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单词 discontent
释义 discontent nounadjective | verb + discontent | discontent + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤general, widespread普遍的/广泛的不满▸➤growing, increasing越来越强烈的不满➤simmering即将爆发的不满▸➤popular, public民众的/公众的不满◆public discontent with the economy remained at a high level.公众对经济状况仍然非常不满。➤political, social政治上的/社会不满verb + discontent➤breed, cause, give rise to, lead to, provoke引起不满;造成不满;导致不满◆the higher tax provoked widespread discontent among the poor.增税激起贫民的普遍不满。➤fuel激化不满◆overcrowded conditions will only fuel discontent among prisoners.过分拥挤的状况只会加剧囚犯的不满。➤feel觉得不满◆the discontent that many people felt许多人感到的不满➤seethe with充满不满情绪◆the country was seething with discontent and the threat of revolution was real.这个国家积聚着不满情绪,革命的威胁真实存在。➤express, voice表达不满◆the peasants expressed their discontent.农民表达了他们的不满。discontent + verb➤grow, spread不满情绪增长/蔓延preposition➤discontent among⋯中的不满情绪◆discontent among the workforce劳工的不满➤discontent about, discontent at, discontent over对⋯的不满◆discontent among students about the lack of funding for education学生们对教育拨款不足的不满➤discontent with对⋯的不满◆growing discontent with the government对政府的日益不满➤discontent within⋯内部的不满情绪◆there were reports of growing discontent within the army.有报道指出军队内部的不满情绪日益加剧。phrases➤a feeling of discontent, feelings of discontent不满情绪➤murmurs of discontent, rumbles of discontent, rumblings of discontent不满的嘟囔;不满的抱怨▸➤a source of discontent不满的根源discontent/ˌdɪskənˈtent ||; ˌdɪskənˈtɛnt/(also discontentment /ˌdɪskənˈtentmənt ||; ˌdɪskənˈtɛntmənt/) noun [u] the state of being unhappy with sth 不满;不满足: ◇the management could sense growing discontent among the staff. 资方感觉到员工的不满情绪日益高涨。 ➔discontented adj ◇to be/feel discontented 不满的;感到不满的 discontentn [u]




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