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单词 bounce
释义 bounce verbadverb | preposition adverb➤high弹得高◆the ball bounced high and she missed it.球弹得很高,她没有接住。➤back, off弹回;弹开◆the stone hit the window but bounced off.石头打中了窗户但是弹开了。preposition➤against, around, down, off, on, towards/toward对着⋯跳;在⋯周围跳动;沿着⋯跳;跳离⋯;在⋯上弹跳;朝⋯跳◆short sound waves bounce off even small objects.短声波即使遇到小物体也会产生回音。◆the idea had been bouncing around in my head for some time.有一段时间,这个念头一直在我的头脑里挥之不去。 bounce /baʊns/ verb1. (informal) [intransitive, transitive] if a cheque bounces, or a bank bounces it, the bank refuses to pay it because there is not enough money in the account (支票因出票人账上存款不足遭银行)退回,拒付◆the cheque will bounce if your salary doesn't reach your account today. 如果你的工资今天未能存入你的账户,支票将被拒付。◆a bounced cheque 一张空头支票  ➡  dishonour , rd , return 2. [intransitive, transitive] to increase suddenly in value or level 突然增加;反弹◆the retailer's shares bounced 2.7 per cent to €55.5. 零售商的股票反弹 2.7%,达到 55.5 欧元。⨁ prices / sales / shares / the market bounced价格/销量/股票/市场反弹 3. [intransitive] bounce around/up and down to repeatedly increase and decrease in value or level 忽高忽低地;上下波动◆the stock price has been bouncing up and down as much as 10% a day. 股票价格一天之内上下波动的幅度高达 10%。 4. [intransitive, transitive] if an email bounces or the system bounces it, it returns to the person who sent it because it cannot be delivered. (电子邮件)被退回 ●bounce back (from sth)to become successful again or start to increase again after a period of difficulty 重整旗鼓;复苏◆the airline's shares have bounced back from two days of heavy losses. 这航空公司的股票在遭受两天的重大损失之后已开始回升。 bounce /baʊns/ noun [countable] a rapid increase 急剧上升◆she predicts a 21% bounce in the ftse next year. 她预测明年富时指数会暴涨 21%。◆we had expected a bounce back in sales. 我们已预料到销售量的骤增。 dead cat bounce ☞ bounce☞ bounce bounce [intransitive, transitive] to jump up and down on sth; to move a child up and down while they are sitting on your knee弹跳;蹦;把(小孩)放在膝上颠着玩◆she bounced up and down excitedly on the bed.她兴奋地在床上蹦蹦跳跳。◆i bounced the baby on my knee while pat did the dishes.帕特在洗碗,我就把孩子放在膝上颠着玩。bounce/baʊns ||; baυns/verb1. [i,t] (used about a ball, etc) to move away quickly after it has hit a hard surface; to make a ball do this (指球等)反弹;使反弹: ◇the stone bounced off the wall and hit her on the head. 石头从墙上弹开,击中她的脑袋。◇a small boy came down the street, bouncing a ball. 一个小男孩在街上一边走一边拍着皮球玩。 2. [i] to jump up and down continuously 不断蹦跳: ◇the children were bouncing on their beds. 孩子们在他们的床上蹦来跳去。 ☞picture at hop 见 hop 插图 3. [i,t] (used about a cheque) to be returned by a bank without payment because there is not enough money in the account (指支票因账户缺钱而)被退票 bounce noun [c,u] bounce back to become healthy, successful or happy again after an illness, a failure, or a disappointment (病后)复原;(失败、失望后)重新振作 bouncesee ⇨ computers/internet/email 10☞ bounce¹☞ bounce²




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