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单词 explore
释义 explore verb¹ 1travel around an area游历某个地区verb + explore | preposition verb + explore➤be keen to, want to, wish to渴望探索;想要探察;希望考察▸➤be free to可自由探索◆in the afternoon you'll be free to explore a little on your own.下午你可以独自在周围游览一下。preposition➤for探测⋯◆companies exploring for oil勘探石油的公司explore verb² 2think about sth in detail思索adverb | verb + explore adverb➤extensively广泛探究▸➤briefly短暂探究▸➤fully, thoroughly全面探究;彻底调查研究◆these questions have not been fully explored yet.这些问题还没有被充分探讨。➤properly, systematically适当探究;系统研究▸➤carefully, deeply, in detail仔细探究;深入研究;详细探讨◆this idea is worth exploring in some detail.这一想法值得详细探讨。➤further进一步探究▸➤usefully有益地探究◆the movie usefully explores some of the issues surrounding adoption.这部电影围绕领养问题作了有价值的探讨。verb + explore➤need to需要探究▸➤be keen to, want to, wish to渴望探究;想要调查研究;希望探讨▸➤aim to, seek to目的是探究;试图探讨▸➤begin to, continue to开始探究;继续探讨explore [transitive] to examine or discuss an idea, issue or possibility completely or carefully in order to find out more about it探究;调查研究;探讨◆these ideas will be explored in more detail in chapter 7.这些观点将在第 7 章里作更详细的探讨。◆the study explores the differences between the way girls and boys talk.这项研究探讨了女孩和男孩讲话方式的差异。◆we need to explore every possible avenue (= every possibility).我们需要探究一切可能的情况。 ➡ see also exploration → research noun explore [transitive, intransitive] to travel around an area or country in order to learn more about it勘探;勘查;探索;考察◆the city is best explored on foot.考察这个城市最好的方式是步行。◆they explored the land to the south of the murray river.他们勘查了墨累河以南的地区。◆bicycles can be hired if you want to explore further afield.如果你想去逛更远的地方,可以租辆自行车。◆canadian companies are exploring for (= searching for) oil in the region.加拿大公司正在该地区勘探石油。 ➡ see also explorer → explorer explore/ɪkˈsplɔ:(r) ||; ɪkˈsplɔr/verb [i,t] to travel around a place, etc in order to learn about it 探测;勘深 · ◇they went on an expedition to explore the river amazon. 他们远赴亚马孙河勘探。◇i've never been to paris before -- i'm going out to explore. 我从没有到过巴黎,我要出去四处看看。 (figurative 比喻)◇we need to explore (= look carefully at) all the possibilities before we decide. 我们要先仔细研究各种可能性,然后再作决定。 exploresee ⇨ travel 8 ex·plore /ɪk`splɔr; ɪkˈsplɔː/v 1. [i,t] to travel through an unfamiliar area to find out what it is like 勘探,探测:◇we spent a week exploring the oregon coastline. 我们花了一周时间勘探了俄勒冈的海岸线。 2. [t] to discuss or think about something carefully 探究,探讨:◇explore all the possibilities before you make a decision. 当你作决定之前,先要探讨一下所有的可能性。 ☞ explore




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