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单词 fright
释义 fright noun¹ 1fear害怕adjective | verb + fright | preposition adjective➤stage怯场verb + fright➤take受惊吓▸➤be shaking with, be trembling with吓得发抖▸➤die of (informal) 吓得要死◆he almost died of fright when the fish jumped out of the water.鱼从水中跳了出来,把他吓坏了。preposition➤in fright出于害怕◆she cried out in fright.她被吓哭了。➤with fright因害怕◆they stood there, frozen with fright.他们站在那儿,吓呆了。➤fright at因⋯的害怕◆the birds took fright at the sight of the cat and flew off.鸟儿看到猫后吓得飞走了。fright noun² 2sudden feeling of fear惊恐adjective | verb + fright | phrases adjective➤terrible惊恐万分verb + fright➤get, have受惊◆leah got such a fright that she dropped the tray.利娅吓得失手掉了盘子。◆i had a terrible fright this morning when i saw you there.早上看到你在那儿,我吓了一大跳。➤give sb吓着某人phrases➤a bit of a fright, the fright of sb's life一点儿惊吓;吓一大跳◆you gave me the fright of my life, jumping out like that!你这样跳出来,把我吓死了!➤quite a fright真吓人fright [uncountable, countable] a feeling of fear, usually sudden(通常指突如其来的)惊吓,恐怖◆she cried out in fright.她吓得大声叫喊。◆he suffered from stage fright (= nervous feelings felt by performers before they appear in front of an audience).他表演前怯场。ⓘ a fright can also be an experience or an event that makes you feel fear. * fright 亦可指使人受惊吓的经历、恐怖的事件。  ➡ see also fright → shock noun 2 , frighten → frighten , frightened → afraidnote 辨析 fear or fright? fright is a reaction to sth that has just happened or is happening now. use fear, not fright, to talk about things that always frighten you and things that may happen in the future. * fright 指对刚刚发生或正在发生的事情的反应。对总是使人害怕的事物和对未来可能发生的事情感到担忧均可用 fear,但不能用 fright◆i have a fright of spiders. ◆his fright of what might happen fright [usually singular , countable] an experience that makes you feel afraid让人害怕的经历;恐怖的经历◆did i give you a fright? sorry.我吓着你了吗?对不起啦。ⓘ in this meaning fright is usually used in the patterns to give sb a fright and to have a fright. * fright 表达此义时通常用在 to give sb a fright 和 to have a fright 结构中。  ➡ see also fright → fear noun fright/fraɪt ||; fraɪt/noun [c,u] a sudden feeling of fear or shock (突然产生的)恐惧,惊慌: ◇i hope i didn't give you a frightwhen i shouted. 但愿我喊的时候没有吓着你。◇the child cried out in fright. 那个小孩吓得大叫起来。 fright• ⇨ get a fright• ⇨ give sb a fright fright /fraɪt; fraɪt/n [singular 单数,u]a sudden feeling of fear [突然的]恐惧,惊吓:◇give sb a fright (=make someone frightened) 使某人吃惊,吓某人一跳: sorry, i didn't mean to give you a fright. 对不起,我不是故意要吓你一跳。◇in fright (=because of fright) 因为害怕: they both ran off in fright. 他们俩吓得逃走了。




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