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单词 delivery
释义 delivery noun¹ 1act of delivering sth; goods delivered递送;交货adjective | verb + delivery | delivery + noun | preposition adjective➤large, small大量/小量交货▸➤express, fast, immediate, prompt, quick快递;立即送货;迅速投递➤on-time (especially name) 准时交货▸➤late延迟递送▸➤morning, next-day, overnight早晨/次日/隔夜送达▸➤recorded (certified mail in name) , scheduled, special挂号/按期/专门投递◆ensure all material is properly packed and sent by recorded delivery.确保把所有材料包装妥当并挂号寄出。➤guaranteed保证送达的递送◆guaranteed express delivery to over 170 countries到 170 多个国家的快递,保证送达➤efficient高效送达◆we need more efficient delivery of humanitarian aid.我们需要更加有效地送达这些人道主义援助。➤safe安全递送▸➤mail, newspaper, pizza邮件/报纸/比萨饼递送◆all mail deliveries were suspended during the strike.罢工期间所有邮件暂停递送。◆a pizza delivery boy比萨饼派送员➤home送货上门◆we offer free home delivery.我们免费送货上门。➤service服务的提供◆the cuts will inevitably impact on service delivery.资金的削减必然会影响服务的提供。➤health-care医疗服务➤content内容传递◆digital content delivery, especially music and video, is the next big business.数码内容的传送,特别是音乐和视频,是下一项大业务。verb + delivery➤do, make递送◆we do all our deliveries in the mornings.我们所有的递送都在上午进行。➤accept, take接收递送;收货◆the government has now taken delivery of the new fighter planes.政府已接收交付的新战斗机。➤get, receive收到交货◆we receive only one delivery of books per week.我们每星期只进一次书。➤guarantee保证交货◆we guarantee delivery before 9 a.m. the next day.我们保证第二天上午 9 点前交货。➤ensure确保交货◆order by 30 november to ensure delivery by christmas.在 11 月 30 日之前下单以确保圣诞节之前能送达。➤enhance, facilitate, improve加强/促进/改善交付◆we have invested to improve service delivery.我们已经投资改进递送服务。➤speed, speed up加快/加速送达➤delay延迟送达➤await等待送达◆we are awaiting delivery of some new office furniture.我们在等待一些新办公家具送货。delivery + noun➤truck, van送货车▸➤date, schedule, time递送日期/日程安排/时间➤route递送路线▸➤boy, guy (name, informal) , man送货员;送货人◆he was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员。➤charge递送费用▸➤service递送服务➤mechanism, method, system递送机制/方法/系统◆an electronic message delivery system电子信息传送系统preposition➤for delivery为送货◆completed orders for delivery填好的送货单➤on delivery交货时◆please pay the driver on delivery.货到时请付款给司机。➤delivery to到⋯的递送◆the company offers free delivery to your home.公司免费送货上门。delivery noun² 2giving birth to a baby分娩adjective | verb + delivery | delivery + noun adjective➤difficult, easy难产;顺产▸➤premature, preterm早产▸➤breech臀位分娩▸➤vaginal阴道分娩▸➤caesarean, caesarean-section, c-section (name) 剖宫产;剖腹产▸➤forceps产钳分娩◆the figures show an increase in forceps deliveries.数据显示产钳分娩数量增多。verb + delivery➤have分娩◆she had a very easy delivery with her second child.她第二胎分娩很顺利。delivery + noun➤room产房delivery /dɪlɪvəri/ noun (plural deliveries) 1. [uncountable, countable] the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to the people they have been sent to 传送;递送;交付◆they offer guaranteed next-day delivery to any home in the uk. 他们担保次日送到英国的任何一户人家。◆please pay for the goods on delivery (= when you receive them). 请货到付款。◆allow 28 days for delivery. 请留出 28 天送货时间。◆is there a delivery charge? 要收送货费吗?◆the airline will take delivery of (= receive) 11 new planes in 2006. 这家航空公司 2006 年将接收 11 架新飞机。◆we do all our deliveries in the morning. 我们在上午交货。  ➡  see note at distribution ⨁ express / fast / next-day / overnight / same-day delivery速递;快递;次日/夜间/当日递送 ⨁ to do / make a delivery交货 ⨁ a delivery boy / business / man / van送货员/业务/人/车 2. [countable] a load of goods that is received (收到的)一批货◆the store receives one delivery of books a week. 这店每周收到一批书。⨁ to get / receive / wait for a delivery得到/收到/等待一批货 3. [uncountable] the act of supplying sth or providing a service to sb/sth 提供某物;提供某项服务◆improving the delivery of public services 改善公共服务的提供◆a new training delivery system 一种新的培训提供系统 (law 法律) [uncountable, countable] the act of sb receiving or getting control of sth they have bought 接收货物◆delivery will take place at the seller's place of business. 将在卖方的营业地点接收货物。 cash before delivery ◇ nearby delivery ◇ non-delivery ◇ part delivery ◇ recorded delivery ◇ special delivery ◇ spot delivery ☞ delivery☞ distribution/delivery/dispatch/logistics delivery noundelivery ♦︎ distribution ♦︎ freight ♦︎ transport ♦︎ transit ♦︎ shipment ♦︎ shipping ♦︎ haulage ♦︎ handlingthese are all words for the act or business of carrying or sending goods from one place to another.这些词均表示货物的运送、运输。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆for delivery / distribution / freight / transport / shipment / shipping / haulage◆delivery / distribution / freight / transport / transit / shipping / haulage / handling costs◆a / the delivery / freight / handling charge◆a delivery / distribution / freight / transport / shipping / haulage company / business◆the freight / transport / transit / shipping / haulage industry■ delivery /dɪlɪvəri/ [uncountable, countable] the act of taking goods or letters to the people they have been sent to(货物或信件的)传送,递送,交付◆we offer free delivery on orders over $200.对于超过 200 元的订单我们免费送货。◆allow 28 days for delivery.请留出 28 天送货时间。◆please pay for goods on delivery (= when they are delivered).请货到付款。◆ (formal) when will you be able to take delivery of the car?你何时能够提取那辆汽车?◆at the moment there are two deliveries a day (= of mail).目前邮件一天递送两次。◆she had made a delivery to the address earlier that day.那天她早早地就把邮件按地址送达。 ➡ see also deliver → take 1 ■ distribution /dɪstrɪbjuːʃn/ [uncountable] (business商业) the act of making goods available to customers by supplying them to shops; the system of transporting and delivering goods to shops or customers(商品的)分销,运销,经销◆they have systems in place for sales, distribution and marketing.他们有妥善的销售、经销和营销系统。◆he worked in the milk distribution business.他从事乳产品分销生意。 ➡ see also distribute → distribute ■ freight /freɪt/ [uncountable] the system of carrying goods from one place to another by road, air or rail(公路、航空或铁路)货运◆we tend to use air freight for lighter goods.比较轻的货物我们往往会空运。 ➡ see also freight → cargo ■ transport (especially bre) (also transportation, especially in name) [uncountable] the activity or business of carrying goods from one place to another, especially by road or rail(尤指公路或铁路)运输,运送,输送◆we need stricter controls on the transport of nuclear waste.我们对核废料的运输需要加强控制。◆transportation costs have virtually crippled our business.运输成本几乎已使我们的生意难以维持。 ➡ see also transport → take 1 ■ transit /trænzɪt, trænsɪt-->/ [uncountable] the process of being moved or carried from one place to another运输;运送;载运◆the total cost includes transit.总成本中包括运费。◆your insurance should cover transit by air, sea or rail.你的保险应该涵盖空运、海运和铁路运输。◆we will pay for any goods lost or damaged in transit.我们对运输中丢失或损坏的任何货物都予以赔付。■ shipment [uncountable] the process of sending goods from one place to another, especially from one country to another, but not necessarily by ship(尤指跨国的货物)运输,运送,装运◆the goods are ready for shipment.货物已备妥待运。◆the illegal shipment of weapons continues to be a multimillion dollar industry.非法武器运输仍然是一个数百万元产值的行业。 ➡ see also ship → take 1 ■ shipping [uncountable] the activity of carrying people or goods from one place to another by ship(人或货物的)航运,海运◆she arranged for the shipping of her furniture to england.她安排将家具海运到英格兰。◆she married a shipping magnate (= sb who has made a lot of money from shipping) in 1997.1997 年她嫁给了一名航运业大亨。ⓘ in american english shipping is also another word for shipment, especially of goods being sold to the public.在美式英语中,shipping 可与 shipment 通用,尤指向公众销售的货物的运送◆ (name) we offer free shipping on orders over $50.对于超过 50 元的订单我们免费运送。  ➡ see also ship → take 1 ■ haulage /hɔːlɪdʒ/ [uncountable] (bre) the business or cost of transporting goods by road or rail(公路或铁路)货运,货运费◆there have been protests from the road haulage industry.公路货运业一直在抗议。◆how much will haulage be (= how much will it cost)?运费是多少?■ handling [uncountable] (formal) the act or cost of packing an object or material and sending it to a customer包装送货(费);手续费◆there is a $5 handling charge for each order.每张订单收取 5 元的手续费。◆ (name) you pay only $29.99 plus shipping and handling.你只须付 29.99 元,另加运费和包装费。ⓘ in british english this is called postage and packing.在英式英语中,这种费用称为 postage and packing。delivery /dɪlɪvəri/ [uncountable, countable] the act of taking goods or letters to the people they have been sent to(货物或信件的)传送,递送,交付◆we offer free delivery on orders over $200.对于超过 200 元的订单我们免费送货。◆allow 28 days for delivery.请留出 28 天送货时间。◆please pay for goods on delivery (= when they are delivered).请货到付款。◆ (formal) when will you be able to take delivery of the car?你何时能够提取那辆汽车?◆at the moment there are two deliveries a day (= of mail).目前邮件一天递送两次。◆she had made a delivery to the address earlier that day.那天她早早地就把邮件按地址送达。 ➡ see also deliver → take 1 delivery/dɪˈlɪvəri ||; dɪˈlɪvərɪ/noun (plural deliveries) 1. [u] the act of taking sth (goods, letters, etc) to the place or person who has ordered it or whose address is on it 运送;投递;送交: ◇please allow 28 days for delivery. 运货需时28天。◇a delivery van (厢式)运货车 2. [c] an occasion when sth is delivered 运送的时刻;投递的时刻: ◇is there a delivery here on sundays? 星期天这里有人送货吗? 3. [c] something (goods, letters, etc) that is delivered 运送的货物;投递的信件: ◇the shop is waiting for a new delivery of apples. 商店在等着再收一批苹果。 4. [c] the process of giving birth to a baby 分娩: ◇an easy delivery 顺产 deliverysee ⇨ baby 5 de·liv·er·y /dɪ`lɪvərɪ; dɪˈlɪvəri/n [c,u] 1. the act of taking something to someone's house, office etc 运送,传递:◇pizza mondo offers free delivery for any pizza over $10. 蒙多意大利薄饼店为购买 10 美元以上意大利薄饼的顾客免费送货。 2. the process of a baby being born 分娩,生产




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