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单词 effect
释义 effect noun¹ 1change that is caused by sth引起的变化adjective | verb + effect | effect + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤decisive, dramatic, far-reaching, important, marked, powerful, profound, pronounced, significant, strong决定性的影响;惊人的影响;深远的影响;重大的影响;明显的影响;强有力的影响▸➤marginal, minimal, modest, negligible不大的影响;微小的影响;微不足道的影响▸➤➤main, major, principal主要影响;重要影响▸➤full全面的影响◆the full effects of the new tax have not yet been felt.还未感受到新税的全面影响。➤no apparent, no appreciable, no detectable, no discernible, no measurable, no noticeable, no visible不明显的影响;无法觉察到的影响;不可辨别的影响;不可衡量的影响;看不出来的影响◆the drug was devoid of any apparent effect.该药物没有明显的药效。◆there was no discernible effect on cell growth.看不出来对细胞的生长有什么影响。➤likely, possible, potential, predictable, probable很可能的/可能的/潜在的/可预测的/或许会有的影响▸➤subtle微妙的影响▸➤disproportionate不相称的影响▸➤residual残留的影响▸➤adverse, catastrophic, crippling, damaging, debilitating, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, devastating, disastrous, harmful, ill, negative, serious, traumatic, undesirable, unfortunate负面的影响;灾难性的影响;毁灭性的影响;有害的影响;不利的影响;消极的影响;严重的影响◆the crippling effect of sanctions on the economy制裁对经济产生的毁灭性后果◆he didn't seem to have suffered any ill effects from his fall.他跌的那一跤好像并没有给他造成什么不良后果。➤chilling激冷效应◆it's a policy that will have a chilling effect on free speech.这项政策对言论自由会产生激冷效应。➤destabilizing, stabilizing不稳定的/稳定的影响➤the opposite相反的效果◆his comment was intended to calm the situation but it had the opposite effect.他的评论本意是稳定形势,但适得其反。➤unintended意外的影响▸➤beneficial, positive, salutary有益的影响;积极的影响▸➤the desired预期的效果◆we had problems with mosquitoes, but this spray had the desired effect.我们这儿有蚊子侵扰,幸好这种喷剂效果很是理想。➤moderating (especially name) 调节作用▸➤magical, remarkable不可思议的效力;显著的效果◆giving up smoking had a magical effect on his stamina.戒烟神奇地增强了他的体力。➤immediate立竿见影的效果▸➤direct, indirect直接的/间接的影响▸➤short-term短期的影响▸➤lasting, long-term, permanent持久的影响;长期的影响▸➤domino, knock-on, ripple, spillover, trickle-down多米诺骨牌效应;连锁效应;连带影响;涓滴效应◆any delay in delivery of materials will have a knock-on effect throughout the production process.延误生产材料运送会对整个生产过程产生连锁影响。 (see also side effect) ➤practical实际效果▸➤aggregate, combined, cumulative, net, overall总体的/联合的/累加的/实际的/全面的影响▸➤deterrent遏制性的影响◆the deterrent effect of the death penalty has long been questioned.死刑的威慑作用长期以来受到质疑。➤inhibitory抑制作用◆the drug has well-documented inhibitory effects on sexual function.有充分证据表明,这种药对性功能有抑制作用。➤calming, hypnotic, sedative, soothing, soporific镇静效果;催眠效果▸➤therapeutic治疗效果➤protective保护效力▸➤placebo安慰剂效果➤toxic毒害作用▸➤inflationary通胀效应▸➤corrosive腐蚀的后果▸➤greenhouse温室效应◆policies to reduce emissions of gases which cause the greenhouse effect减少引起温室效应的气体排放的各项政策verb + effect➤bring about, exert, have, produce产生作用;施加影响◆the drug exerts a powerful effect on the brain.这种药对大脑影响很大。➤take生效◆the medicine started to take effect after a few minutes.几分钟后药物开始见效。➤experience, feel, suffer, suffer from体验影响;感到影响;受到影响◆women feel the effects of alcohol more quickly than men.女性会比男性更快地感受到酒精的作用。➤recover from从⋯的影响中恢复▸➤note, observe注意/观察效果➤detect探测效果▸➤demonstrate, exhibit, illustrate, reveal, show展示/显现/说明/透露/显示效果▸➤analyse/analyze, assess, determine, estimate, evaluate, examine, explore, investigate, measure, monitor, quantify, study, test分析影响;评估影响;确定影响;研究影响;量化影响;测算影响➤document以文献记录效果◆i am interested in documenting the effects of international events on ordinary people.我对记录国际事件对普通人的影响很感兴趣。➤compare比较效果▸➤blunt, buffer, cushion, diminish, lessen, limit, minimize, mitigate, reduce, soften减弱影响;缓解影响;限制影响;使影响降至最小◆to minimize the effects of economic change最大程度减少经济变革造成的影响➤ameliorate改善效果▸➤cancel out, eliminate, negate, nullify消除影响;抵消影响▸➤counter, counteract, counterbalance, moderate, neutralize, offset对抗影响;抵消影响➤block, combat, suppress阻止/抵制/压制影响◆a face cream designed to combat the effects of age设计用于抗衰老的面霜➤overcome克服影响➤reverse逆转效果▸➤amplify, compound, enhance, exacerbate, magnify, maximize扩大/增大/增强/加速/放大/最大程度上扩大影响➤mimic, simulate模仿/模拟效果◆drugs which mimic the effects of hormones类激素药物➤avoid避免影响▸➤aim at旨在达到效果◆that is precisely the effect i was aiming at.那正是我想要达到的效果。➤be worried about, fear担心/害怕影响▸➤overestimate, underestimate高估/低估影响▸➤ignore, neglect忽略影响➤predict预测影响➤describe, explain描述/解释影响effect + verb➤exist, occur影响发生/存在▸➤spread影响扩大▸➤last效果持续➤arise from sth, result from sth影响由⋯产生/造成◆the serious health effects which result from obesity过度肥胖对健康造成的严重影响➤disappear, wear off影响消失/逐渐消失◆how soon will the effects of the drug wear off?药效多久会消失?➤differ, vary影响不同/不一preposition➤in effect实际上◆the border closure meant, in effect, that no trade took place between the countries.边境关闭实际上意味着两国间不再有贸易往来。➤to this effect, to that effect大致是这样/大致是那样的意思◆they told us to go away, or words to that effect.他们说了让我们走开之类的话。➤with... effect有⋯的影响◆the plague struck again with devastating effect.瘟疫以横扫之势再次来袭。➤effect on, effect upon对⋯的影响◆the dry weather had an adverse effect on the potato crops.天气干燥对土豆生长不利。phrases➤cause and effect原因和结果◆key historical concepts such as cause and effect像原因和结果这种关键性的历史概念➤to little effect, to no effect近乎/完全无效◆the air conditioning came on, to little effect.空调开了,可没什么效果。effect noun² 2use of an official rule, plan, etc.规划或计划的实行adjective | verb + effect | preposition adjective➤immediate即时实施verb + effect➤come into生效◆the new regulations come into effect next month.新规定下个月开始生效。➤bring sth into, put sth into实行⋯;使⋯生效◆the recommendations will soon be put into effect.建议将很快被付诸实践。preposition➤in effect有效◆some laws from the 18th century are still in effect.18 世纪的一些法律仍然有效。➤with effect生效◆the bank has cut interest rates with immediate effect.银行降低利率,即时生效。effect noun³ 3impression that a speaker, book, performance, etc. gives说话者、书籍或表演等给人留下的印象adjective | verb + effect | preposition adjective➤dramatic, startling, striking, stunning强烈的效果;惊人的效果;绝妙的效果▸➤maximum, optimum最佳效果▸➤the desired理想的效果◆i found that by adding white i could achieve the desired effect.我发现添加白色可以达到理想的效果。➤overall总体效果◆the overall effect of the painting is overwhelming.这幅画的整体效果棒极了。verb + effect➤give (sth), have(给⋯)带来效果;产生效果◆the stage lighting gives the effect of a moonlit scene.舞台灯光产生月夜景色的效果。➤achieve, create达到/创造出效果▸➤enhance, heighten加强效果◆the dramatic effect was heightened by her black dress and dead white face.她黑色的裙子和煞白的脸加强了戏剧效果。➤spoil破坏效果preposition➤for... effect为了达到⋯效果◆'you know why i'm here?' doug paused for maximum effect.“你知道我为什么来这里吗?”道格停顿了一下,以达到最佳效果。➤to... effect以产生⋯的效果◆she uses animal sounds to startling effect in her music.她在音乐里运用动物的声音以产生惊人的效果。effect noun⁴ 4techniques used when making sth创作过程中运用的技巧adjective➤special特殊效果▸➤cinematic电影效果▸➤audio, sound听觉/音响效果▸➤optical, visual光影/视觉效果▸➤lighting灯光效果▸➤elaborate精心设计的效果▸➤digital数字技术效果effect /ɪfekt/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] a change that sb/sth causes in sb/sth else; a result 效应;影响;结果;效果◆the fall in tourism is having an adverse effect on business. 游客数量的下跌对商业造成了消极影响。◆what are the long-term effects of this strategy? 这一策略的长远影响是甚么?◆we are still feeling the effects of the stock-market crash. 我们仍然能感觉到股市崩溃产生的影响。◆excluding the effect of exchange rates, profits grew 9.7% last year. 剔除汇率的影响,去年利润增长了 9.7%。⨁ to have / produce an effect (on sth)(对某事)有/产生影响 ⨁ a big / dramatic / significant effect大的/巨大的/重大的影响 ⨁ little / no effect几乎没有/没有影响 ⨁ an adverse / a damaging / harmful / negative effect不利的/破坏性的/有害的/负面的影响 ⨁ a beneficial / positive effect有益的/正面的影响 ⨁ to feel / suffer the effects (of sth)感到/遭受(某事的)影响 ⨁ to counter / offset / reverse the effects (of sth)抵制/抵消/彻底改变(某事的)影响 effects [plural] (formal, only used in written english 只用于书面英语) your personal possessions (个人)财产,财物◆the insurance policy covers all baggage and personal effects. 这份保单承保全部行李和私人物品。 ●bring/put sth into effectto cause sth to come into use 使生效;实行;实施◆the recommendations will soon be put into effect. 这些建议将立即付诸实施。●come into effectto come into use; to begin to apply 生效;开始实施◆new controls come into effect next month. 下个月开始实施新的管制措施。●in effect(about a law or rule) in use (法律或规则)有效,在实施中◆these laws are in effect in twenty states. 这些法律在二十个州实施。●take effectto come into use; to begin to apply 生效;开始实施◆the new pricing structure will take effect from 1 july. 新的定价结构于 7 月 1 日起生效。●to the effect that … ●to this/that effect (formal) used in formal or legal documents to say that what has been written has a particular meaning, purpose or result 大意是;意思是;以便;目的是●with immediate effect ●with effect from …starting now; starting from … 立即生效;从…起开始生效◆she has resigned as chairman with immediate effect. 她已经辞去董事长职务,即时生效。◆with effect from 1 august, there will be an extra €2 charge on all deliveries. 所有货物将加收 2 欧元的运费,从 8 月 1 日起开始生效。 currency effect ◇ demonstration effect ◇ domino effect ◇ halo effect ◇ hawthorne effect ◇ income effect ◇ price effect ◇ substitution effect ◇ threshold effect ◇ wealth effect effect /ɪfekt/ verb [transitive] (formal) to make sth happen 使发生;产生;实现;引起◆you may effect payment for your order in several currencies. 可用多种货币支付所订购的货物。☞ effect☞ effecteffect noun  ➡ see also the entry for result另见 result 条effect ♦︎ impact ♦︎ influence ♦︎ power ♦︎ force ♦︎ impression ♦︎ actionthese are all words for the changes in sb/sth that are caused by sb/sth else.这些词均表示效应、影响。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an effect / impact / influence / impression on / upon sb / sth◆under the effect / impact / influence of sth / sb◆(a) considerable / tremendous / great effect / impact / influence / power / force / impression◆a profound / significant / strong / big / positive / lasting effect / impact / influence / impression◆a / an cultural / economic / political / social effect / impact / influence◆to have an effect / impact / influence◆to make an impact / impression◆to feel the effect / impact of sth■ effect [countable, uncountable] a change in sb/sth that is caused by sb/sth else效应;影响◆despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects.尽管她备受折磨,但好像并未受到不良影响。◆her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.她的批评使他完全丧失了信心。◆it's not always easy to distinguish between cause and effect.分清因果并非总是那么简单。◆the management changes had little or no effect on output.管理层的变化对产量影响不大。 ➡ see also affect → affect verb ■ impact /ɪmpækt/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth巨大影响;强大作用◆her speech made a profound impact on everyone.她的讲话对每个人都有深远影响。◆the programme examined the environmental impact of power generation.该项目考查了发电厂对环境的影响。◆we are trying to minimize the impact of price rises on customers.我们力求将涨价带给顾客的影响减到最低。 ➡ see also impact → affect verb ■ influence [uncountable, countable] the effect that sb/sth has on the way a person thinks or behaves, or on the way that sth works or develops(对思想、行为或事物发展变化的)影响,作用◆children around the age of eight are especially vulnerable to the influence of television.八岁左右的儿童尤其容易受到电视的影响。◆the artists exerted a strong influence on a younger generation.这些艺术家对年轻一代产生了重大影响。◆they said she was a bad influence on the other children.他们称她对其他孩子产生坏影响。 ➡ see also influence → affect verb ■ power [uncountable] the influence of a particular thing or group within society(社会内部的)影响力,势力◆he talked about the enormous power of the mass media.他谈到了大众媒体的强大影响力。◆the government promised greater opportunities for parent power.政府允诺给予父母更多的施展影响力的机会。■ force [uncountable] the strong effect of sb's arguments or personality(论点或人格的)强大效力◆she spoke with force and deliberation.她讲话铿锵有力,字斟句酌。◆he felt the full force of her criticism.他感受到了她的批评所产生的强大威力。◆he controlled himself by sheer force of will.他全凭意志力控制住了自己。■ impression [countable, usually singular] the effect that an experience or person has on sb/sth, especially on the way that sb thinks or behaves in the future(尤指某种经历或某个人对思想或行为产生的)影响,效果◆the stillness and silence leave a deep impression on visitors.那一刻的静止无声给来访者留下了深刻的印象。◆you'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire and remember you).你如果真想留下好印象,就得表演得更好。◆my words made no impression on her.我的话丝毫没有对她起作用。 ➡ see also impress → impress , impressive → impressive ■ action [uncountable] (always followed by of 总是后接 of) the effect that one substance or chemical has on another(一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用◆vitamin d can be made in the body by the action of sunlight on the skin.维生素 d 可以通过阳光对皮肤的作用在人体内产生。  ➡ see also act → affect verb effect [transitive] (formal) to succeed in making sth happen使发生;实现;引起◆these drugs can sometimes effect miraculous cures.这些药有时能产生神奇的疗效。 effect [countable, uncountable] a change in sb/sth that is caused by sb/sth else效应;影响◆despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects.尽管她备受折磨,但好像并未受到不良影响。◆her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.她的批评使他完全丧失了信心。◆it's not always easy to distinguish between cause and effect.分清因果并非总是那么简单。◆the management changes had little or no effect on output.管理层的变化对产量影响不大。 ➡ see also affect → affect verb effect/ɪˈfekt ||; ɪˈfɛkt/noun1. [c,u] (an) effect (on sb/sth) a change that is caused by sth; a result 影响;结果: ◇the effects of acid rain on the lakes and forests 酸雨对湖泊和森林的影响◇her shouting had little or no effect on him. 她只管大叫,他就是不理不睬。◇despite her terrible experience, she seems to have suffered no ill effects. 尽管有过可怕的经历,她似乎未受不良影响。 ☞look at after-effect and side-effect and at the note at affect. 参看 after-effect、side-effect 及 affect 的注释。 2. [c,u] a particular look, sound or impression that an artist, writer, etc wants to create (艺术家、作家等想要创造的)效果: ◇how does the artist create the effect of moonlight? 画家怎样创造出月光的效果?◇he likes to say things just for effect (= to impress people). 他爱哗众取宠。 3. effects [pl] (formal 正式) your personal possessions 私人财物 come into effect (used especially about laws or rules) to begin to be used (尤指法律、规则等)生效,实施 in effect 1. in fact; for all practical purposes 实际上;事实上: ◇though they haven't made an official announcement, she is, in effect, the new director. 虽然还没正式宣布,但她实际上已是新任的主管。 2. (used about a rule, a law, etc) in operation; in use (指规则、法律等)生效: ◇the new rules will be in effect from next month. 这些新规定从下月起实施。 take effect 1. (used about a drug, etc) to begin to work; to produce the result you want (指药物等)见效: ◇the anaesthetic took effect immediately. 麻醉药立即见效。 2. (used about a law, etc) to come into operation (指法律等)生效: ◇the ceasefire takes effect from midnight. 停火在午夜生效。 to this/that effect with this/that meaning 有这个或那个意思: ◇i told him to leave her alone, or words to that effect. 我叫他不要缠住她,话的大意是这样。 ☞ effect/affect☞ effect¹☞ effect²




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