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单词 beginner
释义 beginner nounadjective | verb + beginner adjective➤absolute, complete绝对的/零起点的初学者➤advanced进阶初学者verb + beginner➤teach教初学者◆the driving course teaches beginners the basics.驾驶课教授初学者基础知识。 beginner noun  ➡ see also the entry for recruit另见 recruit 条beginner ♦︎ novice ♦︎ rookiethese are words for sb who is new to sth and has little knowledge or experience.这些词均表示新手、初学者。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a beginner / novice in sth◆a / an absolute / complete beginner / novice■ beginner [countable] a person who is starting to learn sth and cannot do it very well yet新手,初学者(指刚开始学,水平不高)◆she's in the beginners' class.她在初级班。◆italian for beginners意大利语初阶■ novice /nɒvɪs; name nɑːvɪs/ [countable] a person who has just started a job or activity and has very little experience新手,初学者(指刚开始做,经验少)◆i'm a complete novice at diving.跳水我完全是个新手。◆some ski resorts are ideal for novices.有些滑雪场十分适合初学者。■ rookie /rʊki/ [countable] (especially name, informal) a novice新手;初学者◆the transition from rookie to fighter pilot starts with selection day.从新手飞行员到战斗机驾驶员,这转变从选拔之日就开始了。ⓘ rookie is often used to talk about soldiers, police officers or sportsmen and women. * rookie 常指士兵、警察或运动员中的新手◆derek jeter was voted american league rookie of the year in 1996.德里克 • 杰特 1996 年当选为美国棒球联盟新人王。◆a rookie quarterback新手四分卫 beginner [countable] a person who is starting to learn sth and cannot do it very well yet新手,初学者(指刚开始学,水平不高)◆she's in the beginners' class.她在初级班。◆italian for beginners意大利语初阶beginnersee ⇨ learn 3 be·gin·ner /bɪ`gɪnə; bɪˈɡɪnə/n [c]someone who has just started to do or learn something 新手; 初学者 ☞ beginner




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