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单词 citizen
释义 citizen nounadjective | phrases adjective➤full正式公民◆they are fighting for acceptance as full citizens of the country.他们为争取成为这个国家的正式公民而斗争。➤naturalized(通过入籍的)归化公民▸➤british, thai, us, etc.英国、泰国、美国等公民▸➤decent, good, honest, law-abiding, model, respectable, responsible, solid, upright, upstanding规矩的/良好的/诚实的/守法的/模范/令人尊敬的/负责任的/可靠的/正直的/正派的公民◆this terrible crime has shocked all law-abiding citizens.这桩骇人的罪行震惊了所有守法的公民。➤concerned关切的公民▸➤leading, prominent杰出的公民◆she is a prominent citizen of the town.她是小镇上的杰出公民。➤average, ordinary普通公民◆it's not clear how the new law will affect the ordinary citizen.新法将对普通公民产生怎样的影响还不清楚。➤innocent无辜的公民➤armed (especially name) 武装的公民▸➤second-class二等公民◆gay people have had enough of being treated as second-class citizens.同性恋者受够了二等公民待遇。➤private平民◆lawsuits brought against private citizens针对平民的诉讼◆the king was visiting france as a private citizen.国王正以平民身分访问法国。➤senior年长的公民◆discounts for senior citizens给老年公民的折扣优惠➤productive (especially name) 有生产力的公民phrases➤sb's fellow citizens某人的同胞 citizen nouncitizen ♦︎ voter ♦︎ taxpayer ♦︎ native ♦︎ national ♦︎ subjectthese are all words for a person who belongs to a particular country and has legal rights there.这些词均表示公民、国民。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a citizen / native / national of a country◆a british citizen / voter / taxpayer / national / subject◆a us / australian, etc. citizen / voter / taxpayer / national◆an ordinary / average citizen / voter / taxpayer◆a foreign / fellow citizen / national■ citizen [countable] a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country公民◆she's italian by birth, but is now an australian citizen.她生于意大利,但现在是澳大利亚公民。 ➡ see also citizen → resident ▸ citizenship noun [uncountable] ◆you can apply for citizenship after five years' residency.居住满五年可申请公民身分。■ voter [countable] a person who votes or has the right to vote, especially in a political election(尤指政治选举中的)投票人,选举人,有选举权的人◆only 60% of eligible voters actually used their vote.只有 60% 的合资格选民行使了选举权。■ taxpayer /tækspeɪə(r)/ [countable] a person who pays tax to the government, especially on the money that they earn纳税人◆the changes make an average taxpayer £2.50 a week better off.这些改革使纳税人平均每周少交 2.50 英镑的税。◆hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayers' money have been spent on the project.这个项目已经花上纳税人的几十万英镑。ⓘ the taxpayer is often used to refer to the ordinary people of a country as a group, when talking about government spending.在谈论政府支出时,taxpayer 常指一国的老百姓群体◆what is the cost to the taxpayer of hosting the olympics?举办奥运会要花纳税人多少钱?◆should politicians be able to travel first class at the taxpayer's expense?政客出行能花纳税人的钱坐头等舱吗?◆it was estimated to have cost the us taxpayer $35 billion.据估计,这花费了美国纳税人 350 亿美元。■ native [countable] a person who was born in a particular country or area出生于某国(或某地)的人◆she was not a native of the island, but had lived there for many years.她不是在那个岛出生的,但在那儿生活了很多年。 ➡ see also native → resident noun , native → cultural adj. ■ national [countable] (rather formal) a person who belongs to a particular country(某国的)公民◆the government has advised british nationals to leave the area.政府建议英国公民离开该地区。ⓘ nationals is used especially when talking about people of a particular nationality who are abroad, for example living and working in a foreign country. * national 尤指在国外生活、工作的侨民。▸ nationality /næʃənæləti/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆she has dual nationality (= is a citizen of two countries).她有双重国籍。◆the college attracts students of all nationalities.这所大学吸引着各国的学生。■ subject [countable] (rather formal) a person who has the right to belong to a particular country, especially one with a king or queen(尤指君主制国家的)国民,臣民◆british subjects and commonwealth citizens do not need visas.英国国民和英联邦公民不需要签证。◆the prince had to tax his subjects heavily to raise money for the war.国王不得不对他的臣民征重税来为战争筹款。 citizen [countable] a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country公民◆she's italian by birth, but is now an australian citizen.她生于意大利,但现在是澳大利亚公民。 ➡ see also citizen → resident ▸ citizenship noun [uncountable] ◆you can apply for citizenship after five years' residency.居住满五年可申请公民身分。 citizen /sɪtɪzn/ [countable] a person who lives in a particular place居民;市民◆she is a prominent citizen of the town.她是那个城市的杰出市民。◆the king was visiting france as a private citizen (= not as a head of state).国王正以私人身分访问法国。ⓘ citizen is used especially to make a comment about people's character or status as members of the community. * citizen 尤用于评论人的品质或作为社会成员的地位◆this terrible crime has shocked all law-abiding citizens.这桩可怕的罪行震惊了所有守法公民。◆when you're old, people treat you like a second-class citizen (= with fewer rights than other people).你老了以后,人们就把你当二等公民对待。  ➡ see also citizen → citizen citizen/ˈsɪtɪzn ||; ˈsɪtəzṇ/noun[c] 1. a person who is legally accepted as a member of a particular country 公民: ◇she was born in japan, but became an american citizen in 1981. 她在日本出生,1981年入籍美国。 2. a person who lives in a town or city 市民;居民: ◇the citizens of paris 巴黎市民 ☞look at senior citizen. 参看senior citizen。 citizensee ⇨ country 5 ⇨ live 5     • • •• ⇨ senior citizen cit·i·zen /`sɪtəzṇ; ˈsɪtɪzən/n [c] 1. someone who lives in a particular town, state, or country 市民,城镇居民:◇the citizens of moscow 莫斯科市民 2. someone who legally belongs to a particular country, whether they live there or not 公民,国民:◇the us government was advising all american citizens to leave liberia. 美国政府正建议所有美国公民离开利比里亚。 ☞ citizen




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