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单词 corrupt
释义 corrupt adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be腐败▸➤become变得腐败adverb➤hopelessly, thoroughly, totally, very无可救药地/彻底地/完全地/非常腐败◆the whole regime is thoroughly corrupt.整个政权彻底腐败了。➤inherently内在腐败▸➤notoriously因腐败而臭名昭著◆one of the most notoriously corrupt city councils贪污腐败最为臭名昭著的市议会之一➤morally, politically道德败坏的;政治腐败的 corrupt /kərʌpt/ adjective1.(about people) willing to use their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage 贪污的;受贿的;腐败的◆corrupt employees had passed on confidential information. 贪污雇员已传递机密资料。2.(about behaviour) dishonest or immoral 不诚实的;不道德的◆the firm is notorious for its corrupt practices. 这公司因徇私舞弊而臭名昭著。3. (it 信息技术) containing changes or faults, and no longer in the original state 已变化的;有缺陷的;有错误的◆software that restores corrupt files 恢复损毁档案的软件◆the text on the disk seems to be corrupt. 这张磁盘上的文件似乎已损毁。 corrupt /kərʌpt/ make sb/sth start behaving in a dishonest or immoral way 使腐败;使堕落◆he was accused of trying to corrupt a judge. 他被指控试图贿赂法官。◆the corrupting influence of money 金钱的腐蚀影响2. (it 信息技术) to cause mistakes to appear in a computer file, etc. with the result that the information in it is no longer correct 引起(计算机文件等的)错误;损坏◆it seems the virus has corrupted the file. 看来病毒已损坏文件。◆rescuing a corrupted disk 挽救受损磁盘☞ corrupt☞ corrupt corrupt adjectivecorrupt ♦︎ fraudulent ♦︎ unscrupulous ♦︎ dirty ♦︎ rotten ♦︎ crooked ♦︎ unprincipled ♦︎ amoralthese words all describe people who are willing to do dishonest or illegal things for their own advantage.这些词均表示贪污的、腐败的、营私舞弊的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆corrupt / fraudulent / unscrupulous / unprincipled / amoral behaviour◆corrupt / fraudulent / unscrupulous / dirty dealings◆corrupt / fraudulent / unscrupulous practices◆a corrupt / rotten / crooked system◆a corrupt / an unscrupulous / a crooked businessman / lawyer / politician◆thoroughly / totally corrupt / unscrupulous / amoral■ corrupt /kərʌpt/ (disapproving) (of people) willing to use their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage; (of behaviour) dishonest or immoral(人)贪污的,受贿的,腐败的;(行为)不诚实的,不道德的◆it was seen as the only way to overthrow a corrupt regime.这被视为推翻腐败政权的唯一方法。■ fraudulent /frɔːdjələnt; name frɔːdʒələnt/ (formal) intended to deceive sb, usually in order to make money illegally欺骗的;欺诈的◆steps are being taken to crack down on fraudulent advertising.正在采取措施打击虚假广告。◆the number of fraudulent insurance claims has risen.保险骗赔的数量有所上升。ⓘ fraudulent is used more often to talk about things or actions, rather than a person. it is a more neutral, descriptive term than most of the other words in the group, which are disapproving. typical collocates are claim, statement, use and trading. * fraudulent 多用于形容事件或行为,而不是形容人。相对于本组其他词均为贬义,fraudulent 是较为中性、描述性的词,主要与 claim、statement、use 和 trading 搭配。  ➡ see also fraud → fraud 1 ▸ fraudulently adverb◆she was charged with fraudulently obtaining a bank loan.她被指控从银行骗贷。■ unscrupulous /ʌnskruːpjələs/ (rather formal, disapproving) (of people) willing to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage; (of behaviour) dishonest or immoral(人)贪污的,受贿的,腐败的;(行为)不诚实的,不道德的◆the new law will give unscrupulous landlords an easy way of getting rid of people.新法律将使得无良的房东很容易撵人。 opp scrupulous → good 5  ➡ see also scruple → doubt noun 2 note 辨析 corrupt or unscrupulous? corrupt is often used to talk about the authorities or a system and people who work for them. typical collocates are regime, system and official. common collocations of unscrupulous are mainly connected with people and their work, especially those who manage their own businesses: dealer, employer, landlord, lender, operator, people, politican, dealings and practices. * corrupt 常用于形容官方机构或体制,以及里面的人员,常与 regime、system 和 official 搭配。unscrupulous 的常见搭配主要与人和他们的工作相关,尤其是自营生意者,搭配词有 dealer、employer、landlord、lender、operator、people、politican、dealings 和 practices。■ dirty [usually before noun] (informal, disapproving) unpleasant or dishonest令人厌恶的;卑鄙的;不诚实的◆you dirty liar!你这个卑鄙的骗子!◆she's a dirty player.她是个没有体育道德的运动员。◆he always gets someone else to do the dirty work for him (= tasks which are unpleasant because they involve being dishonest or unkind to people).他总是让别人替他做卑鄙的勾当。ⓘ collocates of dirty in this meaning include play, player, work and job.表达此义时,dirty 的搭配词有 play、player、work 和 job。▸ dirty adverb◆we would have won if the other team hadn't played dirty (= cheated).要不是对方球队使诈犯规,我们本来能赢的。■ rotten [not usually before noun] (informal, disapproving) (of systems and organizations) corrupt(体制或组织)腐败◆the organization is rotten to the core.这个组织腐败透顶。■ crooked /krʊkɪd/ (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻 (disapproving) (especially of people doing business) dishonest(尤指做生意的人)不诚实的,欺诈的◆the president has vowed to jail crooked executives.总统誓要将奸诈的管理人员送进监狱。■ unprincipled (rather formal, especially written, disapproving) without moral principles; not caring about right and wrong不道德的;不分是非的◆she saw him as an unprincipled opportunist.她认为他是一个不道德的投机分子。 opp principled → good 5  ➡ see also principle → principle 1 ■ amoral /eɪmɒrəl; name eɪmɔːrəl, eɪmɑːrəl/ (rather formal, especially written, sometimes disapproving) showing that you do not care about right and wrong不分是非的◆she had led them to believe that she shared their amoral values.她已经让他们相信她与他们有着共同的不分是非的价值观了。 opp moral → good 5  ➡ see also morals → principle 1 note 辨析 unprincipled or amoral? unprincipled is mostly used to describe people. * unprincipled 主要用来描述人◆an unprincipled charlatan / creature / opportunist / scoundrel不道德的骗子/人/投机分子/恶棍 amoral is used more to describe people's attitudes and behaviour. typical collocates are behaviour, society, attitude and values. * amoral 多用于描述人的态度和行为,常见搭配词有 behaviour、society、attitude 和 value。corrupt /kərʌpt/ (disapproving) (of people) willing to use their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage; (of behaviour) dishonest or immoral(人)贪污的,受贿的,腐败的;(行为)不诚实的,不道德的◆it was seen as the only way to overthrow a corrupt regime.这被视为推翻腐败政权的唯一方法。corrupt¹/kəˈrʌpt ||; kəˈrʌpt/adj1. doing or involving illegal or dishonest things in exchange for money, etc. (为了钱)干非法或不诚实的事的;贪污的;腐败的: ◇corrupt officials who accept bribes 受贿的贪官◇corrupt business practices 商业舞弊 2. (computing计算机技术) containing changes or faults and no longer in the original state 讹误的;有改动或毛病的: ◇corrupt software 损坏的软件◇the text on the disk seems to be corrupt. 磁盘上的文本好像有改动。 corrupt²/kəˈrʌpt ||; kəˈrʌpt/verb1. [t] to cause sb/sth to start behaving in a dishonest or immoral way 使腐败;使腐化;使堕落: ◇too many people are corrupted by power. 太多的人当权以后腐化了。 2. [i,t] (computing计算机技术) to cause mistakes to appear in a computer file, etc. with the result that the information in it is no longer correct 损坏;破坏: ◇the program has somehow corrupted the system files. 这程序不知怎地把系统里的文文件损坏了。◇corrupted data 错误的数据◇the disk will corrupt if it is overloaded. 磁盘要是过载便会出现讹误。 corruptsee ⇨ bad 12 ⇨ computers/internet/email 7 ⇨ dishonest 1☞ corrupt¹☞ corrupt²




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