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单词 ice
释义 ice nounadjective | ... of ice | verb + ice | ice + verb | ice + noun | preposition adjective➤thick厚实的冰层◆is the ice thick enough to walk on?冰层是否厚到可以在上面行走?➤thin (often figurative) 薄冰◆you're skating on thin ice (= you're taking a risk).你这是在冒险。➤melting正在消融的冰➤crushed碎冰◆the glass was filled with green liquid and crushed ice.玻璃杯里装满了绿色液体和碎冰。➤black黑冰;透明薄冰◆motorists have been warned about black ice on the roads.已经提醒机动车司机当心路面有很薄的冰层。➤pack, sea (especially bre) (海上的)大片浮冰;海冰... of ice➤block, slab一块冰;一大片冰◆the spray froze and formed great blocks of ice on the front of the ship.浪花在船头冻成了大块的冰坨。verb + ice➤form结冰ice + verb➤form冰层形成◆ice had formed on the pond.池塘结冰了。➤crack, melt冰面裂开;冰融化◆the ice was beginning to melt.冰开始融化了。ice + noun➤cube冰块➤bucket冰桶➤water (name) (iced water in bre) 冰水➤skate冰鞋➤dancing, skating冰上舞蹈;溜冰➤show (= performed by skaters) 冰上表演➤rink溜冰场➤hockey (usually just hockey in name) 冰球(运动)➤time (in ice hockey冰球) 控球时间◆he averaged more than ten minutes of ice time (= playing) per game.他每场平均控球时间超过 10 分钟。➤sculpture冰雕➤axe/ax, pick冰镐;碎冰锥➤cap, field, floe, sheet, shelf冰盖;冰原;浮冰;极地冰原;冰架preposition➤on (the) ice在冰面上◆people were skating on the ice.人们在溜冰。ice¹/aɪs ||; aɪs/noun [u] water that has frozen and become solid 冰: ◇do you want ice in your orange juice? 你的橙汁里要不要搁点冰?◇i slipped on a patch of ice. 我踩在冰块上,滑倒了。◇black ice (= ice on roads, that cannot be seen easily) 黑冰(结在马路上不易被察觉的冰) break the ice to say or do sth that makes people feel more relaxed, especially at the beginning of a party or meeting 使气氛活跃宽松(尤指聚会、会议开始时): ◇she smiled to break the ice. 她一笑就使气氛活跃起来。 cut no ice (with sb) to have no influence or effect on sb 没有影响;不起作用: ◇his excuses cut no ice with me. 他的借口说服不了我。 on ice 1. (used about wine, etc) kept cold by being surrounded by ice (指酒等)冰镇的 2. (used about a plan, etc) waiting to be dealt with later; delayed (指计划等)暂搁着,以后再处理: ◇we've had to put our plans to go to australia on ice for the time being. 我们暂且得把澳大利亚之行的计划搁一搁。 ice²/aɪs ||; aɪs/(especially us 尤为美 frost) verb [t] to decorate a cake by covering it with a mixture of sugar, butter, chocolate, etc 往糕饼上撒(用糖、黄油、巧克力等混合而成的)糖霜 ☞look at icing. 参看icing。 ice (sth) over/up to cover sth or become covered with ice 以冰覆盖…;被冰覆盖: ◇the windscreen of the car had iced over in the night. 一夜之间,汽车的挡风玻璃上结满了冰。 ice• ⇨ put sth on ice/put sth on the back burner☞ ice¹☞ ice²




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