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单词 delightful
释义 delightful adjectiveverbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, seem, sound令人愉快;好像讨人喜欢;听起来令人愉快adverb➤most, really非常/确实令人开心◆it has been a most delightful evening.这是个非常愉快的夜晚。➤absolutely, quite, simply, truly绝对/相当/极其/真正令人愉快phrases➤delightful little宜人的小⋯◆it was a delightful little fishing village.那是个宜人的小渔村。delightfulthat gives you great pleasure; very attractive令人愉快的;迷人的◆it has been a most delightful evening.那是个非常令人愉快的夜晚。◆it was a delightful little fishing village.那是个舒适宜人的小渔村。▸ delightfully adverb◆the hotel is delightfully situated on the edge of the lake.这家宾馆坐落在湖边,令人心旷神怡。note 辨析 wonderful, lovely or delightful?these words can all describe times, events, places, sights, feelings and the weather. wonderful can also describe a chance or ability.这些词都可以描述时间、事件、地方、景色、感觉和天气。wonderful 还可以描述机会或能力◆a lovely/delightful opportunity/skill lovely is the most frequent in spoken british english, but in american english wonderful is the most frequent, both spoken and written. delightful is used especially to talk about times, events and places. * lovely 是英式英语口语中最常用的词,但是在美式英语口语或书面语中,wonderful 最常用。delightful 尤用于描述时间、事件和地方。delightfulsee ⇨ nice 2 de·light·ful /dɪ`laɪtfəl; dɪˈlaɪtfəl/adjvery nice or enjoyable 令人愉快的,使人高兴的:◇a delightful book for children 儿童喜爱的书




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