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单词 complete¹
释义 com·plete¹ /kəm`plit; kəmˈpliːt/adj 1. having all the parts, details etc that are necessary or usual 完整的,全部的:◇the complete works of shakespeare 莎士比亚全集◇a complete sentence 完整的句子→ opposite 反义词 incomplete 2. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] informal used before a noun to emphasize what you are saying; total 【非正式】 绝对的; 十足的[用于强调]:◇bart's a complete idiot! 巴特是个十足的蠢才!◇the news came as a complete surprise. 这个消息来得十分意外。 3. be complete to be finished 完成,结束:◇the work should be complete by now. 那项工程到现在应该已经完工。 4. complete with including or containing something additional 包括,备有,附带[额外的东西]:◇a luxury villa complete with swimming pool 备有游泳池的豪华别墅




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