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单词 appeal
释义 appeal noun¹ 1attraction/interest吸引力;兴趣adjective | verb + appeal | appeal + verb | preposition adjective➤considerable, great, growing, obvious, powerful, special, strong相当大的吸引力;极大的魅力;日益增强的感染力;明显的吸引力;强大的吸引力;特别的魅力▸➤immediate, instant (especially bre) 一见倾心;瞬间产生的吸引力◆the book's immediate appeal to young children该书让小孩子一眼就看上的吸引力➤enduring, lasting, timeless持久的/长久的/永久的吸引力◆her charming children's stories have timeless appeal.她写的儿童故事的魅力经久不衰。➤limited, little有限的吸引力;没多大吸引力▸➤broad, crossover, mainstream, mass, popular, populist, universal, wide, widespread广泛的/对不同品位的人的/对主流的/对大众的/对民众的/对平民的/对所有人的/大范围的/普遍的吸引力◆a publication designed for mass appeal为吸引大众而设计的出版物➤aesthetic, commercial, electoral, emotional, intellectual, visual美感;商业上的吸引力;竞选人的感染力;情感上的感染力;知性魅力;视觉上的感染力◆unfortunately the movie lacks commercial appeal.很可惜,这部电影没有卖点。➤sex性魅力verb + appeal➤have, hold有感染力;具有吸引力◆his views hold no appeal for me.他的观点我不感兴趣。➤retain保持吸引力▸➤lose失去吸引力▸➤broaden, extend, widen将感染力的范围扩大;增加吸引力;拓宽感染力范围◆we are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.我们正努力让更多的人喜欢古典音乐。➤boost, enhance, increase增加魅力;增强感染力;增加吸引力appeal + verb➤lie in sth魅力在于⋯◆his considerable appeal lies in his quiet, gentle manner.他巨大的魅力源自于他的温文尔雅。preposition➤appeal for对⋯的吸引力◆college lost its appeal for her in the second year.到了第二年,大学对她来说就没有吸引力了。appeal noun² 2serious request for sth you need/want very much恳求;请求adjective | verb + appeal | preposition adjective➤desperate, emergency, emotional, urgent绝望中的请求;紧急吁请;动情的呼吁;紧急呼吁▸➤direct, personal直接的/个人的请求▸➤fresh (bre) 新请求◆a fresh appeal for witnesses to come forward再一次恳求目击者站出来verb + appeal➤issue, make发出呼吁;作出请求◆they made a direct appeal to the government for funding.他们直接恳求政府给予资助。preposition➤appeal for⋯的呼吁◆an appeal for help恳求帮助➤appeal to⋯的吁请◆an appeal to reason诉诸理性appeal noun³ 3formal request to sb in authority向掌权者正式申诉adjective | verb + appeal | appeal + verb | appeal + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤formal (especially bre) 正式上诉➤court, legal向法庭提出的上诉;依法提出的上诉◆she won the right to make another court appeal.她赢得了再一次向法庭提出上诉的权利。➤further进一步上诉◆there is a possibility of a further appeal to a higher court.可继续向更高一级法院提出上诉。verb + appeal➤bring, file, lodge, make提出申诉;提起上诉◆he's bringing an appeal against the size of the fine.他因不满罚金的数额正在提出上诉。➤drop放弃上诉◆they have agreed to drop the appeal.他们已同意放弃上诉。➤exhaust走完上诉程序◆all appeals have been exhausted and his execution is imminent.所有的上诉已审理完毕,很快会对他执行死刑。➤win赢得上诉▸➤lose输掉上诉➤consider考虑上诉◆his lawyer is considering an appeal to the supreme court.他的律师正在考虑上诉到最高法院。➤allow (formal) , hear准许上诉;审理申诉◆the judge has agreed to allow his appeal.法官已经准许他上诉。◆the court will hear the appeal on june 10.法庭将于 6 月 10 日审理申诉。➤uphold (especially bre) 支持申诉◆his appeal was upheld and he was released immediately.他的申诉得到支持,他马上获释了。➤deny, dismiss, reject, throw out, turn down (especially bre) 驳回上诉;拒绝受理上诉;否决上诉appeal + verb➤fail上诉失败▸➤succeed上诉成功appeal + noun➤appeal court, appeals court (name) 上诉法庭▸➤tribunal (bre) 特别上诉法庭▸➤hearing上诉听证会▸➤appeal judge, appeals judge (name) 上诉法官▸➤appeals procedure, appeals process上诉程序;上诉步骤▸➤system (especially bre) 上诉制度preposition➤on appeal经上诉◆on appeal it was held that the judge was correct.上诉维持了法官的原判。◆the case was upheld on appeal.这一案件的上诉获得受理。➤under appeal正在上诉中◆a case currently under appeal目前正在上诉的一个案子➤appeal against针对⋯提出的上诉◆an appeal against his conviction of fraud不服对他犯诈骗罪判决的上诉➤appeal for要求⋯的申诉◆an appeal for leniency要求宽大处理的申诉➤appeal to向⋯提出的上诉◆an appeal to the high court向高等法院提出的上诉phrases➤court of appeal, court of appeals (name) 上诉法院➤grounds of appeal (bre) 上诉的理由➤a right of appeal上诉权◆you have the right of appeal to the constitutional court.你有权向宪法法院提出上诉。➤pending appeal等待上诉◆the players have been suspended pending appeal.这些选手已被暂停比赛,等待上诉。appeal noun⁴ 4event for raising money募捐活动adjective | verb + appeal | appeal + verb | appeal + noun adjective➤charity, fund-raising慈善募捐活动;筹款活动verb + appeal➤hold, launch举行/发起募捐活动◆an appeal is to be launched on behalf of the refugees.将为难民发起一次募捐活动。➤back, support支持募捐活动appeal + verb➤raise sth (especially bre) 募捐活动筹集⋯◆the appeal raised over three million pounds.募捐活动筹集到三百多万英镑。appeal + noun➤fund (bre) 募集的资金appeal verb¹ 1make serious request for sth呼吁;恳求adverb | preposition adverb➤directly直接呼吁◆he went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.他越过工会领导,直接向全体员工发出呼吁。preposition➤for, to恳求得到⋯;向⋯呼吁◆police appealed to the public for information about the crime.警方呼吁公众提供与该罪行有关的消息。appeal verb² 2to sb in authority向当权者adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤successfully, unsuccessfully上诉成功/失败▸➤directly直接上诉preposition➤against针对⋯提出上诉◆she appealed unsuccessfully against her conviction for murder.她不服被判谋杀罪提出上诉,但失败了。➤to向⋯上诉◆he has decided to appeal to the european court.他已决定向欧洲法庭提出上诉。phrases➤give sb leave to appeal, grant sb leave to appeal (both bre) 准予/准许某人上诉appeal verb³ 3be attractive/interesting to sb有吸引力;有感染力adverb | preposition adverb➤really, strongly非常有吸引力;有极强的感染力◆the idea of retiring early really appeals to me.提前退休这个想法,我很感兴趣。➤directly直接吸引➤primarily主要吸引◆computer games used to appeal primarily to boys.以前主要是男孩子喜欢电脑游戏。preposition➤to吸引⋯◆these characters will appeal directly to children's imaginations.这些人物将直接引发儿童的想像力。 appeal /əpiːl/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] a formal request to a court or to sb in authority to change a judgement or a decision made in a lower court 上诉;申诉◆she got her job back when she won an appeal against her dismissal. 她的解雇申诉成功后,她又可以回到原来的工作岗位。◆his prison sentence was reduced on appeal. 他上诉获减刑。2. [uncountable] a quality that makes a product attractive or interesting 吸引力;引起兴趣◆the car had mass appeal and was cheap to run. 这汽车对大众具有吸引力,而且运行成本低廉。◆advertising techniques that are designed to enhance (= improve) a product's appeal 旨在提升产品吸引力的广告技巧⨁ mass / popular / universal / wide / youth appeal对大众的/普遍的/多方面的/广泛的/对年轻人的吸引力 appeal /əpiːl/ verb 1. [intransitive, transitive] to make a formal request to a court or to sb in authority to change a judgement or a decision 上诉;申诉◆all the newspapers are appealing against the judgement. 各报纸正对判决提出申诉。◆the company said it would appeal the decision. 这公司表示将对判决提出申诉。 2. [intransitive] to attract or interest sb 吸引;引起(兴趣)◆this design appeals strongly to the japanese consumer. 这项设计对日本消费者有极强的吸引力。☞ appeal☞ appeal appeal [intransitive] to make a serious and urgent request for sth呼吁;恳求;吁请◆nationalist leaders have appealed for calm.民族主义领袖呼吁保持冷静。◆organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.组织者呼吁人群不要惊慌。◆i am appealing on behalf of the famine victims (= asking for money).我代表饥荒灾民吁请捐款。 ➡ see also appeal → request noun appeal [countable, uncountable] a formal request to a court or to sb in authority for a judgement or decision to be changed上诉;申诉◆ (bre) to lodge an appeal提出上诉◆ (name) to file an appeal提出上诉◆ (bre) an appeal court / judge上诉法庭/法官◆ (name) an appeals court / judge上诉法庭/法官◆he lost his appeal against the 3-match ban.他对禁赛 3 场的处罚提出申诉,但遭驳回。 appeal [uncountable, singular] a quality that makes sb/sth seem attractive or interesting to people吸引力;感染力;魅力◆we are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.我们正努力让更多的人喜欢古典音乐。◆her stories have a universal appeal.她的小说深受大众喜爱。 ➡ see also appealing → popular appeal [intransitive] to be sth that you like让人喜欢;有吸引力;有感染力◆the prospect of a long wait in the rain did not appeal.想到要在雨中久等使人扫兴。◆it's a book that appeals to people of all ages.这是一本老幼皆宜的书。 appeal [countable] (rather formal, especially written) an urgent and deeply felt request for money, help or information, especially one made by a charity or by the police(尤指慈善机构或警方的)呼吁,吁请,恳求◆they've just launched a tv appeal for donations to the charity.他们刚刚通过电视呼吁为该慈善机构捐款。◆the police made an appeal to the public to remain calm.警方吁请公众保持镇静。 ➡ see also appeal → ask verb 2 appeal¹/əˈpi:l ||; əˈpil/verb[i] 1. appeal to sb (for sth);appeal for sth to make a serious request for sth you need or want very much 请求;恳求: ◇relief workers in the disaster area are appealing for more help and supplies. 灾区的救援人员呼吁各方多施以援手,提供更多物资。◇she appealed to the kidnappers to let her son go. 她恳求绑架者释放她的儿子。 2. appeal (to sb) to be attractive or interesting to sb 吸引: ◇the idea of living in the country doesn't appeal to me at all. 在乡间生活的想法一点也不令我感兴趣。 3. appeal to sth to influence sb's feelings or thoughts so that he/she will do sth you want 影响、激发某人的感情或思想: ◇we aim to appeal to people's generosity. 我们希望能激发大家的慷慨之情。 4. appeal (against/for sth) to ask sb in authority to make or change a decision 请求掌权者作出或改变决定;上诉: ◇he decided to appeal against his conviction. 他决定对自己的定罪上诉。◇the player fell down and appealed for a penalty. 那球员跌倒在地,请求罚球。 appeal²/əˈpi:l ||; əˈpil/noun1. [c] a serious request for sth you need or want very much 恳求;呼吁: ◇the police have made an urgent appeal for witnesses to come forward. 警方已紧急呼吁目击者挺身而出。 2. [c] an appeal to sth a suggestion that tries to influence sb's feelings or thoughts so that he/she will do what you want 影响他人思想感情的建议;激发人的建议 3. [c] a formal request to sb in authority to change a decision 向掌权者建议改变决定的请求;上诉 4. [u] the attraction or interesting quality of sth/sb 吸引力;魅力 appealsee ⇨ ask 16,17 ⇨ attract/attraction 4     • • •• ⇨ sex appeal☞ appeal¹☞ appeal²




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