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单词 composed
释义 composed adjective¹ 1composed of made up of sth由⋯组成verbs | adverb verbs➤be由⋯组成adverb➤entirely, exclusively, solely, wholly全部由⋯组成◆the committee was composed entirely of specialists.该委员会完全由专家组成。➤chiefly, largely, mainly, mostly, overwhelmingly, predominantly, primarily主要由⋯组成;基本上由⋯组成;大部份由⋯组成;绝大部份由⋯组成◆bones are largely composed of calcium.骨头的主要组成成分是钙。composed adjective² 2in control of your feelings镇静verbs | adverb verbs➤be, feel, look, seem沉着;感觉镇静;看上去沉着;好像镇静adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常镇静▸➤remarkably极为镇静▸➤perfectly绝对镇静◆he was pale but perfectly composed.他面色苍白,但十分镇静。➤outwardly表面沉着composed/kəmˈpəʊzd ||; kəmˈpozd/adj1. composed of sth made or formed from several different parts, people, etc 由…组成或构成;包括: ◇the committee is composed of politicians from all parties. 该委员会包罗各政党的成员。 2. calm, in control of your feelings 镇静;自我克制: ◇although he felt very nervous, he managed to appear composed. 虽然内心十分紧张,他仍做到外表镇定自若。 composedsee ⇨ calm 1     • • •• ⇨ be composed of com·posed /kəm`pozd; kəmˈpəʊzd/adjcalm and not upset or angry 镇静的; 沉着的:◇she remained composed throughout the interview. 她在面试中一直保持镇静。→ see also 另见 compose




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