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单词 explosion
释义 explosion noun¹ 1sudden loud bursting/exploding爆炸adjective | verb + explosion | explosion + verb | preposition adjective➤almighty, big, deafening, enormous, great, huge, large, loud, major, massive, powerful, tremendous, violent巨大的爆炸;震耳欲聋的爆炸;严重的爆炸;猛烈的爆炸▸➤minor, small轻微爆炸;小爆炸▸➤muffled沉闷的爆炸声◆there was a muffled explosion somewhere on their right.在他们的右面什么地方有一声沉闷的爆炸声。➤distant远处的爆炸◆the floor shook with a distant explosion.地板随着远处的爆炸而震颤。➤controlled受控爆炸▸➤test实验爆炸◆a nuclear test explosion核试爆➤accidental意外的爆炸▸➤bomb, chemical, gas, mine, volcanic炸弹爆炸;化学品爆炸;煤气爆炸;矿井爆炸;火山爆发▸➤atomic, nuclear原子弹爆炸;核爆炸▸➤terrorist恐怖分子制造的爆炸▸➤social (figurative) 社会暴乱◆if no action is taken, the country runs the risk of a social explosion.如果不采取措施,该国有发生社会暴乱的危险。verb + explosion➤cause, create, set off, trigger引起爆炸;引发爆炸◆the build-up of gas caused a small explosion.煤气的积聚导致了一次小爆炸。➤carry out (especially bre) 实施爆炸◆bomb disposal experts carried out a controlled explosion on the suspect package.炸弹处理专家对可疑包裹实施了受控引爆。➤hear听到爆炸声▸➤prevent防止爆炸▸➤survive在爆炸中幸存explosion + verb➤come, happen, occur, take place爆炸发生◆the explosion came 20 minutes after a coded warning to the police.在警察接到密码警告 20 分钟后,爆炸发生了。◆the explosion occurred just after noon.爆炸就发生在午后。➤erupt, go off爆炸突然发生◆a massive explosion erupted behind him.他身后突然发生了大爆炸。➤rock sth, shake sth爆炸震动⋯◆a huge explosion rocked the entire building.爆炸使整栋房子摇晃起来。◆the explosion shook nearby homes.爆炸震颤了附近的房子。➤blow sth out, destroy sth, rip through sth爆炸毁坏⋯/摧毁⋯/炸裂⋯◆an explosion blew out the front windows.爆炸炸毁了前窗。◆a massive explosion ripped through the chemical works.巨大的爆炸毁坏了化工厂。➤injure sb, kill sb爆炸炸伤某人;爆炸炸死某人▸➤cause sth爆炸造成⋯◆the explosion caused major structural damage.爆炸使主结构遭到破坏。➤echo, sound爆炸声回响◆a loud explosion echoed around the valley.巨大的爆炸声在山谷中回荡着。preposition➤in an/the explosion在爆炸中◆three people were injured in the explosion.有三个人在爆炸中受伤。explosion noun² 2sudden large increase涌现adjective | verb + explosion | explosion + verb | preposition adjective➤sudden突然激增▸➤great大爆发◆a great explosion of creativity创造力大爆发➤veritable名副其实的激增◆in the 1860s a veritable explosion of major scientific publications took place.19 世纪 60 年代,重要的科学出版物如雨后春笋一般冒出来。➤population人口爆炸▸➤information信息爆炸◆how can we keep up with the information explosion?我们如何能跟上信息爆炸的步伐?➤price, wage (bre) 价格猛涨;工资猛涨verb + explosion➤see, witness目睹激增◆i believe we will see an explosion in lawsuits of this kind.我相信,我们将会看到此类诉讼的激增。explosion + verb➤occur, take place激增出现preposition➤explosion in⋯的激增◆a sudden explosion in the number of students学生数量的突然猛增➤explosion of⋯的迅猛发展◆an explosion of interest in learning japanese学习日语兴趣的突然高涨explosion nounexplosion ♦︎ blast ♦︎ eruptionthese are all words for a sudden violent bursting and loud noise when sth explodes.这些词均表示爆炸、爆炸声。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a massive explosion / blast / eruption◆a loud / deafening / powerful / huge explosion / blast◆a bomb / gas / chemical / nuclear explosion / blast◆to cause an explosion / a blast / an eruption◆an explosion / a blast rips through / rocks sth■ explosion [countable] the sudden violent bursting and loud noise of sth such as a bomb exploding; the act of deliberately causing sth to explode爆炸;爆裂(声);爆破◆there were two loud explosions and then the building burst into flames.两声巨响之后建筑物便燃烧起来。◆bomb squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.警方爆破小组人员在严密控制下引爆了这一装置。■ blast [countable] (rather informal, journalism新闻) an explosion or a powerful movement of air caused by an explosion爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪◆bomb blast kills 50 (= in a newspaper headline).炸弹爆炸 50 人死。◆the blast ripped through the building.爆炸的气浪席卷了整座大楼。■ eruption /ɪrʌpʃn/ [countable] an explosion from a volcano火山爆发◆the eruption of krakatoa was heard 3 000 miles away.喀拉喀托火山喷发的声音在 3 000 英里以外都听得到。explosion [countable] the sudden violent bursting and loud noise of sth such as a bomb exploding; the act of deliberately causing sth to explode爆炸;爆裂(声);爆破◆there were two loud explosions and then the building burst into flames.两声巨响之后建筑物便燃烧起来。◆bomb squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.警方爆破小组人员在严密控制下引爆了这一装置。explosion/ɪkˈspləʊʒn ||; ɪkˈsploʒən/noun[c] 1. a sudden and extremely violent bursting 爆炸: ◇two people were killed in the explosion. 有两个人在爆炸中丧生。 2. a sudden dramatic increase in sth 激增: ◇the population explosion 人口激增 ☞verb explode 动词为 explode explosionsee ⇨ explode 5 ⇨ increase 12 ex·plo·sion /ɪk`sploʒən; ɪkˈspləʊʒən/n 1. [c,u] when something such as a bomb explodes, or the loud noise it causes 爆炸(声):◇the force of the explosion shook the building. 爆炸力震撼了整幢大楼。 2. a sudden large increase 激增:◇the population explosion 人口激增 ☞ explosion




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