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单词 echo
释义 echo nounadjective | verb + echo | echo + verb | preposition adjective➤distant, faint远处的回声;微弱的回音▸➤clear, distinct, loud, strong (often figurative) 清晰的回声;响亮的回声;强回声◆there are clear echoes of elvis presley in his vocal style.他的歌唱风格有明显模仿“猫王”埃尔维斯・普雷斯利的痕迹。➤hollow空洞的回声➤eerie, ghostly诡异的/令人恐怖的回声◆the initial reports had an eerie echo of the attacks two weeks earlier.最初的报道令人想起两周前令人不安的袭击。◆ghostly echoes of virginia's past与弗吉尼娅的过去诡异的相似➤returning折返的回声◆the bat compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo.蝙蝠把它自己的叫声和折返的回声作比较。verb + echo➤hear, listen for, listen to听见回声;倾听回声◆we could just hear a faint echo.我们仅能听见一声微弱的回响。➤make, produce, send back, send out发出回声;传回回声◆their footsteps on the bare boards sent out hollow echoes.他们的脚步声在没铺地毯的地板上发出空洞的回声。➤contain, have (both figurative) 相仿◆the story has echoes of alice in wonderland.这个故事和《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》有很多相似之处。➤find (figurative) 得到再现◆the political upheavals find an echo in the art of the time.政治动荡在当时的艺术中呈现出来。echo + verb➤bounce back, bounce off sth, rebound, reverberate回声反弹回来/从⋯反弹回来/回传/回荡◆the echoes reverberated through the auditorium.回声在礼堂里回荡。➤come back, return回声传回◆an echo came back from the walls of the building.大楼的墙壁传来了一声回声。➤die, die away回声消失/渐渐消失◆the echo slowly died away.回声渐渐消失了。preposition➤echo from来自⋯的回声◆the echo from a brick wall来自砖墙的回声echo verb¹ 1come back as an echo回声传回adverb | verb + echo | preposition adverb➤faintly, slightly, softly微弱地回响➤loudly声音很大地回响▸➤eerily, strangely怪异地/奇怪地回响➤ominously不祥地回响▸➤hollowly空洞地回响◆the sound echoed hollowly through the tall empty house.声音在高大空荡的房子里发出空洞的回声。➤still仍在回响▸➤back传回回声◆their voices echoed back across the water.他们的声音穿过水面传了回来。verb + echo➤seem to好像发出回声preposition➤across在⋯回响◆the protest seemed to echo across the room.抗议声似乎在房间里回荡。➤around, round (especially bre) 在⋯四处回响◆his voice echoed around the room.他的声音在整间屋子里回荡。➤down沿着⋯回响◆her footsteps echoed down the corridor.她的脚步声在走廊里回荡。➤in在⋯里回响◆her screams still echoed in his ears.她的尖叫声仍在他的耳边回响。➤off回声自⋯发出◆the call echoed off the walls of the cave.叫喊的回声从洞壁反射过来。➤through发出穿过⋯的回声◆laughter echoed through the house.笑声回荡在整个房子里。➤with回响着⋯◆the great hall echoed with laughter.大厅里回荡着笑声。echo verb² 2repeat/agree with sb/sth重复;赞成adverb | verb + echo adverb➤exactly精确地模仿▸➤widely广泛地认同◆an opinion that is widely echoed in the tabloid press被各家小报广泛转载的观点➤clearly显然重复▸➤merely, only, simply只不过重复;仅仅重复◆in his statement, the police chief merely echoed the views of his deputy.警察局长在声明中仅仅是重复了副局长的观点。➤incredulously不大相信地重复◆'he's gone!' viv echoed incredulously.“他走了!”维夫不相信地重复着。verb + echo➤seem to似乎重复◆their ideas seem to echo our own.他们似乎是在重复我们的观点。 echo verbecho ♦︎ ring ♦︎ ring out ♦︎ reverberate ♦︎ resound ♦︎ resonatethese words all mean to make a sound that is still heard after the sound is no longer being made.这些词均表示回响、回荡。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to echo / ring / ring out / reverberate / resound / resonate through / around a place◆to echo / ring / ring out / reverberate / resound / resonate with sth◆to echo / ring / reverberate / resound to sth◆a voice echoes / rings / rings out / reverberates / resounds / resonates◆laughter echoes / rings / rings out / reverberates / resounds◆to echo / ring / ring out / resonate loudly■ echo /ekəʊ; name ekoʊ/ [intransitive, transitive](of a sound) to be reflected off a wall or other surface so that the sound is heard again; (of a place) to send back and repeat a sound; to be full of sound(声音)回响,回荡;(地方)发出回声;充满回声◆her footsteps echoed in the empty room.她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。◆the whole house echoed.整座房子充满回声。◆the street echoed with the cries of children.街上回荡着孩子的叫声。◆the valley echoed back his voice.山谷里回荡着他的声音。 ➡ see also echo → repeat verb 1 ▸ echo noun [countable] ◆the hills sent back a faint echo.座座山丘传来微弱的回声。◆there was an echo on the line and i couldn't hear clearly.电话里有回音,我听不清楚。■ ring (rang, rung) [intransitive] (literary) (of a place) to be full of a particular sound; to fill a place with sound(某处)充满回声;响彻(某处)◆the house rang with children's laughter.房子里回响着孩子的笑声。◆applause rang through the hall.掌声响彻整个大厅。■ ring out -->phrasal verb(rang, rung)to be heard loudly and clearly, especially outdoors or in a large open space(尤指在户外或空旷处)清晰可闻,发出清脆的响声◆a number of shots rang out.听到几声清脆的枪声。◆his deep voice rang out for all to hear.所有人都听到了他那低沉浑厚的声音。■ reverberate /rɪvɜːbəreɪt; name rɪvɜːrbəreɪt/ [intransitive](of a sound) to be repeated several times as it is reflected off different surfaces; (of a place) to seem to shake because of a loud, deep noise(声音)回响,回荡;(某处因强大的噪音)震颤,摇晃◆her voice reverberated around the hall.她的声音在大厅里回荡。◆the hall reverberated with the sound of music and dancing.音乐声和舞蹈声使得整个大厅似乎都在震颤。note 辨析 echo or reverberate? echo is much more frequent and has a wider range than reverberate. echo is often used for sounds that are made outdoors or in a large open space. reverberate is often used for sounds that are made in smaller enclosed spaces, particularly when the sound is very loud. * echo 比 reverberate 常用,且使用范围更广。echo 常指在户外或空旷处发出回音,reverberate 常指在较小的封闭空间里发出非常大的回响◆birdcalls echoed across the lake.鸟儿的叫声在湖面上回荡。◆birdcalls reverberated across the lake. ■ resound /rɪzaʊnd/ [intransitive] (rather formal, written) (of a place) to be full of a particular sound; to fill a place with sound(某处)回响着声音;回荡;回响◆the street resounded to the thud of marching feet.街道上回响着行进步伐的铿锵声。◆laughter resounded through the house.笑声在房子里回荡。note 辨析 ring or resound?there is no real difference in meaning between these words. ring is more frequent and is used especially in stories and literature; resound is used in rather formal written language, including literature.这两个词在含义上没有实质差别。ring 较常见,尤用于故事和文学作品中; resound 用于相当正式的书面语中,包括文学作品。■ resonate /rezəneɪt/ [intransitive] (formal) to make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time, especially the sound made by a voice or musical instrument; (of a place) to be filled with sound or make a sound continue longer(尤指嗓音、乐器等)产生共鸣,发出回响;(某处)充满回声◆her voice resonated through the theatre.她的声音在剧场里回响。◆the body of the violin acts as a resonating chamber and makes the sound louder.小提琴琴身相当于一个共鸣箱,把声音放大。 echo /ekəʊ; name ekoʊ/ [intransitive, transitive](of a sound) to be reflected off a wall or other surface so that the sound is heard again; (of a place) to send back and repeat a sound; to be full of sound(声音)回响,回荡;(地方)发出回声;充满回声◆her footsteps echoed in the empty room.她的脚步声在空荡荡的屋子里回响着。◆the whole house echoed.整座房子充满回声。◆the street echoed with the cries of children.街上回荡着孩子的叫声。◆the valley echoed back his voice.山谷里回荡着他的声音。 ➡ see also echo → repeat verb 1 ▸ echo noun [countable] ◆the hills sent back a faint echo.座座山丘传来微弱的回声。◆there was an echo on the line and i couldn't hear clearly.电话里有回音,我听不清楚。 echo /ekəʊ; name ekoʊ/ [transitive] (especially written) to repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it; to repeat what sb else has just said, especially because you find it surprising重复,附和(想法或看法);(尤因感到意外)重复⋯的话,模仿◆this is a view echoed by many on the right of the party.这是党内许多右翼分子都附和的观点。◆'he's gone!' viv echoed incredulously.“他走了!”维夫难以相信地重复道。 ➡ see also echo → echo ▸ echo noun [countable] ◆the speech found an echo in the hearts of many of the audience (= they agreed with it).这次演讲在许多听众的心中引起共鸣。echonoun [countable] ◆the hills sent back a faint echo.座座山丘传来微弱的回声。◆there was an echo on the line and i couldn't hear clearly.电话里有回音,我听不清楚。echonoun [countable] ◆the speech found an echo in the hearts of many of the audience (= they agreed with it).这次演讲在许多听众的心中引起共鸣。echonoun [countable] ◆the hills sent back a faint echo.座座山丘传来微弱的回声。◆there was an echo on the line and i couldn't hear clearly.电话里有回音,我听不清楚。echonoun [countable] ◆the speech found an echo in the hearts of many of the audience (= they agreed with it).这次演讲在许多听众的心中引起共鸣。echo¹/ˈekəʊ ||; ˈɛko/noun [c] (plural echoes) a sound that is repeated as it is sent back off a surface such as the wall of a tunnel 回声;回音: ◇i could hear the echo of footsteps somewhere in the distance. 我听见远处的脚步声在回响。 echo²/ˈekəʊ ||; ˈɛko/verb1. [i] (used about a sound) to be repeated; to come back as an echo (指声音)回响: ◇their footsteps echoed in the empty church. 他们的脚步声在空荡荡的教堂里回响。 2. [i,t] echo sth (back);echo (with/to sth) to repeat or send back a sound; to be full of a particular sound 产生回声;回荡着某种声音: ◇the tunnel echoed back their calls. 隧道里回荡着他们的叫声。◇the hall echoed with their laughter. 走廊里回荡着他们的笑声。 3. [t] to repeat what sb has said, done or thought 重复(他人的话、行动或思想);附和;仿效: ◇the child echoed everything his mother said. 母亲说什么那孩子就说什么。◇the newspaper article echoed my views completely. 报纸的文章完全附和我的观点。 echosee ⇨ reflect 2 ⇨ sound 15☞ echo¹☞ echo²




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