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单词 tension
释义 tension noun¹ 1inability to relax紧张情绪adjective | verb + tension | tension + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤inner内心的紧张▸➤emotional, nervous, sexual情绪紧张;神经紧张;性紧张◆he suffers from nervous tension.他饱受神经紧张之苦。➤muscle, muscular肌肉紧张▸➤premenstrual经前期紧张verb + tension➤feel, suffer from感觉紧张;遭受紧张之苦◆i feel some tension in my shoulders.我感觉双肩有些发紧。➤sense察觉紧张◆as soon as he entered, he sensed a tension in the air.他一进去就感到气氛紧张。➤cause, create引起/造成紧张▸➤relieve舒缓紧张▸➤release释放紧张情绪tension + noun➤headache紧张性头痛preposition➤tension in⋯的紧张◆the hot bath eased the tension in his body.洗个热水澡缓解了他身体的紧张。phrases➤a release of tension紧张情绪的释放◆laughter can be a great release of tension.大笑能有效地释放紧张情绪。➤a sign of tension紧张的迹象◆horses are very sensitive to signs of tension in humans.马对人类流露出的紧张情绪非常敏感。tension noun² 2bad feeling between people, countries, etc.紧张关系adjective | verb + tension | tension + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, great, high相当强的/强烈的/高度的紧张关系◆more police have been sent to areas of high political tension.政治局势高度紧张的地区增派了警力。➤palpable, real显而易见的/十足的紧张▸➤slight略微的紧张▸➤escalating, growing, heightened, increased, increasing, mounting, rising不断升级的紧张关系;日益加剧的紧张关系;加深的紧张关系▸➤constant, continuous持续的紧张➤continuing, ongoing还在继续的紧张▸➤unresolved未解决的紧张关系▸➤renewed再度出现的紧张;复归紧张的关系➤fundamental, inherent, underlying根本的/固有的/潜在的紧张▸➤ethnic, political, racial, religious, social民族/政治/种族/宗教/社会紧张关系▸➤communal, family, internal, international, national, regional社群/家庭/内部/国际/国内/地区紧张➤creative, dynamic创造性的/动态的张力◆the creative tension between democracy and business interests民主和商业利益之间的创造性张力verb + tension➤cause, create, generate引起关系紧张;制造紧张局势▸➤defuse, ease, reduce, release, resolve消除紧张关系;缓和紧张局势;解决紧张局势◆she often used humour / humor to defuse tension in meetings.她经常用幽默来缓和会议上的紧张气氛。➤exacerbate, heighten加剧紧张关系tension + verb➤build up, grow, increase, mount, rise紧张气氛逐渐加剧;紧张气氛渐浓;紧张关系升级▸➤ease紧张关系缓和➤arise紧张关系出现◆in the early 1960's, new tensions arose between the united states and the ussr.20 世纪 60 年代初,美国和苏联之间出现了新的紧张关系。➤exist紧张局势存在▸➤run high紧张状况高涨◆racial tensions in the town were running high.镇子里种族关系高度紧张。preposition➤tension among⋯中的紧张状况◆the tension among the audience was palpable.观众中的紧张气氛显而易见。➤tension between⋯之间的紧张关系◆tension between local youths and the police当地青年和警察之间的紧张关系➤tension in, tension within⋯内部的紧张关系◆the job losses caused greater tensions within the company.人员裁减在公司内部造成了更强烈的紧张关系。➤tension over因⋯而导致的紧张关系◆there has been increased tension over the border incident.边境事件造成局势愈发紧张。➤tension with与⋯的紧张关系◆renewed tension with france与法国再度紧张的关系phrases➤a source of tension紧张关系的根源◆money was always a source of tension between her parents.金钱始终是造成她父母关系紧张的根源。tension noun³ 3of rope, wire, etc.绳;电线adjective | verb + tension | preposition adjective➤string弦张力verb + tension➤adjust调整松紧度◆this old racket needs its string tension adjusted.这个旧球拍需要调整一下穿线磅数。➤release释放张力preposition➤in tension在张力方面◆the metal is weak in tension.这种金属张力很差。➤under tension处于紧绷状态◆stay clear of cables which are under tension.远离绷紧的缆绳。➤tension on⋯的拉紧状态◆the sudden tension on the line told me i had hooked a fish.钓线突然绷紧告诉我鱼上钩了。tension noun⁴ 4feeling of excitement in a film/movie, etc.影片中的兴奋感;张力adjective | verb + tension | tension + verb adjective➤dramatic戏剧张力◆the movie lacks dramatic tension.这部影片缺乏戏剧张力。verb + tension➤build, heighten, increase加大/提高/增加张力◆the use of editing to heighten the tension通过编辑提高张力➤keep, keep up, maintain保持张力➤break打破张力tension + verb➤build, grow, mount张力加大/提高/增加◆tension builds around the mystery of what will happen to freddie.弗雷迪会发生什么事显得神秘莫测,气氛愈发紧张。 tension nountension ♦︎ aggression ♦︎ hostility ♦︎ antagonism ♦︎ animosity ♦︎ antipathy ♦︎ enmitythese are all words for an unfriendly situation or feelings between people.这些词均表示紧张局势、敌意、对抗。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆tension / hostility / antagonism / animosity / antipathy / enmity between a and b◆aggression / hostility / antagonism / animosity / antipathy / enmity towards sb / sth◆mutual / personal hostility / antagonism / animosity / antipathy / enmity◆open aggression / hostility◆natural antagonism / antipathy◆to feel the tension / hostility / antagonism / animosity / antipathy◆to arouse hostility / antagonism■ tension [uncountable, countable, usually plural] a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other紧张局势(或关系、状况)◆there is mounting tension along the border.边境局势日趋紧张。◆international / racial / political tensions国际紧张局势;种族间的紧张关系;政治上的紧张状况◆family tensions and conflicts may lead to violence.家庭关系紧张和矛盾会导致暴力行为。  ➡ see also tense → stressful ■ aggression /əgreʃn/ [uncountable] a willingness to threaten or attack sb/sth, often caused by feelings of anger or hatred(常因愤怒或仇恨引起的)好斗情绪,攻击性◆nowadays our aggression is channelled into sports.现今,我们的攻击性倾注到体育运动之中。 ➡ see also aggressive → aggressive 1 ■ hostility /hɒstɪləti; name hɑːstɪləti/ [uncountable, singular] unfriendly feelings or behaviour towards sb/sth敌意;对抗◆there was open hostility between the two schools.这两所学校公开相互敌对。◆the talk lasted well over an hour and he sensed a growing hostility from his audience.谈话进行了足足一个多小时,他感到听众的敌意越来越强。  ➡ see also hostile → aggressive 1 , hostility → opposition ■ antagonism /æntægənɪzəm/ [uncountable, countable, usually plural] (written) strong feelings of dislike between people or groups of people(强烈的)对立情绪;对抗情绪;敌对;敌意◆the gap between rich and poor is widening and class antagonism is growing.贫富差距越来越大,阶级对立愈发严重。◆natural antagonisms and rivalries between the communities became worse.群体间原本具有的对抗和竞争关系变得越来越恶劣。 ➡ see also antagonize → anger verb ■ animosity /ænɪmɒsəti; name ænɪmɑːsəti/ [uncountable, countable, usually plural] strong feelings of personal dislike towards sb(个人的)仇恨,敌意,憎恶◆he felt no animosity towards his critics.他对批评他的人并不心怀怨恨。◆personal animosities between the leaders have made negotiations difficult.领导人之间的私怨使谈判变得困难。■ antipathy /æntɪpəθi/ [uncountable, countable] (formal) strong feelings of dislike towards a thing, idea or person厌恶;反感◆growing antipathy to the government has led to a low voter turnout in local elections.对政府日益强烈的反感导致地方选举的投票率很低。◆his professional judgement was coloured by his personal antipathies.他个人的厌恶情绪对他的专业判断产生了负面影响。note 辨析 antagonism, animosity or antipathy? antagonism is often felt towards a whole group or class of people. * antagonism 常指对整个群体或阶级的反感◆class / racial antagonism阶级/种族对立 animosity can suggest a very personal feeling, not based on principles or tradition but on a bad personal relationship with sb. antipathy can suggest a feeling based on instinct (=natural tendencies), not thought or reason. * animosity 可表示非常个人的感受,不是基于原则和传统,而是与某人交恶所致。antipathy 可表示基于本能的感觉,而非经过思考或理性判断得出。■ enmity /enməti/ [uncountable, countable] strong, long-lasting feelings of hatred towards sb(强烈而持久的)敌意,敌对,仇恨◆her action earned her the enmity of two or three colleagues.她的行动激起了两三个同事对她的怨恨。◆personal enmities and conflicts have soured relations within the department.个人仇恨和冲突让部门内部的关系变质了。tension [uncountable, countable, usually plural] a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax(情绪上的)紧张,烦躁◆she was suffering from nervous tension.她当时神经紧张。◆walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tensions.散步和游泳能很好地放松紧张情绪。  ➡ see also tense → stressful , tense → tense tension [uncountable, countable, usually plural] a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other紧张局势(或关系、状况)◆there is mounting tension along the border.边境局势日趋紧张。◆international / racial / political tensions国际紧张局势;种族间的紧张关系;政治上的紧张状况◆family tensions and conflicts may lead to violence.家庭关系紧张和矛盾会导致暴力行为。  ➡ see also tense → stressful tension/ˈtenʃn ||; ˈtɛnʃən/noun1. [u] the condition of not being able to relax because you are worried or nervous 紧张(状态): ◇i could hear the tension in her voice as she spoke. 从她说话的声音,我感觉到她很紧张。 2. [c,u] bad feeling and lack of trust between people, countries, etc (人、国家等之间的)紧张关系或局势: ◇there are signs of growing tensions between the two countries. 有迹象表明那两个国家的关系日趋紧张。 3. [u] (used about a rope, muscle, etc) the state of being stretched tight; how tightly sth is stretched (指绳索、肌肉等)紧张的状态或程度;拉力;张力: ◇the massage relieved the tension in my neck. 按摩消除了我脖子僵硬的感觉。 tensionsee ⇨ nervous 4 ten·sion /`tɛnʃən; ˈtenʃən/n 1. [c,u] the feeling that exists when people do not trust each other and may suddenly attack each other [人与人之间的]紧张关系:◇efforts to calm racial tensions 缓和种族间紧张关系的努力 2. [u] a nervous and anxious feeling 紧张; 焦虑:◇the tension as we waited for the news was unbearable. 我们等待消息时的紧张令人难以忍受。 3. [u] tightness or stiffness in a wire, rope, muscle etc [金属线、绳索、肌肉等的]拉紧,绷紧:◇you can increase the tension by turning this screw. 你可以通过旋转这颗螺丝来绷紧。




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