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单词 exploration
释义 exploration noun¹ 1of a place地方adjective | verb + exploration | exploration + verb | exploration + noun | preposition adjective➤energy, gas, mineral, oil, petroleum能源/天然气/矿藏/石油/原油勘探▸➤polar极地考察▸➤space空间探索▸➤offshore近海勘探◆the heavy cost of offshore oil exploration近海石油勘探的巨额费用➤archaeological, scientific考古;科学考察▸➤extensive广泛的勘探▸➤detailed细致的勘探▸➤future远期勘探▸➤human人工考察verb + exploration➤carry out进行勘探◆extensive exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.人们应用最新的钻井技术进行了广泛的勘探。➤begin开始勘探▸➤continue继续勘探exploration + verb➤take place勘探进行◆areas where mineral exploration is taking place正在进行矿藏勘探的地区exploration + noun➤activity勘探活动◆exploration activity slowed during the 1970s.20 世纪 70 年代勘探活动放慢了速度。➤programme/program勘探项目▸➤company勘探公司◆an oil exploration company石油勘探公司preposition➤exploration for为了⋯的勘探◆speculative exploration for oil投机性石油勘探exploration noun² 2of an idea/subject想法;主题adjective | verb + exploration adjective➤brief短暂的探究▸➤extensive广泛的探究▸➤deep, full, in-depth, thorough深入的探究;全面的探究;彻底的探究▸➤careful, detailed仔细的研究;细致的探究◆my ideas needed more careful exploration.我的一些想法需要更仔细的研究。➤further深入探究◆these findings merit further exploration.这些结果值得进一步探究。➤creative, critical创造性探究;批判性研究◆creative exploration of music as a medium in education对音乐作为教育媒介的富有创造性的探索➤intellectual需用脑力的探究▸➤personal个人的探究◆her personal exploration of spirituality她个人对灵性的探究verb + exploration➤need, require需要探究▸➤begin开始探究▸➤continue继续探究exploration /ekspləreɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the act of travelling through a place in order to find out about it or look for sth; the act of looking at sth or considering it in detail in order to find out more about it勘探;勘查;探索;探究◆the film is a chronicle of man's exploration of space.这部电影讲述了人类太空探索的历史。◆extensive oil exploration was carried out using the latest drilling technology.应用最新的钻井技术进行了大规模的石油勘探。◆this was the time of humboldt's explorations in south america.这就是洪堡在南美探索的时期。 ➡ see also explore → investigate verb exploration/ˌekspləˈreɪʃn ||; ˌɛkspləˈreʃən/noun [c,u] the act of travelling around a place in order to learn about it 探测;探索;勘探: ◇space exploration 太空探索 exploration /ˏɛksplə`reʃən; ˌekspləˈreɪʃən/n [c,u]◇a voyage of exploration 探险航程




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