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单词 rapid
释义 rapid adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem迅速;好像迅速▸➤become变得迅速adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常迅速▸➤extraordinarily, unusually不同寻常地迅速▸➤relatively相对迅速➤increasingly越来越快rapid [usually before noun] (rather formal) happening in a short period of time; done or happening very quickly迅速发生的;快速的◆there has been a rapid rise in sales.销售额快速上升。◆the patient made a rapid recovery.病人很快康复了。◆the disease is spreading at a rapid rate.这种疾病在迅速蔓延。◆the guard fired four shots in rapid succession.卫兵连开了四枪。ⓘ rapid is most often used to describe the speed with which sth changes. * rapid 最常用以描述事物变化的速度。 opp slow → slow  ➡ see also rapidity → speed noun ▸ rapidly adverb◆a rapidly growing economy迅速增长的经济◆crime figures are rising rapidly.犯罪率在快速上升。rapid/ˈræpɪd ||; ˈræpɪd/adj happening very quickly or moving with great speed 快速的;快捷的;迅速的: ◇she made rapid progress and was soon the best in the class. 她进步很快,不久便成为班上成绩最好的学生。 ➔rapidity /rəˈpɪdəti ||; rəˈpɪdətɪ/ noun [u] (formal 正式) ◇the rapidity of change has astonished most people. 转变之快令大部份人感到惊讶。 ➔rapidly adv rapidsee ⇨ fast 3,8 rap·id /`ræpɪd; ˈræpɪd/adjdone or happening very quickly 快的,迅速的:◇rapid political changes 迅速的政治变化




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