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单词 don't care
释义 don't care1 when you do not care about something because it is not important to you2 when you do not care because you will be happy whatever happens3 not caring about somethingrelated wordswhen you care about someone or something a lot 很在意某人或某事 important,1. when you do not care about something because it is not important to you 因某事对你不重要而不关心 not care /nɒt ˈkeəʳ/ [verb phrase] if you don't care about something, it is not important to you 不在乎,不在意 ‘what do you think i should do?’ ‘i don't care. do what you want.’ “你认为我应该做什么?”“我不在乎,随你的便。”not care what/whether/if etc i like george, and i don't care what anyone else thinks about him. 我喜欢乔治,我不管别人怎么看他。 i don't care what my parents say - i am going to the party. 我不管父母说什么,我要去参加聚会。not care about she doesn't care about anything except money. 除了钱她什么也不关心。 couldn't care less /ˌkʊdnt keəʳ ˈles/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to not care at all about something 【非正式】一点都不在乎 the politicians are making a big deal out of the issue, but most voters couldn't care less. 政客们对这个话题大惊小怪的,可大多数选民却根本不在乎。couldn't care less about shelley couldn't care less about what other people thought of her. 谢莉根本不在乎别人怎么看她。couldn't care less whether/if to be perfectly honest with you, i couldn't care less whether he comes or not. 很坦白跟你说,我一点也不在乎他来不来。 not give a damn /ˌnɒt gɪv ə ˈdæm/ [verb phrase not in progressive] spoken to not care at all about something - use this when you are very annoyed with someone or something 【口】毫不在乎[对某人或某事非常生气时的说法] not give a damn about you're so selfish. you don't give a damn about anyone except for yourself. 你太自私了,除了你自己,你对谁都不在乎。not give a damn what/who/why etc i don't really give a damn what the press says. 报纸上怎么讲我真的一点也不在乎。 be past caring /biː ˌpɑːst ˈkeərɪŋǁ-ˌpæst-/ [verb phrase] to no longer care about something that you were worried about for a long time, because you realize that the situation cannot be changed 已经不在乎[担心了很长时间的事] i used to worry a lot about my weight when i was young, but now i'm past caring. 我年轻时经常为体重担心,不过现在无所谓了。 the company wrote and apologized for their mistake, but by then sarah was past caring. 那家公司写信来为他们的错误道歉,但那时候莎拉已不在乎此事了。 for all i care /fər ˌɔːl ˈaɪ ˌkeəʳ/ [adverb] spoken say this when you do not care at all what someone does or what happens to them, especially when you are annoyed with them 【口】我全然不在乎 i don't want to hear any more about her. she can drop dead for all i care. 我不想再听到她的事了,她就是死了我也不关心。 who cares?/so what?/what do i care? /ˌhuː ˈkeəʳz, ˌsəʊ ˈwɒt, ˌwɒt duː ˈaɪ keəʳ/ spoken informal say this when you do not care about something, because you do not think it is important at all 【口,非正式】谁在乎?/那又怎样?/关我什么事? so your house isn't perfectly clean. who cares? 你的房子不是一尘不染。那又有谁会在意呢? ‘phil was really angry when he heard what you had done.’ ‘so what? it's none of his business.’ “菲尔听到你干的事后非常生气。”“那又怎样?这不关他的事。” ‘he says he's depressed and really short of money.’ ‘what do i care? it's his own fault.’ “他说他很沮丧而且很缺钱用。”“关我什么事?是他自己不好。” let him/her/them (do something) /ˌlet hɪm (ˈduː something )/ spoken say this when you do not care if someone does what they have threatened to do 【口】随[让]他/她/他们去做[某事] ‘brenda says she's going to quit unless we give her a raise.’ ‘let her quit then. it's not as if we can't find another nanny.’ “布伦达说她打算辞职,除非我们给她加薪。”“让她辞职好了,好像我们找不到别的保姆似的。” ‘they're threatening to disconnect the phone unless we pay the bill.’ ‘let them!’ “他们威胁说除非我们付电话费,否则就切断电话。”“随他们怎样!” tough! /tʌf/ spoken informal say this when someone tells you about a problem they have and you do not have any sympathy for them, especially because you feel angry with them 【口,非正式】活该![指别人向你诉说他们的问题时表示不同情或生气] ‘mom, i don't want to go to school today.’ ‘tough! you're going anyway.’ “妈,今天我不想去上学。”“废话,无论如何你都要去。” ‘can't we stop? i'm hungry.’ ‘that's tough. i told you to eat something before we left the house.’ “我们停一停行吗?我饿了。”“那是活该。我们离家时,我跟你说过要吃点东西的。],2. when you do not care because you will be happy whatever happens 你不介意,因为不论发生什么你都会开心 don't mind british /don't care american /dəʊnt ˈmaɪnd, dəʊnt ˈkeəʳ/ to not care because you will be happy with whatever happens or with whatever someone decides 不介意,不在乎;无所谓 ‘what would you like to do tonight?’ ‘i don't mind. you decide.’ “你今晚想干什么?”“我无所谓,你来决定。” ‘do you want white bread or wheat?’ ‘i don't care. either one is fine.’ “你要白面包还是小麦面包?”“我无所谓,哪一种都可以。”don't mind where/what/how etc honestly, i don't mind whether linda comes with us or not. 老实说,我并不在意琳达是不是跟我们一起去。 they won't care if we're a few minutes late. 我们迟到几分钟他们不会在乎的。 be not fussy /biː nɒt ˈfʌsi/ [verb phrase] especially british, spoken to not care what happens or what is decided, especially when someone has asked you what you would prefer 【尤英,口】随便[尤指别人问你喜欢什么时] ‘do you want to sit in the front seat or the back?’ ‘i'm not fussy.’ “你想坐在前面还是后面?”“我无所谓。”be not fussy where/what/which etc i'm not fussy where i stay, as long as it's cheap. 我随便住哪儿都行,只要便宜。be not fussy about she's not fussy about what kind of car she drives. 无论开什么样的车她都无所谓。 he's not very fussy about his appearance, is he? 他对自己的外表不很在意,是不是? it makes no difference to me/it doesn't bother me/it's all the same to me /ɪt meɪks nəʊ ˌdɪfərəns tə ˈmiː, ɪt dʌzənt ˌbɒðəʳ ˈmiːǁ-ˌbɑː- , ɪts ɔːl ðə ˌseɪm tə ˈmiː/ spoken say this when you do not mind what happens because it does not affect you or cause you any problems 【口】对我来说怎么都一样 you can come on thursday or friday -- it makes no difference to me. 你可以星期四来,也可以星期五来—对我来说都一样。 we can go out to eat if you want - it's all the same to me. 你想出去吃的话我们就出去吃,对我来说都一样。 mamet says it makes no difference to him what a movie costs, as long as it's a good movie. 马梅特说电影票多少钱一张他不在乎,只要好看就行。 i'm easy /aɪm ˈiːzi/ spoken informal say this when someone asks you which one of two things you would prefer, and you want to tell them that you do not mind what is decided 【口,非正式】我随便,我无所谓[指别人问你两件事中喜欢哪一件时] ‘do you want to watch the news or the late night film?’ ‘i'm easy.’ “你想看新闻还是想看午夜影院?”“我随便。” it's no skin off my nose /ɪts nəʊ ˌskɪn ɒf ˈmaɪ nəʊz/ spoken say this when you do not care what someone else does because it does not affect you in any way 【口】这不关我的事,我根本不在乎 it's no skin off our nose if they don't want to come along. 他们不想来,跟我们没关系。 if my sister wants to throw her money away, then fine. it's no skin off my nose. 我姐姐要乱花钱就随她,我才不在乎。 suit yourself /ˌsuːt jɔːʳˈself/ spoken say this when someone has told you what they are going to do, and even though you do not think it is a good idea, you do not care whether they do it or not 【口】随你的便 ‘i think i'll just stay home tonight.’ ‘suit yourself.’ “我想今晚就待在家里。”“随你便。” ‘do you mind if i sit here?’ ‘suit yourself,’ she said, without looking up. “我坐这儿可以吗?”“随便。”她说,头也没抬。3. not caring about something 对某事不关心 unconcerned /ˌʌnkənˈsɜːʳnd/ [adjective not before noun] not worried or not caring about something, especially when you would normally expect someone to care 漠不关心的,若无其事的 it was strange. they threatened to fire him, but he seemed quite unconcerned. 真奇怪。他们威胁要开除他,可他好像一点都不在乎。unconcerned about she seemed unconcerned about the risk of violence. 她对暴力的危险似乎并不担心。 they appeared completely unconcerned about the shelling going on around them. 他们好像对四周的炮击毫不在意。 indifferent /ɪnˈdɪfərənt/ [adjective not before noun] not seeming to care about what is happening, especially about other people's problems or feelings [尤指对他人的问题或感受]冷漠的,不在乎的 her father was quite friendly, but her mother seemed somewhat cold and indifferent. 她父亲很友好,但她母亲似乎有些冷冰冰,对人不理不睬的。indifferent to his opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class. 他的对手试图把他说成是一个对工人阶级的利益漠不关心的人。 apathetic /ˌæpəˈθetɪk◂/ [adjective] not interested in anything or not caring about anything, and not making any effort to change or improve things 冷淡的,漠然的[指不愿意作出努力对事情加以改善] the voters have become increasingly apathetic over the last several years. 近几年来选民的态度变得越来越冷漠了。apathetic about parents are completely apathetic about their children's education and show little interest in it. 父母对子女的教育完全漠不关心,一点兴趣也没有。 apathy /ˈæpəθi/ [uncountable noun] a feeling of not being interested and not caring about something 冷淡,漠然 ‘there's a growing sense of apathy and cynicism about the whole democratic process here,’ one western diplomat said. “在这里,人们对整个民主进程表现出日益增长的冷漠和嘲讽态度。”一位西方外交官说。 blasé /ˈblɑːzeɪǁblɑːˈzeɪ/ [adjective not usually before noun] not caring or worrying about something that other people think is important [对在别人看来很重要的事]无所谓的,漠不关心的 she used to be very meticulous about her work but she's becoming very blasé. 以前她对工作总是一丝不苟,可现在却变得漫不经心了。 i was surprised by carol's blasé attitude. 我对卡罗尔漠不关心的态度感到惊讶。 despite his air of blasé , there was something childlike and curious about andy warhol. 安迪·沃霍尔尽管摆出一副满不在乎的样子,却有一种孩子般的、好奇的神态。blasé about people have become blasé about the violence they see on their tv screens. 人们对在电视上看到的暴力已变得无所谓了。 casual /ˈkæʒuəl/ [adjective] seeming not to care or pretending not to care about something 漫不经心的,随便的 she hurried into the room with no more than a casual glance in our direction. 她随便地朝我们瞥了一眼,就匆匆进了房间。casual attitude (casual toward/about something) he had a casual attitude toward studying and grades. 他对学习和成绩抱一种无所谓的态度。 casually [adverb] ‘i was wondering if maybe you'd like to get together sometime,’ he said casually. “我在想你是否愿意什么时候聚一聚,”他随意地说道。 offhand /ˌɒfˈhænd◂ǁˌɔːf-/ [adjective] not caring or seeming not to care about something or someone 简慢的,漫不经心的 offhand with the store manager was rather offhand with us at first. 商店经理起先对我们的态度很是简慢。 she said you were a bit offhand with her this afternoon. 她说今天下午你对她的态度有点简慢无礼。offhand reply/manner/ attitude etc i didn't like his offhand manner. 我不喜欢他那种简慢的态度。 nonchalant /ˈnɒnʃələntǁˌnɑːnʃəˈlɑːnt/ [adjective] seeming not to care about something, especially when you really do care but are trying to pretend that you do not 故作冷漠的,若无其事的[尤指你真的在乎,但试图装作不在乎] a nonchalant attitude 故作冷淡的态度 ‘i'm sorry i'm so late. have you been waiting long?’ he asked. she gave a nonchalant shrug. “很抱歉我这么晚到。你等了很久吗?”他问道。她故作不在乎地耸耸肩。try to appear/look nonchalant when peter came in, she glanced up, trying to appear nonchalant. 彼得进来时她扫了一眼,装出若无其事的样子。 nonchalantly [adverb] ‘oh, come on, dick - you're just imagining things,’ she said nonchalantly. “噢,得了吧,迪克,你想到哪儿去了。”她装作没事人似的说道。 nonchalance [uncountable noun] i was surprised by her nonchalance. we hadn't seen each other in over fifteen years, yet she acted like it was no big deal. 我对她的若无其事感到吃惊。我们有15年多没见面了,可她却装出没什么特别的样子。




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