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单词 explicable
释义 explicable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem可解释;似乎可理解▸➤become变得可理解adverb➤easily, readily (both especially bre) 容易解释◆the sudden increase in sales is easily explicable.销售额的突然增加是很容易理解的。◆these atrocities are not readily explicable by any of the usual analyses of politics.通常的政治分析无法轻易地解释这些暴行。➤entirely, perfectly, wholly完全可理解◆his actions are entirely explicable.他的行为是完全可以理解的。➤largely很大程度上可理解▸➤partly部份可理解preposition➤by可通过⋯解释◆the delay is partly explicable by the roadworks.延误的部份原因是道路施工。➤in terms of可根据⋯解释◆the differences in the children's achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.孩子成绩的差异不能完全从社会背景来解释。explicable/ɪkˈsplɪkəbl;ˈeksplɪkəbl ||; ɪkˈsplɪkəbḷ; ˈɛksplɪkəbḷ/adj that can be explained 可解释的;可说明的: ◇barry's strange behaviour is only explicable in terms of the stress he is under. 巴里的古怪行为只能解释为他精神压力很大。 [opp] inexplicable 反义词为 inexplicable ex·pli·ca·ble /`ɛksplɪkəbḷ; ekˈsplɪkəbəl/adjsomething that is explicable can be easily understood or explained 可解释的,容易理解的:◇for no explicable reason, judy always remembered his phone number. 不知什么原因,茱迪总是记得他的电话号码。→ opposite 反义词 inexplicable




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