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单词 hurt¹
释义 hurt¹ /hɜt; hɜːt/v hurt, hurt, hurting 1. [t] to make yourself or someone else feel pain 使受伤:◇she hurt her shoulder playing baseball. 她打棒球的时候伤了肩。◇careful you don't hurt yourself with that knife. 小心不要被那把刀割着了。 2. [i,t] if part of your body hurts, you feel pain in it (使)疼痛; 弄痛:◇my feet really hurt after all that walking! 走了那段路之后我的脚真疼啊! 3. [i,t] to make someone feel upset or unhappy (使)伤心,(使)痛心:◇his comments weren't true, but they hurt. 他的话说得不对,但是却伤人。◇hurt sb's feelings i'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. 对不起,我并不是有意要伤你的感情。 4. it won't/doesn't hurt (sb) to do sth spoken used to say that there is no reason why someone should not do something 【口】 做某事(于某人)不会有什么不好[用于表示某人没有理由不去做某事]:◇it won't hurt him to make his own dinner for once. 他给自己做一次饭又不会怎么样。 5. sb wouldn't hurt a fly spoken used to say that someone is very gentle and is not likely to hurt anyone 【口】 某人连一只苍蝇也不会去伤害[用于表示某人性情非常温和,不会伤害任何人]




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