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单词 efficient/not efficient
释义 efficient/not efficient1 organization/system/method2 machine3 person4 to make a business or system more efficient5 not efficientrelated wordssee alsoorganize,1. organization/system/method 组织/体系/方法 efficient /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] an efficient organization, method, or system is one in which all the parts work well together and good results are achieved without any money or time being wasted [组织、方法或体系有效率的 the passport office seems very efficient - i got a new passport in just 48 hours. 护照办公室好像工作效率非常高—仅48小时我就拿到了新的护照。 we need more efficient methods of transporting goods. 我们需要更加有效的方法来运输货物。 efficiently [adverb] under the new management, the business is working much more efficiently. 在新管理层的领导下,企业效率大大提高。 well-organized also well-organised british /ˌwel ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd◂/ [adjective] organized in a careful and efficient way, and therefore likely to be successful 很有条理的 the exhibition was very well-organized. 展览会组织得很有条理。 it was a well-organized demonstration, in which about 1000 people took part. 这是一场很有组织的示威游行,大约有1,000人参加。 more employers now have well-financed and well-organized health promotion programs within the workplace. 现在有越来越多的雇员在工作场所享有经费充足、安排有序的保健推广计划。 well-run /ˌwel ˈrʌn◂/ [adjective] use this about an organization or business that is successful and efficient because the people in charge organize it well 管理有方的;经营良好的 the klausner is a comfortable, well-run hotel. 克劳斯纳宾馆是一家舒适、管理有方的宾馆。 public transport in this country is well-run and inexpensive. 本国的公共交通井然有序,车资也便宜。 well-oiled machine /ˌwel ɔɪld məˈʃiːn/ [singular noun] an organization or system that is very efficient and operates easily, without any problems 上足油的机器[指组织十分有效率或系统运转顺利] run/work like a well-oiled machine the administration runs like a well-oiled machine. 政府犹如一台上好油的机器,运作非常顺利。 smooth /smuːð/ [adjective] efficient and without problems or difficulties 顺利的 to ensure a smooth change-over, we'd like you to start work one week before your predecessor leaves. 为保证顺利交接,我们希望你在前任离任前一周来上班。 frontpage is a software program that helps to organize the entire web site so that it works in a smooth fashion. frontpage是帮助组建整个网站并使它顺利运作的一个软件。 the main responsibility of the project co-ordinator is to ensure the smooth running of the department. 项目协调员的主要责任是确保部门顺利运作。 smoothly [adverb] the rescue was carried out smoothly and with the minimum of fuss. 救援行动进行得很顺利,没有引起什么慌乱。2. machine 机器 efficient /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] use this about a machine that works well and produces good results without any money or time being wasted 效率高的,高效能的 this is the most efficient and economical washing machine on the market. 这是市场上效率最高、最为经济的洗衣机。 my new computer's much faster and more efficient than the old one was. 我的新电脑比以前那台速度快很多,效率也高很多。energy efficient using less gas, oil etc than other systems, machines etc 节能的 modern houses are much more energy efficient 现代的房子比以前的房子节能多了。 an energy efficient heating system 节能的供暖系统 efficiently [adverb] work/run efficiently the shower doesn't seem to be working very efficiently at the moment. 淋浴器这阵子好像不大灵。 economical /ˌekəˈnɒmɪkəl, ˌiə-ǁ-ˈnɑː-/ [adjective] a machine or vehicle that is economical is not expensive to use or run because it does not use much electricity, oil, gas etc [机器或交通工具]经济的;节约的 people should be encouraged to buy smaller, more economical cars with fewer toxic emissions. 应该鼓励人们购买有毒烟气排放量小的经济型车辆。 the unipot does the work of several saucepans, and is very economical. 多功能锅集好几种锅的功能于一身,非常经济实用。economical on i'd like to buy a car that is more economical on petrol. 我想买一辆更节油的汽车。3. person 人 efficient /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] someone who is efficient works well and does what needs to be done without wasting time 办事效率高的 for a successful business, friendly and efficient staff are essential. 对一家成功的企业来说,员工态度友好、办事效率高是最基本的。 the doctor was cheerful and efficient, which immediately made me feel more relaxed. 医生乐观而干练,这使我立即放松了许多。 efficiently [adverb] the secretary dealt with all our inquiries very efficiently. 秘书干练地回答了我们所有的问题。 efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsi/ [uncountable noun] an efficient way of working 效率 i was impressed by her speed and efficiency. 我对她的速度和效率印象很深刻。 the management seems to expect staff to be constantly achieving higher levels of efficiency and productivity. 管理层好像希望员工不断地提高效率和生产力。 effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ [adjective] someone who is effective, especially someone in a position of authority, deals quickly and successfully with the work they have to do [尤指掌权的人]办事干练有效的,有能力的 an effective teacher will always produce better exam results. 有能力的老师总能取得好的考试成绩。 what we need is a tough and effective leader with a sense of direction . 我们需要的是一位严厉而能干、有方向感的领导。 effectively [adverb] it's the responsibility of the head teacher to deal effectively with any behavioural problems. 有效处理学生的行为问题是校长的职责。 effectiveness [uncountable noun] the course is designed to help you improve your effectiveness how effective you are in managing people. 这门课程的目的是帮助你提高管理能力。 capable /ˈkeɪpəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is capable does things well and confidently and does not need anyone else's help or advice 能干的;有能力的 all the staff at the nursing home seemed very capable. 疗养院的所有员工好像都非常能干。 they've got a very capable lawyer working on the case. 他们有一位非常能干的律师在处理这个案件。 rebecca was, without question, the most capable technician on the team. 毫无疑问,丽贝卡是这个组里最能干的技术员。 capably [adverb] mr stevenson chaired the meeting firmly and capably. 史蒂文森先生干练有力地主持了会议。 well-organized also well-organised british /ˌwel ˈɔːʳgənaɪzd◂/ [adjective] someone who is well-organized plans things well so that they achieve what they want to achieve 做事有条不紊的 if you work as a personal assistant, you need to be well-organized. 如果你当私人助理,做事就需要有条不紊。 well-organized rebel forces have succeeded in recapturing the town. 严整有序的叛军成功地夺回小镇。 businesslike /ˈbɪznɪs-laɪk, ˈbɪznəs-laɪk/ [adjective] someone who is businesslike deals with people effectively and does not waste time on things that are not important 务实的,讲究实效的 as a lawyer, you have to be controlled and businesslike at all times. 作为律师,必须任何时候都要冷静克制,讲究效率。 gates gave a brief, businesslike explanation of his plans for the company. 盖茨对公司的计划作了简要务实的解释。 run a tight ship /rʌn ə ˌtaɪt ˈʃɪp/ [verb phrase] to manage a business or company very efficiently, especially by having strict rules and by not allowing the people working there to have much freedom 对[企业或公司]严格管理 we run a very tight ship here, and we expect all our employees to be at their desks by nine o'clock. 我们这里的管理很严格—我们希望所有员工9点以前都必须坐到办公桌旁。 productive /prəˈdʌktɪv/ [adjective] someone who is productive does a job efficiently and with good results, because they work faster than most people or do more work than most people 多产的;工作有成效的 studies show that if screen workers have short but frequent breaks they become much more productive. 研究显示坐在电脑屏幕前工作的人如果经常有短时间休息,他们的工作效率就会提高许多。 the most productive members of staff are rewarded by financial bonuses. 工作效率最高的员工可获发奖金。4. to make a business or system more efficient 使企业或制度更有效率 improve/increase efficiency /ɪmˌpruːv, ɪnˌkriːs ɪˈfɪʃənsi/ [verb phrase] we must increase efficiency and reduce costs if we are to make a profit this year. 今年若要有盈利,我们就必须提高效率、降低成本。 the company has concentrated on encouraging worker involvement and improving efficiency. 公司把重点放在鼓励工人参与、提高工作效率上。 less complex business processes can reduce costs and improve efficiency and quality. 简化业务手续可降低成本,提高效率和质量。 streamline /ˈstriːmlaɪn/ [transitive verb] to make the processes of a business or system simpler so that it operates more quickly and more efficiently 提高…的效率;精简 we have streamlined the whole business by introducing a new computer system. 我们引进了一个新的计算机系统,从而提高了整个公司的效率。 people are calling for steps to reform the juvenile justice system, including streamlining the process of prosecuting young offenders. 人们在呼吁采取措施改革青少年司法体系,包括简化起诉少年犯的程序。 rationalize also rationalise british /ˈræʃənəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to make a business or system more efficient by making it quicker, more modern, and less wasteful 对[企业或体制]进行合理化改革 since the administrative side of the business has been rationalized, all departments have become more efficient. 自从企业的管理方面进行了合理化改革之后,所有部门的效率都提高了。 the budget proposed selling off $1,300 million worth of state-run enterprises and rationalizing the tax structure. 预算提议出售价值13亿美元的国有企业和对税务结构进行合理化改革。 rationalization /ˌræʃənəlaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-lə-/ [uncountable noun] rationalization within the industry means that some workers may lose their jobs. 业内的合理化改革意味着一些工人可能会失业。5. not efficient 无效率的 inefficient /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃənt, ˌɪnəˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] something or someone that is inefficient does not work as well as they should or could, in a way that wastes time, money, or effort 无效率的;效率低的 the postal service in this country is very inefficient. 该国的邮政服务效率非常低。 inefficient management leads to poor employee performance. 管理不力导致员工表现不佳。 inefficiency [uncountable noun] because of our lawyer's inefficiency, we had to wait another month before moving into our new house. 由于律师办事效率低,我们不得不再等一个月才能搬入新居。 ineffectual /ˌɪnɪˈfektʃuəl◂, ˌɪnəˈfektʃuəl◂/ [adjective] a person or organization that is ineffectual is not able to get things done because they are not good enough or do not have a strong character [人或组织]无能的;无威望的 the police were completely ineffectual in this matter. 警方在这件事上表现得非常无能。 he's a nice enough man, but rather ineffectual as a team captain. 他人很好,但作为球队队长则相当无能。 the problems were made worse by the ineffectual political leadership of the coalition. 这些问题由于联合政府的政治领导班子无能而变得更加严重。 ineffective /ˌɪnɪˈfektɪv, ˌɪnəˈfektɪv/ [adjective] someone who is ineffective, especially someone in a position of authority, is not able to deal successfully with the work they have to do [尤指掌权的人]无能的 i sometimes feel that she is just totally ineffective in this job. 有时我觉得她根本没有能力做这份工作。 a combination of ineffective management and inadequate investment brought about this collapse. 管理不力,加上投资不足,导致了此次倒闭。 badly-run /ˌbædli ˈrʌn◂/ [adjective] an organization that is badly-run produces bad results because it is badly managed [组织]管理不善的 the club was badly run and had to close after only six months. 俱乐部管理不善,才运作了六个月就不得不关闭。 a badly-run company 一家管理不善的公司




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