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单词 disadvantage
释义 disadvantage nounadjective | verb + disadvantage | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, considerable, decided, distinct, grave, great, huge, major, obvious, real, serious, severe, significant, substantial相当大的不利;明显的劣势;严重的不利因素;主要的不利条件;真正的不利因素;极为不利的地位◆lack of qualifications is an obvious disadvantage.没有所需的资格是明显的不利因素。➤main, primary, principal主要的不利条件▸➤slight轻微的劣势▸➤added, additional额外的不利条件▸➤long-term长期的劣势▸➤competitive竞争中的不利地位◆these requirements will have to be standardized if some banks are not to suffer a competitive disadvantage.这些要求必须标准化,以免有些银行在竞争中处于劣势。➤strategic, tactical (both especially name) 战略上的/战术上的劣势◆the fog was giving them a tactical disadvantage.雾使他们在战术上处于劣势。➤economic, educational, financial, racial, social, socio-economic经济困难;教育劣势;财务状况欠佳;种族地位低下;社会地位低下;社会经济形势不利◆the problems of racial disadvantage and poverty种族地位低下和贫穷等问题➤cost (especially name) 成本劣势◆this put them at a crippling cost disadvantage.这使他们处于足以致命的成本劣势。➤possible, potential可能的缺点;潜在的劣势◆a potential disadvantage of this method is that it requires considerable expertise to perform it accurately.这种方法的一个潜在劣势在于需要大量专业知识才能精确地执行。➤inherent固有的劣势;内在的缺陷◆the inherent disadvantage that low-income communities face低收入群体面临的固有劣势➤unfair不公平的劣势◆some students were at an unfair disadvantage.有些学生处在不公的劣势地位。verb + disadvantage➤experience, face, have, suffer, suffer from处于劣势;面临不利;遭遇不利◆the disadvantage experienced by older people in the workplace年龄较长者在职场所处的劣势◆the present system has the disadvantage that nobody really understands how it works.目前这个系统的缺点是没有人真正了解它是如何运转的。◆competition has its disadvantages.竞争有其害处。➤offset, outweigh抵消不利因素;大于不利之处◆the plan's advantages outweigh the disadvantages.这项计划利大于弊。➤overcome克服不利条件▸➤avoid避免不利因素preposition➤at a disadvantage处于劣势◆we were at a distinct disadvantage compared with children from richer families.与较富裕家庭的孩子相比,我们处于明显的劣势。◆there was no reason for her to feel at a disadvantage.她没有理由认为自己处于不利地位。➤despite a/the disadvantage尽管存在不利因素◆despite these disadvantages, many older people maintain an active social life.尽管有这些不便因素,许多老年人仍保持着活跃的社交生活。➤to sb's disadvantage对某人不利◆this change in the law will be to the disadvantage of small companies.法律上的这一变动将对小公司不利。➤disadvantage for对⋯来说的不利之处◆another disadvantage for the night-worker夜班工人的另一个不便之处➤disadvantage in在⋯方面的害处◆there are disadvantages in using this treatment.使用这种疗法存在害处。➤disadvantage to⋯的弊病◆there are disadvantages to all those approaches.所有那些方案都有弊端。phrases➤advantages and disadvantages优缺点◆each plan has its own advantages and disadvantages.每个计划都各有利弊得失。➤place sb at a disadvantage, put sb at a disadvantage使某人处于劣势◆the fact that he didn't speak another language put him at a disadvantage.不会讲其他语言使他处于劣势。 disadvantage noundisadvantage ♦︎ drawback ♦︎ pitfall ♦︎ snag ♦︎ downside ♦︎ catchthese are all words for a problem or difficulty with sth or a less positive aspect of sth.这些词均表示问题、困难或不利因素。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a / the disadvantage / drawback / snag / downside / catch to sth◆a / the disadvantage / drawback / pitfall / snag / downside for sb◆a disadvantage / pitfall / snag in sth◆the disadvantages / drawbacks / pitfalls associated with sth◆the disadvantage / drawback / snag / downside / catch is that...◆a possible disadvantage / drawback / pitfall / snag / downside◆the only disadvantage / drawback / pitfall / snag / catch◆a / an major / obvious / potential disadvantage / drawback / pitfall / snag◆a / the big / main / minor / slight disadvantage / drawback / snag◆to have a disadvantage / drawback / snag / downside◆to overcome a disadvantage / drawback / pitfall / snag■ disadvantage [countable, uncountable] something that causes problems and tends to stop sb/sth from succeeding or making progress障碍;不利因素;不利条件◆there are disadvantages to the plan.这个计划有若干不利之处。◆the fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage.他不会说外语,这使他处于明显的不利地位。◆i hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage.但愿我的经验不足不会对我造成不利。◆the advantages of the plan far outweigh the disadvantages.这个计划的利远大于弊。◆many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage.班上许多孩子都遭受社会地位低下和经济困难之苦。opp advantage → benefit noun 1 , advantage → lead noun 2  ➡ see also disadvantageous → difficult 2 ▸ disadvantage verb [transitive] ◆some pension plans may disadvantage women.有些养老金计划可能对妇女不利。■ drawback /drɔːbæk/ [countable] a problem or less positive aspect of sth that makes it a less attractive idea缺点;不利条件◆the main drawback to it is the cost.主要缺点是成本高。◆this strategy has its drawbacks.这项策略有一些弊端。■ pitfall /pɪtfɔːl/ [countable] a danger or difficulty, especially one that is hidden or not obvious at first(尤指潜在或不明显的)危险,困难◆we need to be alert to potential pitfalls.我们需要对一些潜在的陷阱保持警惕。◆buying property holds many pitfalls for the unwary.购置房产一不警觉就可能会落入许多圈套。■ snag [countable] (rather informal) a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden or unexpected(尤指细微、潜在或意外的)问题,困难,麻烦◆the only snag with the course is that it's quite short.这门课唯一的缺点是时间太短了。◆there is just one small snag-where is the money coming from?只有一个小问题 - 钱从哪儿来?◆we've hit a technical snag: the printer isn't compatible with my pc.我们遇到一个技术性小麻烦:那台打印机与我的个人电脑不兼容。■ downside /daʊnsaɪd/ [singular] (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) the disadvantages or less positive aspects of sth that is generally good(好事情的)缺点,不利方面◆the downside of all this success is that i don't get to spend much time with my family.这次成功的坏处是我没有多少时间与家人相聚。◆on the downside, such improvements in efficiency often mean job losses.从不利的方面来看,这样提高工作效率常意味着有人会失业。opp upside ⓘ the upside is the more positive aspects of sth that is generally bad. * upside 指不好的事情中好的方面◆the upside is that i do get to spend more time with my family.好的一面是我确实有更多的时间与家人相聚。■ catch [countable, usually singular] (rather informal) a hidden difficulty or disadvantage潜在困难;隐患◆it sounds too good. there must be a catch.这事听起来太好了,一定有什么圈套吧。◆all that money for two hours' work-what's the catch?干两个钟头就给那么多钱 - 这里面有什么鬼?▸ catch sb out phrasal verb◆many investors were caught out by the fall in share prices.许多投资者因股价下跌而突然陷入困境。disadvantage [countable, uncountable] something that causes problems and tends to stop sb/sth from succeeding or making progress障碍;不利因素;不利条件◆there are disadvantages to the plan.这个计划有若干不利之处。◆the fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage.他不会说外语,这使他处于明显的不利地位。◆i hope my lack of experience won't be to my disadvantage.但愿我的经验不足不会对我造成不利。◆the advantages of the plan far outweigh the disadvantages.这个计划的利远大于弊。◆many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage.班上许多孩子都遭受社会地位低下和经济困难之苦。opp advantage → benefit noun 1 , advantage → lead noun 2  ➡ see also disadvantageous → difficult 2 ▸ disadvantage verb [transitive] ◆some pension plans may disadvantage women.有些养老金计划可能对妇女不利。disadvantageverb [transitive] ◆some pension plans may disadvantage women.有些养老金计划可能对妇女不利。disadvantageverb [transitive] ◆some pension plans may disadvantage women.有些养老金计划可能对妇女不利。disadvantage/ˌdɪsədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ; us -ˈvæn- ||; ˌdɪsədˈvæntɪdʒ/noun[c] 1. something that may make you less successful than other people 不利因素: ◇your qualifications are good. your main disadvantage is your lack of experience. 你的学历不错,最吃亏的是没有经验。 2. something that is not good or that causes problems 缺点;坏处;问题所在: ◇the main disadvantage of the job is the long hours. 这份工作主要的缺点是工作时间长。◇what are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power? 核能发电有什么好处和坏处? [opp] advantage 反义词为advantageput sb/be at a disadvantage to put sb/be in a situation where he/she/you may be less successful than other people 使某人处于不利位置: ◇the fact that you don't speak the language will put you at a disadvantage in france. 你不会说法语,这使你在法国很吃亏。 to sb's disadvantage(formal 正式) not good or helpful for sb 对某人不利: ◇the agreement will be to your disadvantage -- don't accept it. 这协议对你不利,不要接受。 disadvantage1 a bad feature of something2 something that makes it more difficult for someone to succeed3 to have a disadvantage compared to other people or thingsrelated wordsoppositeadvantage,see alsopoor,1. a bad feature of something 某事的不利之处 disadvantage /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [countable noun] a bad feature of something, for example a way in which it causes problems or is worse than other things of the same kind 不利之处;缺点 the proposal has some major disadvantages. 这一建议有几处很大的缺点。disadvantage of the main disadvantage of being a nurse is working irregular hours. 当护士的主要不利方面是工作时间没有规律。 drawback /ˈdrɔːbæk/ [countable noun] a disadvantage of something, that makes it seem less attractive - use this especially when something seems good in other ways 缺点;障碍;不利条件[尤用于指某物在其他方面似乎很好] it's a good-looking car - the only drawback is the price. 这辆车外观很好,唯一的缺点就是价格。drawback of one of the major drawbacks of being famous is the lack of privacy. 出名的主要弊端之一就是没有隐私。drawback to high house prices are one drawback to economic growth. 昂贵的房屋价格对经济增长而言是一个不利因素。 liability /ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪti, ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ [countable noun] someone or something that is a disadvantage because they are likely to make you less successful 不利条件,妨碍的人[物] in those days, a politician's wife who did not hold traditional views could be a liability. 在那个年代,一位政治家的妻子如果不持传统观点就可能成为他的累赘。liability to the product that was once so popular is now a liability to the company. 那曾经非常受欢迎的产品如今却成了公司的累赘。serious liability the bank realized that the dispute was becoming a serious liability in doing business 这家银行意识到这场纠纷正变成妨碍银行业务的严重不利因素。 limitations /ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃənz, ˌlɪməˈteɪʃənz/ [plural noun] the limits on how good someone or something can be or what they are able to do 局限;缺陷,弱点 i think we've done a wonderful job, considering the limitations we've had to work under. 若考虑到我们在工作上的限制,我认为我们已干得非常出色。 we made an inspection of the building's resources and limitations. 我们对大楼的优点和局限作了一番调查。 the downside /ðə ˈdaʊnsaɪd/ [countable noun usually singular] the disadvantage of a plan or situation that in most other ways seems good [计划中的]缺点;[形势的]不利因素 the band sounds great. the only downside is the quality of the recording. 乐队的演奏很出色,唯一的缺憾是录音质量。the downside of the downside of the new economy is the forced resettlement of villagers. 新经济的不足之处是强行将村民重新安置。2. something that makes it more difficult for someone to succeed 使人难以成功的东西 disadvantage /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [countable/uncountable noun] something that makes it more difficult for you to succeed or to do what you want, especially compared to other people [尤与其他人相比的]不利条件,劣势 like many other black families, his family had to struggle to overcome social and economic disadvantage. 与许多其他黑人家庭相似,他们一家不得不苦苦挣扎来克服社会和经济上的不利条件。 our goal is to try to provide financial help people in our community with a lot of disadvantages. 我们的目标是尽量为我们社区里有许多困难的人提供经济帮助。 handicap /ˈhændɪkæp/ [countable noun] something that prevents you from doing something as well as you could 障碍,不利条件 not being able to drive is a real handicap if you live in the country. 如果你住在郊外,不会开车就十分不方便。handicap of the team had a good season despite the handicap of having 5 new players. 该球队在有五名新队员的不利条件下,整个赛季还是成绩优秀。be a handicap to somebody his lack of height has not been a handicap to him. he is as good an athlete as anyone else in the school. 他长得不高,但这对他似乎没什么妨碍。他和学校里的其他同学一样擅长运动。3. to have a disadvantage compared to other people or things 与别人或其他东西相比有缺点 have a disadvantage /hæv ə ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] she has the same qualifications as the other candidates, but has one big disadvantage - lack of experience. 她的资历与其他候选人一样,但有一个很大的不足—就是缺乏经验。 their restaurant has the disadvantage of being located south of town, a little too far from the tourist routes. 他们那家餐厅的缺点是位于城市的南面,离旅游路线稍稍远了些。 be at a disadvantage /biː ət ə ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ-ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase] to have a disadvantage, especially because you do not have the experience or qualities that make you more likely to succeed in doing something [尤因缺乏做成某事的经验或特质而]处于不利地位 women are still at a disadvantage when it comes to getting jobs in the military. 要在军队里谋职,女性仍处于不利地位。 people with previous convictions are always at a disadvantage when on trial in a court of law. 在法庭受审时,有前科的人总是处于不利地位。put/place somebody at a disadvantage the test put candidates whose first language was not english at a disadvantage. 这个测试对第一语言不是英语的候选人不利。 disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒdǁ-ˈvæn-/ [adjective] if someone is disadvantaged, they are suffering social or economic disadvantages such as lack of money or bad education, so that they have less chance of being successful than other people [社会或经济上]处于不利地位的;下层社会的;贫困的 the club runs programs for disadvantaged children in the inner city areas. 该俱乐部有帮助市中心地区贫困儿童的计划。the disadvantaged disadvantaged people 贫困的人 booth invented schemes to help the disadvantaged in the community. 布思制定了计划帮助社区中贫困的人。 be handicapped /biː ˈhændɪkæpt/ [verb phrase] to have a disadvantage that makes it very difficult for you to do something 受到妨碍 be handicapped by something the republican candidate was handicapped by his heavy schedule. 那个共和党候选人被排得满满的日程妨碍了。 in all its ambitious plans the company has been handicapped by an outdated system of management. 尽管公司有着雄心勃勃的计划,但过时的管理体制阻碍了他们的发展。 the odds are stacked (heavily) against you /ði ˌɒdz ɑːʳ ˌstækt (hevə̇li) əˈgenst juːǁ-ˌɑːdz-/ use this to say that someone has a big disadvantage so that they are very unlikely to be successful 事情于你不利 with every big company in town trying to stop them, the odds are stacked against them. 镇上的每家大公司都企图阻挠他们,情况显然于他们不利。 most people who go into casinos know the odds are stacked heavily against them, but it doesn't stop them from trying. 大部分进赌场的人都很清楚自己的赢面很小,但这并不能阻止他们进去试一试运气。 be to somebody's/something's disadvantage /biː tə somebodyˈs/somethingˈs ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒǁ -ˈvæn-/ [verb phrase] to give someone or something a disadvantage 对某人/某事物不利,使某人/某事物处于劣势 her height could be to her disadvantage if she wants to be a dancer. 如果她想成为一名舞蹈演员,她的身高会对她不利。 to its disadvantage, the book contains a lot of material that is difficult for the average person to understand. 这本书的缺点在于其中有大量内容一般读者都看不懂。to the disadvantage of the government has reorganized the taxation system to the disadvantage of low-paid workers. 政府重组了税务制度,其结果对低收入的工人不利。 be against /biː əˈgenst/ [transitive verb] if particular conditions are against someone or something, they make it unlikely or impossible for them to succeed in doing something 对…不利,造成劣势 time is against us. the longer we wait to find a solution to the crisis, the worse it will get. 时间对我们不利。我们等待找到解决危机的办法时间越久,情况就会变得越糟。 he wanted to become a pilot but his bad eyesight was against him. 他想成为一名飞行员,但视力不佳这一点对他不利。 count against /ˌkaʊnt əˈgenst/ [transitive phrasal verb] if something counts against you, it makes people have a worse opinion of you, and often makes people decide not to choose you, or makes them decide that you are guilty 对…不利 we believe caroline connely is innocent, but her silence could count against her in a court. 我们相信卡罗琳·康奈利是无罪的,但她的沉默可能在法庭上对她不利。 he was a child when he committed the crime. should that count against him as an adult with a clean record? 他犯那项罪时还是个孩子,难道这就应该对他作为一个没有犯罪记录的成年人产生不利影响吗? dis·ad·van·tage /ˏdɪsəd`væntɪdʒ; ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/n [c]something that makes your progress or success difficult 短处,不利条件:◇your main disadvantage is lack of experience. 你最主要的弱点就是缺乏经验。◇be at a disadvantage i was at a disadvantage because i didn't speak french. 我因为不会讲法语而处于不利的境地。 ☞ disadvantage




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