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单词 dirt
释义 dirt noun¹ 1substance that makes sth dirty污物adjective | ... of dirt | verb + dirt | dirt + verb | dirt + noun adjective➤excess, loose浮土◆she brushed the loose dirt off her coat.她拂去了外套上的浮土。➤ingrained积垢▸➤dog (bre) 狗屎➤accumulated积累的污垢◆clean your face with soap to remove accumulated dirt and oil.用肥皂洗掉你脸上的积土和油污。... of dirt➤speck一点污迹▸➤streak一道脏痕◆he had streaks of dirt all over his face.他满脸都是一道道的脏痕。➤layer一层污垢verb + dirt➤be covered in, be covered with被污垢覆盖◆his shoes were covered in dirt.他的鞋上满是灰尘。➤brush off, clean off, dust off, remove, rub, rub off, scrape, scrub off, shake, wash off, wipe刷去灰尘;清除污垢;掸去尘土;擦掉污物;拭去污垢;抖掉污物;洗去污渍;抹去污垢◆he rubbed the dirt off his face. (bre) 他擦掉脸上的灰尘。◆he rubbed the dirt from his face. (name) 他擦去脸上的灰尘。➤sweep清扫灰尘◆he swept the dirt out onto the porch.他把灰尘扫到门口。➤show显脏◆the white rug really shows the dirt.白地毯非常显脏。➤attract (especially name) 吸附灰尘◆this material does not attract much dirt.这种材料不太吸灰。➤loosen (especially name) 清除污垢◆massage your scalp to loosen any dirt.按摩你的头皮去除污垢。dirt + verb➤accumulate灰尘聚积◆dirt had accumulated in the corners of the windows.窗角积上了灰尘。➤cover灰尘覆盖◆blood and dirt covered his face.他的脸上满是血迹和灰尘。dirt + noun➤fleck, particle, speck污点;灰尘微粒◆sunlight steamed through the dirt particles in the air.阳光透射过空气中的灰尘微粒。dirt noun² 2 (name) soil/mud泥土adjective | ... of dirt | verb + dirt | dirt + noun | preposition adjective➤excess, loose多余的土;松散的土◆she filled the hole with loose dirt.她用虚土填满了洞。➤soft软土◆her fingernails raked the soft dirt beneath her.她用指甲扒她身下的软土。➤dry, wet干土;湿土◆a floor of dry dirt干土地面➤hard-packed, packed压紧的土◆he landed hard on the packed dirt.他重重地落在紧实的土上。➤bare (name) 裸土◆the front lawn has patches of bare dirt.前面的草坪露出一块块土。➤cold冰凉的土◆he picked himself up off the cold dirt.他从冰冷的土上爬起来。➤fill填土◆a couple of inches of fill dirt几英寸填土➤infield (name) 内场◆rose picked the ball up off the infield dirt.罗斯从内场里捡起球。➤ingrained积土➤fresh新鲜的泥土◆the mounds of fresh dirt over all the graves所有坟墓上的新鲜封土... of dirt➤layer土层verb + dirt➤be covered in, be covered with被尘土覆盖◆his shoes were covered in dirt.他的鞋上满是尘土。➤dig, move, shovel挖土;挪土;铲土◆the men started to shovel dirt into the open grave.这些人开始往敞开的坟墓里铲土。➤throw扬土◆they threw dirt into my face.他朝我的脸上扬土。dirt + noun➤course, driveway, lane, path, road, street, strip, track, trail泥土赛道;泥土车道;土路;泥土街道;泥土小路◆the palermo dirt course巴勒莫泥土赛道➤floor, ground泥土地面➤wall土墙◆the blow knocked him against the dirt wall.这一击把他撞向了土墙。➤lot, parking lot, yard泥土地块;泥地停车场;土院子◆the dirt yard in front of the barn谷仓前的土院子➤farmer田农➤farm小农场◆he grew up on a dirt farm in upstate new york.他在纽约北部的小农场长大。➤clod, clump土块◆they throw sticks and dirt clods up into the air.他们把木棍和土块扔向空中。➤mound, pile土堆➤smudge, stain泥土污渍◆i tried to rub off a dirt stain on my sleeve.我试图把袖子上的泥点子擦掉。preposition➤in the dirt在泥地上◆children playing in the dirt在泥地上玩耍的孩子们dirt noun³ 3harmful/unpleasant information about sb流言蜚语verb + dirt | preposition | phrases verb + dirt➤have知道流言蜚语➤get (especially name) 得到丑闻◆we need to get some dirt on her.我们得给她搞点儿丑闻。➤dig, dig up挖掘丑闻◆he could dig up so much dirt on her.他能挖出她的许多丑闻。preposition➤dirt on关于⋯的丑闻◆do you have any dirt on the new guy?你知道什么关于这个新来的家伙的丑闻吗 ?phrases➤dish the dirt揭人的短◆she just loves to dish the dirt (= tell people unkind / unpleasant things about sb).她专爱说别人的坏话。 dirt noundirt ♦︎ dust ♦︎ pollution ♦︎ soot ♦︎ grimethese are all words for substances that make sth dirty.这些词均表示污物、脏污。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to be covered in / with dirt / dust / soot / grime◆to be streaked with dirt / soot◆to remove dirt / dust / soot / grime◆to wash the dirt / dust / grime off / from sth◆to clean the dirt / dust off / from sth◆to brush the dirt / dust off / from sth◆a layer of dirt / dust / grime◆a speck of dirt / dust■ dirt [uncountable] any substance that makes sth dirty, for example soil or mud污物;尘土;烂泥◆first remove any dirt from the surface.首先清除表面的污垢。◆the problem with white is that it soon shows the dirt.白色的缺点是容易显脏。■ dust [uncountable] the fine powder of dirt that forms in buildings, on furniture, floors and other surfaces(室内各种表面积聚的)灰尘,尘埃◆there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere.到处都一尘不染。◆she is allergic to house dust.她对房子里的灰尘过敏。■ pollution /pəluːʃn/ [uncountable] any substance that makes air, water, soil or other natural things dirty(破坏自然环境的)污染物◆the new buses emit no more pollution than the average car.新型公共汽车的污染物排放量跟普通汽车一样少。◆pollution on british beaches is a serious problem.英国海滩上的秽物垃圾是个严重问题。▸ pollute verb [transitive] ◆the exhaust fumes that are polluting our cities污染我们城市的废气■ soot /sʊt/ [uncountable] black powder that is produced when sth such as wood or coal is burnt煤烟子;煤灰◆the fireplace was blackened with soot.壁炉被煤烟子弄黑了。■ grime [uncountable] dirt that forms a layer on the surface of sth一层污垢;积垢◆the window sills were covered in dust and grime.窗台上积满了灰尘和污垢。dirt [uncountable] any substance that makes sth dirty, for example soil or mud污物;尘土;烂泥◆first remove any dirt from the surface.首先清除表面的污垢。◆the problem with white is that it soon shows the dirt.白色的缺点是容易显脏。dirt [uncountable] (informal) unpleasant or harmful information about sb that could be used to damage their reputation or career(可能有损声誉或事业的)丑闻,流言蜚语◆do you have any dirt on the new guy?你知道新来的那个人的丑闻吗?◆she just loves to dish the dirt (= tell people unkind or unpleasant things about sb).她就喜欢说人坏话。◆he'd been trying to dig up some dirt on his political rival.他一直在努力挖出政敌的丑闻。dirt [uncountable] (especially name) soil, especially loose soil泥土;(尤指)松土,散土◆he picked up a handful of dry dirt.他抓起一把干土。◆pack the dirt firmly around the plants.把植物周围的土培实。◆they lived in a shack with a dirt floor.他们住在一间土地面的棚屋里。dirt/dɜ:t ||; dɝt/noun [u]: 1. a substance that is not clean, such as dust or mud 污垢: ◇his face and hands were covered in dirt. 他的脸上和手上满是污垢。 2. earth or soil 泥土: ◇a dirt track 泥路 3. damaging information about sb 丑闻;恶意中伤的闲话: ◇the press are always trying to dig up dirt on the president's love life. 新闻界老是想挖掘关于总统爱情生活的丑闻。 dirt cheap extremely cheap 极其便宜dirtsee ⇨ dirty 6 ⇨ land/ground 5     • • •• ⇨ treat sb like dirt dirt /dɜt; dɜːt/n [u] 1. something such as dust or mud, that makes things dirty 污垢,灰尘:◇the walls were black with age and dirt. 这几堵墙年代久远,尘垢满布,看上去黑糊糊的。 2. especially ame earth or soil 【尤美】 泥土,沙土:◇he dug another spadeful of dirt. 他又挖了一铲泥。◇dirt track/road (=one that consists of soil, mud and stones) 土路,泥路 3. informal information about someone that could harm them if other people knew about it 【非正式】 疮疤,见不得光的隐私:◇dig up (the) dirt on sb (=try to find out damaging things about someone) 挖掘某人的丑闻 4. dirt cheap extremely cheap 极便宜的:◇we got the couch dirt cheap in a sale. 我们在减价时以极便宜的价格买下了这张长沙发。 ☞ dirt




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