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单词 complicity
释义 complicity nounadjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤alleged, apparent被控的/明显的共谋◆her alleged complicity in the bombing爆炸事件中她被控的共谋➤active现行共谋▸➤government, police政府的共谋;警察的串通preposition➤complicity between⋯之间的共谋◆the complicity between the army and drug smugglers军队和毒贩之间的串通➤complicity in⋯的同谋行为◆her complicity in a plot to kill the president她参与到刺杀总统的密谋中➤complicity with与⋯串通◆she did not suspect him of complicity with the authorities.她没怀疑他会与当局串通。phrases➤an act of complicity同谋行为  ➡ note at crime (for verbs) complicity/kəmˈplɪsəti ||; kəmˈplɪsətɪ/noun [u] (formal 正式) the fact of being involved with sb else in a crime 同谋;串通 com·plic·i·ty /kəm`plɪsətɪ; kəmˈplɪsɪti/n [u]when someone allows another person to do something bad or illegal 合谋; 串通




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