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单词 comparison
释义 comparison nounadjective | verb + comparison | preposition | phrases adjective➤favourable/favorable, unfavourable/unfavorable有利的/不利的比较▸➤fair, unfair公平的/不公平的比较▸➤broad, crude, simple粗略的比较;简单的比较▸➤accurate, careful, close, detailed, direct准确的/认真的/仔细的/详细的/直接的比较▸➤meaningful, useful, valid有意义的/有用的/有根据的比较➤apt, good, interesting恰当的/不错的/有意思的比较➤inevitable不可避免的比较➤performance, price, etc.性能、价格等比较◆a price-comparison site价格比较网站verb + comparison➤draw, make, perform作比较◆it's difficult to make a direct comparison-the two things are so different.这两样东西太不一样了,很难直接比较。➤allow, enable, facilitate, permit使得可以相比;便于比较;允许比较➤invite引起比较◆the similarity between the two invites comparison.两者的相似性让人很容易拿它们作比较。➤bear, stand比得上;经得起比较◆our problems don't bear comparison with those elsewhere.我们的问题与别处的问题不能相提并论。preposition➤by comparison (with)与(⋯)相比较◆jane is still young, and fiona seems old by comparison.简依然年轻,而菲奥娜相比之下就显老。➤for comparison作比较◆let's put them side by side for comparison.把它们放在一起比较一下吧。➤in comparison to, in comparison with与⋯比较◆the glasses are small in comparison with the old ones.与旧杯子相比这些杯子小一些。➤comparison between⋯之间的比较◆a comparison between figures for last year and this year去年与今年数字的对比➤comparison with与⋯的比较◆a comparison with other schools与其他学校的比较➤comparison of⋯的比较◆a comparison of unemployment rates over the past 15 years过去 15 年失业率的比较phrases➤a basis for comparison比较的基础◆to provide a basis for comparison提供比较的基础➤a point of comparison比较点➤for the purposes of comparison出于比较的目的 comparison noun  ➡ see also the entry for similarity另见 similarity 条comparison ♦︎ analogythese are both words for the process of comparing two or more people or things.这两个词均表示人或事物之间的比较、类比。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a comparison / an analogy between a and b◆a comparison / an analogy with sth◆by comparison / analogy◆a / an simple / close / interesting / striking comparison / analogy◆a / an direct / useful / appropriate / apt / obvious / good / clear comparison / analogy◆to draw / make / suggest a comparison / an analogy■ comparison [uncountable, countable] the process of comparing two or more people or things; an occasion when two or more people or things are compared比较;对比;相比◆i enclose the two plans for comparison.兹附上两份计划以供比较。◆the tallest buildings in london are small in comparison with new york's skyscrapers.伦敦最高的建筑物与纽约的摩天大厦一比就相形见绌。◆his problems seemed trivial by comparison.相比之下,他的问题显得微不足道。◆the education system bears no comparison with that in many central european countries (= it is not as good).这种教育制度和许多中欧国家无法相比。◆a comparison of the rail systems in britain and france英国和法国铁路系统的比较◆you can draw comparisons with the situation in australia (= say how the two situations are similar).这种情形可与澳大利亚的相比。  ➡ see also comparable → equivalent adj. ■ analogy /ənælədʒi/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a comparison of one thing with another thing that has similar features, especially in order to explain it; a similar feature(尤指为了便于解释的)类比,比拟;相似之处◆the teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.老师打了个比方,将人的心脏比作水泵。◆they promote learning by analogy.他们推广用类推法学习。◆there are no analogies with any previous legal cases.以往的法律案件中找不到与此案类似的。  ➡ see also analogous → equivalent adj. comparison [uncountable, countable] the process of comparing two or more people or things; an occasion when two or more people or things are compared比较;对比;相比◆i enclose the two plans for comparison.兹附上两份计划以供比较。◆the tallest buildings in london are small in comparison with new york's skyscrapers.伦敦最高的建筑物与纽约的摩天大厦一比就相形见绌。◆his problems seemed trivial by comparison.相比之下,他的问题显得微不足道。◆the education system bears no comparison with that in many central european countries (= it is not as good).这种教育制度和许多中欧国家无法相比。◆a comparison of the rail systems in britain and france英国和法国铁路系统的比较◆you can draw comparisons with the situation in australia (= say how the two situations are similar).这种情形可与澳大利亚的相比。  ➡ see also comparable → equivalent adj. comparison/kəmˈpærɪsn ||; kəmˈpærəsṇ/noun [c,u] an act of comparing; a statement in which people or things are compared 比较: ◇put the new one and the old one side by side, for comparison. 把新的和旧的摆在一起作比较。◇it's hard to make comparisons between two athletes from different sports. 将不同种类运动的两名运动员作比较是很难的。 by/in comparison (with sb/sth) when compared 和…相比: ◇in comparison with many other people, they're quite well off. 比起很多人,他们的生活算宽裕的了。 comparison• ⇨ in comparison/by comparison• ⇨ make a comparison• ⇨ there's no comparison com·pa·ri·son /kəm`pærəsṇ; kəmˈpærɪsən/n 1. [c,u] when someone compares two different things or people 比较,对照:◇+ of a comparison of crime figures in chicago and detroit 芝加哥和底特律犯罪数字的比较◇make/draw a comparison (=consider how similar two people or things are) 认为[两者]有相似之处: many people have drawn a comparison between her and her mother. 许多人将她和她的妈妈作比较。 2. in/by comparison when you are comparing two people or things 相比之下:◇we were wealthy in comparison with a lot of families. 与许多家庭相比,我们是富有的。 3. there's no comparison used to say that someone or something is much better than someone or something else 无法相比[用于表示一物远较另一物为好]:◇there's just no comparison between home-made and shop-bought bread. 家里做的面包和从商店买来的面包根本没法比。 ☞ comparison




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