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单词 demonstrate
释义 demonstrate verb¹ 1show表明adverb | preposition adverb➤amply, beyond doubt, clearly, conclusively, convincingly, effectively, powerfully, successfully, well充分/毫无疑问地/清楚地/确凿地/令人信服地/有效地/有力地/成功地/很好地表明◆the study demonstrates beyond doubt the effectiveness of the new drug.研究毫无疑问地证明了这种新药的效力。➤consistently, repeatedly始终/再三表明▸➤adequately足以证明▸➤further进一步证明▸➤easily不费力地表明▸➤elegantly, neatly (especially bre) 精确地/简洁地表明▸➤empirically, experimentally凭实际经验/通过实验证明▸➤directly直接表明▸➤publicly公开表明▸➤graphically, vividly形象地/生动地表明◆this tragedy graphically demonstrates the dangers of extreme sports.这个悲剧活生生地表明了极限运动的危险。preposition➤to向⋯证明◆the president must demonstrate to the country that he is really in control.总统必须向全国证明一切确实在他的掌控之下。demonstrate verb² 2protest抗议adverb | preposition adverb➤peacefully和平示威preposition➤against示威反对⋯◆campaigners were demonstrating against the slaughter of dolphins.活动人士示威抗议宰杀海豚。➤for为⋯示威◆their objective was to demonstrate peacefully for civil rights.他们的目标是为公民权利而进行和平示威。demonstrate /demənstreɪt/ verb [transitive] to show and explain how sth works or how to do sth 示范;演示◆the chief engineer demonstrated the features of the new videophone. 总工程师演示了新款视像电话的各项特点。◆people demonstrating how to use a product and giving free samples 演示一种产品的使用方法并派发免费样品的人  ➡  demo verb☞ demonstratedemonstrate /demənstreɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) show that sth is true证明;证实◆these results demonstrate convincingly that our campaign is working.这些结果有力地证明,我们的运动正在发挥作用。◆the theories were demonstrated to be false.这些理论已证实是错误的。 ➡ see also demonstration → evidence demonstrate /demənstreɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to show by your actions that you have a particular quality, ability or feeling表明,表现,显露(特质、能力或感情)◆you need to demonstrate more self-control.你需要表现出更强的自制力。◆we want to demonstrate our commitment to human rights.我们想表明我们对维护人权的承担。  ➡ see also demonstration → expression noun 1 note 辨析 display or demonstrate?when you demonstrate a quality, ability or feeling this is always deliberate, because you want people to see your good qualities such as commitment, understanding and willingness. people can display feelings without meaning to. * demonstrate 总是指有意识地显露某种特质、能力或感情,因为你想让人看到你的优良品质,如 commitment、understanding 和 willingness。display 可表示无意中流露出某种感情◆to display / exhibit signs of emotion / fatigue显露情感/疲倦◆to demonstrate signs of emotion/fatigue people can also deliberately display abilities that they are proud of, but these often show how clever they are rather than how good they are. * display 也可指有意地表现自己引以为荣的一些能力,但这些能力常表明他们多么聪明而非他们为人有多么好。demonstrateverb [intransitive] ◆students demonstrating against the war举行反战示威游行的学生demonstrateverb [intransitive] ◆students demonstrating against the war举行反战示威游行的学生demonstrate/ˈdemənstreɪt ||; ˈdɛmənˌstret/verb1. [t] demonstrate sth (to sb) to show sth clearly by giving proof 表明;论证;证明: ◇using this chart, i'd like to demonstrate to you what has happened to our sales. 我想用这张图表来向你说明我们的销售情况。 2. [i,t] demonstrate sth (to sb) to show and explain to sb how to do sth or how sth works 示范 · ◇the crew demonstrated the use of lifejackets just after take-off. 乘务员在飞机起飞后即示范救生衣的使用方法。◇i'm not sure what you mean -- could you demonstrate? 我不大明白你的意思─你可否示范一下? 3. [i] demonstrate (against/for sb/sth) to take part in a public protest for or against sb/sth 示威;参加示威活动: ◇enormous crowds have been demonstrating against the government. 一直有大批群众举行反政府示威。 demonstratesee ⇨ explain 1 ⇨ protest 1 ⇨ prove 1 ⇨ show 8,13 dem·on·strate /`dɛmənˏstret; ˈdemənstreɪt/v [t] 1. to show that something is true 证实,论证:◇the survey demonstrates that fewer college graduates are finding jobs. 这次调查结果证明大学毕业生的就业率下降了。 2. to show someone how to do something by doing it yourself 示范,演示:◇our ski instructor began by demonstrating the correct way to turn. 我们的滑雪教练先为我们示范转弯的正确方法。 3. to show that you have a particular skill, quality, or feeling 显示,表露:◇she hasn't demonstrated much interest in her schoolwork. 她对自己的学业未表现出有多大兴趣。 ☞ demonstrate




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