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单词 beg
释义 beg verb¹ 1ask sb for food, money, etc.行乞verb + beg | preposition verb + beg➤be forced to, have to被迫/只得行乞preposition➤for乞讨⋯◆they were forced to beg for food.他们被迫乞讨食物。➤from向⋯乞讨◆he had to beg food from passers-by.他不得不向路人乞讨食物。beg verb² 2ask for sth with great emotion恳求adverb | verb + beg | preposition adverb➤almost, practically几乎乞求◆in the end they almost begged him to take the job.最终他们几乎是哀求他来做这个工作。➤humbly央求◆we humbly beg you to show mercy.我们恳请您发发慈悲。➤silently默默地乞求◆don't leave me, he begged her silently.“别离开我。”他默默地哀求她。➤desperately, frantically拚命地乞求verb + beg➤be forced to, have to被迫/不得不乞求preposition➤for乞求⋯◆we went to him to beg for forgiveness.我们找他恳求原谅。➤of (formal) 恳求(某人)◆do not do that, i beg of you.不要那么做,我求你了。 beg verbbeg ♦︎ plead ♦︎ implorethese words all mean to ask for sth in a serious or anxious way because you want or need it very much.这些词均表示恳求、祈求、哀求。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to beg / plead for sth◆to beg / implore sb to do sth◆to almost / practically beg / plead with sb◆i beg / implore you!■ beg (-gg-) [transitive, intransitive] to ask sb for sth, especially in an anxious way, because you want or need it very much恳求;祈求;哀求◆they begged him for help.他们向他求援。◆i managed to beg a ride from a passing motorist.我设法求得一个开车路过的人让我搭便车。◆he wants to see them beg for mercy.他想亲眼看着他们求饶。◆she begged him not to go.她求他不要离开。◆'give me one more chance,' he begged.“再给我一次机会吧。”他恳求道。■ plead /pliːd/ (pleaded, pleaded; name also pled, pled) [intransitive] to ask sb for sth in a very strong and serious way乞求;恳求◆she pleaded with him not to go.她恳求他不要离开。◆i was forced to plead for my child's life.我被迫苦苦哀求给我的孩子一条生路。◆he pleaded to be allowed to see his mother one more time.他恳求准许他再看妈妈一眼。 ➡ see also plea → request note 辨析 beg or plead? plead can suggest a stronger, more urgent or more emotional request, especially one that affects your personal happiness or the safety of those you love. beg is often used by the person making the request, to emphasize how important it is, but plead is not used in this way. * plead 表示更强烈、更急迫或更恳切的请求,尤指关系到个人幸福或所爱之人的安危。beg 常指说话人为自己提出请求,以强调这一请求何其重要,但 plead 不这么用◆please don't do this, i'm begging you!请别这么做,我求求你了!◆please, i'm pleading with you! ■ implore /ɪmplɔː(r)/ [transitive, intransitive] (formal or literary) to beg sb恳求;哀求◆she implored him to stay.她恳求他留下。 beg(-gg-) [transitive, intransitive] to ask sb for sth, especially in an anxious way, because you want or need it very much恳求;祈求;哀求◆they begged him for help.他们向他求援。◆i managed to beg a ride from a passing motorist.我设法求得一个开车路过的人让我搭便车。◆he wants to see them beg for mercy.他想亲眼看着他们求饶。◆she begged him not to go.她求他不要离开。◆'give me one more chance,' he begged.“再给我一次机会吧。”他恳求道。 beg(-gg-) [intransitive, transitive] to ask sb for money, food, etc., especially in the street when you have nothing乞讨;行乞◆there were homeless people begging in the streets.有无家可归者在街上乞讨。◆he gets thousands of begging letters (= letters asking for money).他收到几千封管他要钱的信。◆we managed to beg a meal from the cafe owner.我们向咖啡馆老板讨到了一顿饭。 ➡ see also beggar → tramp beg/beg ||; bɛg/verb [i,t] (begging;begged) 1. beg (sb) for sth;beg sth (of/from sb);beg (sb) to do sth to ask sb for sth strongly, or with great emotion 恳求;乞求: ◇he begged for forgiveness. 他恳求原谅。◇we begged him to lend us the money. 我们恳求他借钱给我们。 [syn] entreat or implore 同义词为 entreat 或 implore 2. beg (for) sth (from sb) to ask people for food, money, etc because you are very poor 行乞;乞讨: ◇there are people begging for food in the streets. 街头有人在乞讨食物。 i beg your pardon(formal 正式) 1. i am sorry 对不起: ◇i beg your pardon. i picked up your bag by mistake. 对不起,我误拿了你的袋子。 2. used for asking sb to repeat sth because you did not hear it properly (用于请对方把话重复一遍,以便听清楚)begsee ⇨ ask 11,14     • • •• ⇨ i beg your pardon beg /bɛg; beɡ/v -gged, -gging 1. [i,t] to ask for something in an urgent or anxious way 恳求,请求:◇beg sb to do sth i begged her to stay, but she wouldn't. 我恳求她留下,但她拒绝了。 2. [i] to ask someone for food, money etc because you are very poor 乞讨,行乞:◇children begging in the streets 在街上乞讨的孩子 3. i beg your pardon spoken 【口】 a) formal used to say sorry for something you have said or done 【正式】 请您原谅:◇oh, i beg your pardon, did i step on your toe? 噢,对不起,我踩着你了吗? b) formal used to show that you strongly disagree 【正式】 恕我不敢苟同:◇"new york's a terrible place." "i beg your pardon, that's my home town!" “纽约是个糟糕的地方。”“恕我不敢苟同,那是我的家乡!” c) used to ask someone politely to repeat something 请再说一遍:◇"it's 7 o'clock." "i beg your pardon?" "i said it's 7 o'clock." “七点钟了。”“请您再说一遍好吗?”“我说七点钟了。”




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