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单词 care
释义 care noun¹ 1caring for sb/sth照顾adjective | verb + care | care + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤good, great很好的照顾;仔细的照料◆he loved his books and took great care of them.他喜爱自己的书,十分小心地保管它们。➤proper恰当的照料◆with proper care, the plants may last for fifty years.照料得好,这些植物可以活 50 年。➤loving, tender慈爱的/温柔的照料◆she will need lots of tender loving care.她需要多多的细心呵护。➤private自费护理▸➤voluntary (bre) 义务护理▸➤constant, full-time不间断的/全天护理▸➤continuing, long-term连续/长期护理▸➤short-term, temporary短期/临时护理▸➤daily, day-to-day, routine日常护理;常规护理▸➤intensive重病监护◆last night she was critically ill in intensive care.昨晚她病危,处于重症监护中。◆an intensive care unit重症监护室➤clinical, emergency, health, medical, nursing, patient临床护理;紧急护理;保健;医疗护理;保育;病人护理▸➤hospital, inpatient, institutional, residential住院护理;福利机构的照顾;提供食宿的护理服务▸➤outpatient门诊病人护理▸➤community社区护理▸➤domiciliary, formal) , home, home-based家庭护理▸➤primary, secondary, tertiary一级/二级/三级护理▸➤antenatal, maternity, prenatal (especially name) 产前护理;孕产妇护理➤dental牙科护理➤psychiatric精神病护理▸➤palliative (medical医学) 治标保健➤preventive (especially name) 预防保健➤parental父母的关怀▸➤formal, informal (both especially bre) 正式/非正式看护◆the couple relied on informal care from relatives.这对夫妇依赖亲戚的非正式看护。➤foster非亲代养儿童➤respite临时换班看护▸➤public公共管护◆children in public care公共管护下的儿童➤pastoral, spiritual牧师对教友的关怀;精神上的照顾➤child (usually childcare) , day儿童看护;日托◆family members can provide child care with love and without charge.家庭成员出于爱心可以免费照看孩子。➤client, customer客户/消费者服务▸➤hair, skin (usually haircare, skincare) 头发/皮肤护理verb + care➤take照顾;负责◆he left his job to take care of his sick wife.他辞去了工作,以便照顾生病的妻子。◆i'll take care of hiring the car.租车的事儿我来办。➤deliver, provide (sb with)给(某人)/为(某人)提供护理◆we have improved the way doctors deliver care.我们改善了医生提供护理的方式。➤need, require需要护理▸➤receive受到护理▸➤take sb into (bre) 托管某人◆the boys were taken into care when their parents died.那些男孩在父母去世后接受托管。care + noun➤services护理服务◆access to basic health-care services接受基本卫生保健服务的途径➤centre/center, facility, home, unit (all especially bre) 护理中心;护理设施;护理院;监护室▸➤manager, worker护理部门主管;护理人员➤giver, provider给予照料的人;提供护理的人▸➤plan, policy, programme/program护理计划/政策/项目◆recent changes in health-care policy卫生保健政策最近的改变➤delivery护理服务的提供➤needs护理需求◆sensitive to the health-care needs of underserved groups对得不到周到服务的群体的卫生保健需求很敏感➤package (= a package of food, etc. that is sent to sb) (name) 爱心大礼包▸➤allowance (bre) 护理补助▸➤order (bre) 托管令preposition➤in care由人照管◆he had been in foster care since he was five.他从 5 岁起就一直由别人抚养。◆he was in care for five years. (bre) 他让人照管了 5 年。➤in sb's care由某人照管◆you won't come to any harm while you're in their care.有他们照顾你,你不会受到任何伤害。◆many historic sites are in the care of the trust.许多历史遗迹是由这家信托公司管理的。➤under the care of受⋯的照料◆he's under the care of dr parks.他由帕克斯医生照料。phrases➤care of sb, in care of sb (name) (written on letters, etc. and usually abbreviated to c/o 写于信上等,通常略作 c/o) 由某人转交➤the quality of care, the standard of care护理的质量/标准care noun² 2attention/thought given to sth谨慎;小心adjective | verb + care | preposition adjective➤extreme, good, great极其谨慎;非常小心◆great care should be taken to ensure that the equipment is clean.应该非常小心确保设备清洁。➤extra, special格外/特别小心▸➤infinite, the utmost极度谨慎◆he takes the utmost care of his appearance.他对自己的外表极其在意。➤meticulous, painstaking, scrupulous (especially bre) 一丝不苟;极其仔细◆the little girl was writing her name with painstaking care.那小女孩正在一丝不苟地写自己的名字。➤due (formal) , proper, reasonable应有的/适当的/合理的注意◆the householder has a duty to take reasonable care for the visitor's safety.房屋主人有责任对来访者的安全给予恰当的关照。verb + care➤exercise, take注意;小心➤need, require需要小心◆transporting the specimens requires great care.运输这些样品需要格外小心。preposition➤with care小心;谨慎◆a label on the box read: 'glass-handle with care'.箱子上的标签写着:“玻璃品 - 小心轻放。”➤without care (bre) 粗心◆he was found guilty of driving without due care and attention.他被判犯有粗心驾驶罪。care verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤deeply, genuinely, a lot, passionately, really, truly深深地担心;真诚照顾;很在意;热心地照料;非常关心▸➤hardly, not greatly, not much, not particularly不怎么在意;不很在意◆he hardly cares what he does any more.他几乎不再在乎自己的所作所为了。◆i don't know which she chose, nor do i greatly care.我不知道她选了哪一个,我也不太在乎。➤actually确实在意◆no one actually cared what i thought.没有人真的在乎我的想法。➤enough很在意◆the information is there for anyone who cares enough to find it.信息就在那里,只要是留意它的人就会发现它。preposition➤about关心◆he really cares about the environment.他真的很注重环保。➤for喜欢;放在心上◆you genuinely care for him, don't you?你真的中意他,不是吗?phrases➤be past caring不再关心◆i'm past caring what he does (= i don't care any more).我已不再关心他做些什么。 care /keə(r); name ker/ noun [uncountable] the process of caring for sb and providing what they need, for example for their health or protection 照顾;护理◆a contract to provide employee care services 为员工提供保健服务的合同 ●care and maintenance (abbreviation c & m) (manufacturing 制造) a situation in which a building, mine, machine, etc. that is no longer in use, is kept in good condition so that it can be used again in the future (建筑、矿山、机器等的)维修及保养,养护◆the mine was closed and placed under care and maintenance. 煤矿已被关闭,正在保养中。●care of sb (name also in care of sb) (abbreviation c/o) used when writing to sb at another person's address 由某人转交◆write to him care of his lawyer. 写给他的信由他的律师转交。 customer care ◇ health care ◇ personal care ☞ care care noun  ➡ see also the entry for attention另见 attention 条care ♦︎ caution ♦︎ prudencethese are all words for attention or thought that you give to sth in order to avoid mistakes or accidents.这些词均表示对某事小心、谨慎,以避免错误或事故。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to do sth with care / caution / prudence◆great / extreme care / caution / prudence◆due / the utmost care / caution◆to use / exercise care / caution / prudence◆to need / call for / urge / advise / proceed with care / caution■ care [uncountable] attention or thought that you give to sth that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage小心,谨慎(以做好某事并避免错误、损害)◆she chose her words with care.她措辞谨慎。◆extreme care should be taken to ensure that the equipment is clean.要特别仔细确保设备清洁。◆he takes excessive care of his appearance.他过度关注自己的外表。◆fragile-handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged).易碎物品 - 小心轻放。opp carelessness → careless ▸ careful adjective [not before noun] ◆be careful!小心!◆be careful not to wake the baby.小心别弄醒宝宝。◆please be careful with my glasses (= don't break them).请当心别打碎我的眼镜。◆be careful you don't bump your head.留神别碰到头。 ➡ see also careful → detailed ▸ carefully adverb◆please listen carefully.请仔细听。◆she put the glass down carefully.她小心翼翼地放下玻璃杯。◆drive carefully.小心驾驶。■ caution /kɔːʃn/ [uncountable] care that you take in order to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks谨慎,小心(以避免危险或错误);慎重◆these statistics should be treated with some caution.对待这些统计数字要小心。◆we urge caution in the use of this medication.我们呼吁慎用此药。◆it is better to err on the side of caution (= to be too cautious rather than not cautious enough).宁可过于谨慎,不可疏忽大意。 opp recklessness → reckless ▸ cautious adjective◆he was very cautious about committing himself to anything.他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。◆they've taken a very cautious approach.他们采取了十分谨慎的态度。◆they expressed cautious optimism about a solution to the crisis.他们对解决危机持谨慎乐观态度。▸ cautiously adverb◆she looked cautiously around and then walked away from the house.她小心地环视四周才离开屋子。■ prudence /pruːdns/ [uncountable] (formal) being sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks(判断和决策时的)谨慎,审慎;慎重◆as a matter of prudence, agreement on these issues should be reached at an early stage in the partnership.为慎重起见,在合作初期应就这些问题达成协议。◆maybe you'll exercise a little more financial prudence next time.也许下次你能在财务方面再谨慎点。ⓘ prudence is used especially in financial contexts. * prudence 尤用于金融财务方面。  ➡ see also prudent → wise care [uncountable] attention or thought that you give to sth that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage小心,谨慎(以做好某事并避免错误、损害)◆she chose her words with care.她措辞谨慎。◆extreme care should be taken to ensure that the equipment is clean.要特别仔细确保设备清洁。◆he takes excessive care of his appearance.他过度关注自己的外表。◆fragile-handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged).易碎物品 - 小心轻放。opp carelessness → careless ▸ careful adjective [not before noun] ◆be careful!小心!◆be careful not to wake the baby.小心别弄醒宝宝。◆please be careful with my glasses (= don't break them).请当心别打碎我的眼镜。◆be careful you don't bump your head.留神别碰到头。 ➡ see also careful → detailed ▸ carefully adverb◆please listen carefully.请仔细听。◆she put the glass down carefully.她小心翼翼地放下玻璃杯。◆drive carefully.小心驾驶。 care [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) to feel that sth is important and worth worrying about; to worry about what happens to sb because you like or love them关注;担忧;关心◆she cares passionately about environmental issues.她对环境问题极为关心。◆i don't care (= i will not be upset) if i never see him again!即使我再也见不到他,我也不在乎!◆he threatened to leave me, as if i cared!他威胁要离开我,好像我在乎似的!◆he genuinely cares about his customers.他真诚地关心他的顾客。carenoun [uncountable] ◆medical / patient care医疗保健;病人护理◆how much do men share housework and the care of the children?男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作?carenoun [uncountable] ◆medical / patient care医疗保健;病人护理◆how much do men share housework and the care of the children?男人分担多少家务和照看小孩的工作?care¹/keə(r) ||; kɛr/noun1. [u] care (for sb) looking after sb/sth so that he/she/it has what he/she/it needs for his/her/its health and protection 照顾;照料: ◇all the children in their care were healthy and happy. 他们照顾的孩子全都又健康又快乐。◇this hospital provides free medical care. 这家医院提供免费医疗。◇she's in intensive care (= the part of the hospital for people who are very seriously ill). 她正接受特别护理。◇skin/hair care products 护肤品;护发品 2. [u] care (over sth/in doing sth) thinking about what you are doing so that you do it well or do not make a mistake 留神;用心: ◇you should take more careover your homework. 你做功课要多用点心。◇this box contains glasses -- please handle it with care. 这个箱子装着玻璃杯,请小心轻放。 3. [c,u] something that makes you feel worried or unhappy 担心的事;不快的事;忧虑: ◇since charlie retired he doesn't have a care in the world. 查利退休以后过着无忧无虑的生活。◇it was a happy life, free from care. 那段日子很快乐,无忧亦无虑。 in care (used about children) living in a home which is organized by the government or the local council, and not with their parents (指孩子)住在由政府或地方当局设立的儿童之家: ◇they were taken into care after their parents died. 父母死后,他们由儿童之家收留。 take care (that.../to do sth) to be careful 小心: ◇goodbye and take care! 再见了,请多保重!◇take care that you don't spill your tea. 当心,别把茶泼出来。◇he took care not to arrive too early. 他特意不过早到达。 take care of sb/sth to deal with sb/sth; to organize or arrange sth 处理;筹备;安排: ◇i'll take care of the food for the party. 酒会的食物由我来安排吧。 take care of yourself/sb/sth to keep yourself/sb/sth safe from injury, illness, damage, etc; to look after sb/sth 照顾: ◇my mother took care of me when i was ill. 我生病的时候由我母亲照顾我。◇she always takes great care of her books. 她总是很爱惜她的书。 care²/keə(r) ||; kɛr/verb [i,t] care (about sb/sth) to be worried about or interested in sb/sth 担心;关心;介意: ◇money is the thing that she cares about most. 她最在乎的就是钱。◇he really cares about his staff. 他确实很关心他的员工。◇i don't care what you do. 我不在乎你干什么。 i, etc couldn't care less(informal 非正式) it does not matter to me, etc at all 毫不在乎: ◇i couldn't care less what barry thinks. 巴里怎么想我都毫不在乎。 who cares?(informal 非正式) nobody is interested; it is not important to anyone 没人在乎: ◇‘i wonder who'll win the match.’ ‘who cares?’ “我在想谁会赢得比赛。”“管它呢!” would you care for.../to do sth(formal 正式) a polite way to ask if sb would like sth or would like to do sth (用以客气地询问某人是否想要什么或愿意做什么) care for sb to look after sb 照顾: ◇who cared for her while she was ill? 她生病时是谁照顾她的? care for sb/sth to like or love sb/sth 喜欢;爱: ◇she still cares for liam although he married someone else. 尽管利亚姆已经跟别人结婚,她仍然爱着他。◇i don't care for that colour very much. 我不大喜欢那种颜色。 caresee ⇨ important 5 ⇨ look after 7 ⇨ love 3     • • •• ⇨ childcare/child care• ⇨ couldn't care less• ⇨ for all i care• ⇨ in care• ⇨ look after/take care of• ⇨ not care• ⇨ take care• ⇨ take care of• ⇨ who cares?/so what?/what do i care?• ⇨ with care• ⇨ with care/with caution• ⇨ without a care in the world/not have a care in the world☞ care¹☞ care²




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