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单词 branch¹
释义 branch¹ /bræntʃ; brɑːntʃ/n [c] 1. a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk 树枝 2. one part of an organization, a subject of study, or a family group 分支机构; 分支学科; 家族的分支:◇the bank has branches all over the country. 这家银行在全国各地都有分行。◇which branch of science are you studying? 你正在学哪一门科学?◇the new zealand branch of the family 这个家族在新西兰的分支 3. a smaller, less important part of something that leads away from the main part of it 分支; 支线; 支流:◇a branch of the river nile 尼罗河的支流




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