general [尤指公司或国家间的]商业;商务;贸易[一般说法] one of the roles of the federal government is to regulate interstate commerce. 联邦政府的职责之一是管理州际贸易。 he had a genuine talent for commerce and soon had a brilliant career working for the world bank. 他具有经商的天赋,在世界银行的工作没用多久就极为成功。 industry /ˈɪndəstri/ [countable/uncountable noun] the production of large quantities of goods to sell to people, or the companies and people that are involved in this process 工业,产业,制造业 the region has tried to attract new industry in order to reduce unemployment. 该地区已设法吸引新的工业以降低失业率。the textile/motor/engineering etc industry many people moved from asia to work in the british textile industry, where jobs were plentiful. 许多人从亚洲移民到英国从事纺织业,那里有大量的就业机会。in industry she was looking for a management position in industry. 她想在制造业寻找一份管理工作。heavy industry the production of steel, cars, ships etc 重工业 the ruhr valley has always been the centre of german heavy industry. 鲁尔谷一向是德国重工业中心。light industry the production of goods such as electronic and electrical goods 轻工业 ireland is now a european center for light industry, like computer assembly. 爱尔兰现已成为欧洲的轻工业中心,譬如说电脑装配。 e-commerce /ˈiː ˌkɒmɜːʳsǁ-ˌkɑː-/ [uncountable noun] the buying and selling of goods and services on the internet 电子商务 e-commerce is still a small but fast-growing part of the u.s. economy. 电子商务仍是美国经济中规模较小但增长迅速的部分。 a conference to debate the future of e-commerce 探讨电子商务的未来的会议 operations /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənzǁˌɑːp-/ [plural noun] a company's operations are all its activities, especially in one country or one area of business [公司的]经营;[尤指在一个国家或一个商业领域内的]业务 uk/us/overseas/international etc operations salco may have to close down its uk operations with the loss of 1500 jobs. 萨尔科公司可能被迫停止在英国的业务,这将使1,500人失业。 he was an important decision maker in terms of gm's overseas operations. 他是通用汽车公司海外业务的重要决策者。 dealings /ˈdiːlɪŋz/ [plural noun] business activities, especially those that involve the movement of money between companies, countries, banks etc [尤指公司、国家、银行间的]商业活动;交易 the company had to pay a lot of tax on its financial dealings during the past tax year. 该公司要为其上一个税务年度内所进行的金融交易付大量的税款。dealings with mr stockwell's dealings with several third world banks are currently under investigation. 斯托克韦尔先生与几家第三世界银行所进行的交易目前正在接受调查。 venture /ˈventʃəʳ/ [countable noun] a new business activity which involves risking money 风险项目;商业冒险 the group is planning to risk everything to get their next venture off the ground. 为了使下一个风险项目顺利开展,该集团打算把公司的一切都押作赌注。business venture his bankruptcy was the result of several reckless business ventures. 他的破产是由几次鲁莽的商业冒险活动所致。joint venture ford has invested $125 million in a joint venture to build engines in china. 福特公司在一个合营项目中投资了1.25亿美元在中国生产汽车发动机。2. the amount of business a company is doing 公司的业务量 business /ˈbɪznɪs, ˈbɪznəs/ [uncountable noun] a company is successful/not successful 业务情况;营业额 business is really bad at the moment. they may have to sell some of their factories overseas. 目前的业务情况很糟糕。也许他们得卖掉一些在海外的工厂。 business was good until june and then sales fell because people were on vacation. 营业额到6月份仍表现良好,但此后由于人们出外度假,销量便下降了。business is booming business is very good 生意兴隆 in the old days, when business was booming, he used to fly to new york twice a week. 以前当生意兴隆时,他一周要乘飞机去纽约两次。something is good for business building the new highway will be good for business. 建造这条新公路将为贸易带来好处。 turnover /ˈtɜːʳnəʊvəʳ/ [singular noun] the amount of goods or services that a company sells in a particular period of time [公司在某段时期的]营业额 our corporation has an annual turnover of $3.2 billion. 我们公司每年的营业额达32亿美元。 turnover is expected to double now that the recession is over. 经济衰退期已过,估计营业额将翻一番。 sales /seɪlz/ [plural noun] the amount of goods or services that a company sells 销售额 sales have been far better than expected. 销售额比预期的要好得多。 these firms report sales of between 10 and 20 million dollars a year. 这些公司表示每年的销售额在1,000万到2,000万元之间。sales figures information about how much has been sold 销售数字 december sales figures will be released on thursday. 12月份的销售数字将于星期四公布。3. relating to business 与商贸有关的 business /ˈbɪznɪs, ˈbɪznəs/ [adjective only before noun] during the first week of the secretarial course we learned how to write business letters. 上秘书课的第一周,我们学会了如何写商业信函。 most of the women there were wearing business suits. 那里的大部分女士都穿职业套装。business trip/lunch/meeting a trip, meal etc arranged for business reasons not pleasure 公差/商务午餐/商务会议 he's in tokyo on a business trip. 他出差到东京去了。business associate someone you do business with 生意伙伴 i've known mr henry for years. he's one of my father's old business associates. 我认识亨利先生许多年了。他是我父亲在生意上的一个老伙伴。 commercial /kəˈmɜːʳʃəl/ [adjective only before noun] a commercial activity or organization is concerned with the business of buying and selling goods and services 商业的;商务的 his first commercial venture was opening a small corner shop. 他的第一次商业冒险就是在街角开了个小店。 the british empire was established for commercial as well as political reasons. 大英帝国是基于商业及政治理由而建立的。 the space shuttle is being used more and more for commercial purposes. 航天飞机被越来越多地用于商业目的。 commercially [adverb] relating to whether something is successful and makes a profit: 从商业的角度来看 commercially, the movie was a disaster. 从商业的角度看,这部影片是彻底失败的。 industrial /ɪnˈdʌstriəl/ [adjective usually before noun] relating to the production of goods in factories 工业的 the government is giving high priority to industrial development. 该政府视工业发展为重点项目。 industrial waste 工业废料4. to do business 做生意 do business /ˌduː ˈbɪznə̇s/ [verb phrase] if a company does business with another company, it buys things from them or sells things to them 做生意 i hope you'll think about my offer. i'm sure we can do business. 希望你能考虑一下我方的报价。我相信我们能做成这笔生意。do business with they do a lot of business with italian companies. 他们与意大利公司有大量生意往来。 she's very efficient - the kind of person you want to do business with. 她办事很有效率—是那种你愿意与之做生意的人。do good business do a lot of successful business 生意做得很成功 they've been doing very good business lately. they'll probably even expand their operations. 最近他们的生意一直非常好。他们甚至有可能扩大业务。 be in business /biː ɪn ˈbɪznə̇s/ [verb phrase] if someone is in business they own a company or shop 经商,做生意 in all the twenty years i've been in business this is the worst period i've seen for sales. 我做了20年的生意,这是我所经历过的最糟糕的销售期。 the insurance companies are in business to make money, not waste it. 保险公司做生意是为了赚钱而非浪费金钱。set up in business british start a company, shop etc 【英】创业;办公司 when i qualified i set up in business as a financial consultant. 我取得资格之后开办了一家金融咨询公司。 deal with /ˈdiːl wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to buy goods from another company or person, or sell goods to them 与[公司或个人]做生意 i deal with farmers, selling them things like cattle feed and insecticides. 我与农场主做生意,向他们出售牛饲料及杀虫剂等东西。 they don't buy their office supplies from a store - they only deal with the manufacturers. 他们不是从商店里买办公室用品的—他们只向生产商订购。 we don't deal with the actors directly - we usually have to go through their agents. 我们不直接与演员们接触—通常要通过他们的经纪人。 deal in /ˈdiːl ɪn something/ [transitive phrasal verb] to do business buying or selling a particular product 经营[某种产品] companies that deal in oil should prepare themselves for a price drop. 做石油生意的公司应对价格下跌及早做好准备。 the main commodities he dealt in were rice, and lentils. 他经营的商品主要是大米和小扁豆。 trade /treɪd/ [intransitive verb] if a country or large organization trades with another country or large organization, they buy, sell, or exchange goods with each other 与[国家或大机构]进行贸易 trade with the two nations have not traded with each other for over 30 years. 这两个国家已有三十多年没有贸易往来了。trading partner a country that regularly does business with another country 贸易伙伴 japan is one of our major trading partners. 日本是我们的主要贸易伙伴之一。 operate /ˈɒpəreɪtǁˈɑː-/ [intransitive verb] if a company or organization operates it takes part in business activities, especially in one country or in one kind of business 经营[尤指在一个国家或某一商业领域内] olivetti operates in all the major computer markets in the world. 奥利维提公司在全世界所有主要的电脑市场上都有业务。 screenview are a small company operating from a converted barn in a village near norwich. 斯克林维是一家小公司,他们在诺里奇附近的村庄内一个经过改建的仓库内经营。5. a business agreement 商业协议 deal /diːl/ [countable noun] a business agreement between two companies, especially when one company agrees to provide goods or services, and another company agrees to buy them 交易;买卖 wickes lost a lot of money on two large property deals. 威克斯在两大宗房地产交易中赔了许多钱。deal with they agreed a $55 million deal with a leading japanese automobile company. 他们同意与一家主要的日本汽车公司做一笔5,500万美元的生意。sign a deal taylor recently signed a deal to lease her three-bedroom home for $14,000. 泰勒最近签了一份租约,把她有三个卧室的住房以14,000美元的价钱出租了。finalize a deal complete it 完成交易 it is expected that the deal will be finalized before the end of may. 估计这笔交易将于5月底之前完成。 transaction /trænˈzækʃən/ [countable noun] a business deal between two or more people or companies in which money is given and something is bought or sold [一笔]交易;业务 when the transaction is complete it will be at least two weeks before you receive your copy of the contract. 这笔交易完成后,至少再过两个星期你才能收到合同副本。 most transactions are processed by computer at our head office. 大部分交易都是由我们总部的电脑处理的。6. someone who works in business 在商界工作的人 businessman/businesswoman/businessperson /ˈbɪznɪsmən, ˈbɪznəsmən, ˈbɪz nə̇sˌwʊmən, ˈbɪznə̇sˌpɜːʳsən/ [countable noun] someone who works in business, especially as the owner or manager of a company 商人;女商人[尤指公司的老板或经理] tim knight is a high-powered businessman who runs his own electronics company. 蒂姆·奈特是个干劲十足的商人,管理着自己的一家电子公司。 a successful businesswoman, she had made her first million before she was 21. 她是个成功的商人,不到21岁就挣了她的第一个一百万。 entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜːʳǁˌɑːn-/ [countable noun] someone who is willing to risk their money in order to make a profit or start a new company 企业家;创业者 the bay area is full of entrepreneurs hoping to make money on the internet. 海湾区域有许多满怀希望要靠互联网发财的创业者。 a few months ago a young property entrepreneur bought a vacant house, redecorated it and sold it for twice the original value. 几个月前,一位年轻的房地产商人买下一幢空房子,重新装修之后便以原价两倍的价钱卖出。 busi·ness /`bɪznɪs; ˈbɪznɪs/n 1. [u] the activity of producing, buying, or selling goods or services 生意,交易,买卖,商业:◇do business with we do a lot of business with people in rome. 我们和罗马人做很多生意。 2. go into business/go out of business to start a new company, or to close a company because it is not making enough money 做生意/停业:◇pam's going into business with her sister. 帕姆准备和她的姐姐一起开公司。◇many small companies have recently gone out of business. 最近许多小公司倒闭了。 3. [u] the work that you do as your job to earn money 职业,工作,差事:◇on business (=because of your job) 出差: al's gone to japan on business. 阿尔出差去了日本。 4. [u] the amount of work a company is doing, or the amount of money a company is making 交易量; 营业额:◇business is good/bad/slow etc business is always slow during the winter. 生意在冬季总是很清淡。 5. [c] an organization that produces or sells goods or services 工厂; 公司; 企业; 商店:◇run a business graham runs a printing business. 格雷厄姆经营着一家印刷厂。 6. [u] spoken something about your life that you do not think other people have the right to know 【口】 私事:◇"are you going out with ben tonight?" "that's my business." “今晚你要和本出去吗?”“那是我的私事。”◇none of your business it's none of your business how much i earn. 我赚多少钱不关你的事。◇mind your own business (=used to tell someone in a direct way that something is private) 管好你自己的事,别多管闲事 7. [singular 单数] a subject, event, or activity that you have a particular opinion of 事物; 事情:◇rock climbing can be a risky business. 攀岩运动可能是件危险的事。 8. get down to business to start dealing with an important subject 着手处理重要的事 9. mean business informal to be determined to do something 【非正式】 认真干起来 10. have no business doing sth if someone has no business doing something, they should not do it 无权做某事,不应该做某事 ☞ business




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