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单词 alienation
释义 alienation nounadjective | verb + alienation | preposition | phrases adjective➤growing, increasing越来越疏远➤widespread普遍的异化➤cultural, political, social文化上的/政治上的/社会上的疏离感◆such policies foster social alienation and discontent.这样的政策助长人们对社会的疏离感和不满情绪。verb + alienation➤experience感受疏远感➤express表达疏远感preposition➤alienation from与⋯的疏远◆his growing alienation from his family他与家人越来越疏远phrases➤a feeling of alienation, a sense of alienation疏远感◆there is a growing feeling of alienation among young people.年轻人越来越有一种疏离感。 alienation /eɪliəneɪʃn/ noun [uncountable] (hr 人力资源) a feeling that some employees have that their work is not important and they are not a valuable part of their company or organization 疏离(雇员认为自身的工作不重要,在公司或组织中不受重视)☞ alienation alienation /eɪliəneɪʃn/ [uncountable] a situation in which sb becomes less friendly or sympathetic towards you; a situation in which sb feels that they do not belong in a particular group疏远;不友好;(与某群体)格格不入◆the new policy resulted in the alienation of many voters.新政策导致许多选民疏远了。◆many immigrants suffer from a feeling of alienation.许多移民因感到不能融入当地社会而苦恼。☞ alienate alienation /ˏelɪən`eʃən; ˌeɪliəˈneɪʃən/n [u]◇a feeling of alienation from society 一种与社会疏远的感觉




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