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单词 tent
释义 tent nounadjective | ... of tents | verb + tent | tent + verb | tent + noun | preposition adjective➤camping (name) 野营帐篷➤a-frame, dome, frame, pup, ridge, wall (name) * a 字形帐篷;圆顶帐篷;框架式帐篷;楔形双人帐篷;脊式帐篷;方帐篷▸➤three-person, two-person, etc.三人、双人等帐篷▸➤makeshift临时帐篷◆the refugees had been living in makeshift tents for a year.难民们已经在临时帐篷里住了一年了。➤leaky有漏洞的帐篷➤flimsy不结实的帐篷▸➤canvas帆布帐篷▸➤circus马戏团帐篷▸➤beer, dining, food, hospitality, mess, refreshment, tea (bre) 啤酒/用餐/食品/贵宾/军用炊事/小吃/茶点帐篷▸➤cook, cooking (both especially name) 厨房/炊事帐篷◆our team had erected a cook tent at the campsite.我们组已在营地搭起一个帐篷厨房。➤press, vip媒体/贵宾帐篷◆the reporters were waiting for tiger woods to come to the press tent.记者们在等待老虎伍兹来媒体帐篷。➤hospital医院帐篷▸➤oxygen氧幕;氧气帐... of tents➤row一排帐篷verb + tent➤erect, pitch, put up, set up搭建帐篷;支起帐篷◆they pitched their tent in a little clearing in the woods.他们在树林里一小块空地上支起了帐篷。➤unzip, zip up拉开/拉上帐篷▸➤take down拆掉帐篷▸➤pack, pack up收起帐篷▸➤fold, fold up折叠起帐篷▸➤share共用帐篷tent + verb➤blow down, collapse帐篷被刮倒/倒塌▸➤blow away帐篷被刮走tent + noun➤camp, city帐篷营地;帐篷区◆a tent city housing refugees from the war收容战争难民的一个帐篷区➤door, flap, peg, pole, rope, wall帐篷门;帐篷帘;支篷栓;营帐柱;帐篷绳;帐篷墙面preposition➤in a/the tent在帐篷里tent/tent ||; tɛnt/noun [c] a small structure made of cloth that is held up by poles and ropes. you use a tent to sleep in when you go camping. 帐幕;帐篷: ◇to put up/take down a tent 搭起╱拆去帐篷 tent /tɛnt; tent/n [c]a temporary structure used for camping, which is made of cloth or plastic and is supported by poles and ropes 帐篷:◇put up a tent (=put the poles and sheets in position so that a tent is ready to use) 搭帐篷 ☞ tent




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