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单词 cancel
释义 cancel /kænsl/ verb (-ll-, name -l-) 1. [transitive] to decide that sth that has been planned or arranged will not happen 取消;撤销◆the meeting has been cancelled. 这次会议已取消了。◆all flights have been cancelled because of the bad weather. 因为天气恶劣,所有航班均已取消。  ➡  see note at postpone (law 法律) [intransitive, transitive] to say that you no longer want to continue with an agreement, especially one that has been legally arranged 撤销,废除(具有法律效力的协议)◆if the goods don't arrive on time, you can cancel the order. 如果货物没有按时到达,你可以撤销订单。◆the us has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million. 美国已同意免除总额 1 000 万美元的债务。 3. [transitive] to mark a ticket, a cheque or an official document in order to show that it has been used or that it must not be used; to stop using these items 盖销,注销(票、支票、正式文件等)◆the media group will buy back and cancel 33 million shares. 这传媒集团将回购并注销 3 300 万股股票。◆the cancelled cheque is proof that the payment was made. 已盖销的支票证明款项已付清。 4. [transitive] if you cancel a cheque, you stop it being paid 注销(支票)◆i realized the deal was a scam (= a trick for making money) so i phoned the bank and cancelled the cheque. 我意识到这笔交易是一场骗局,所以我打电话给银行注销了这支票。 syn stop 5. [transitive] to stop an instruction to a machine, especially a computer 取消(尤指计算机的指令)☞ cancel cancel verbcancel ♦︎ lift ♦︎ revoke ♦︎ repeal ♦︎ invalidate ♦︎ annulthese words all mean to officially end a law or agreement or to say that a document or policy is no longer valid.这些词均表示正式废除某项法律、协议,或宣告某文件、政策失效。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to cancel / revoke an agreement◆to cancel / revoke / invalidate a will◆to cancel / invalidate a contract◆to lift / revoke / repeal a ban◆to revoke / repeal / annul a law◆to revoke / invalidate the constitution◆to revoke / invalidate a licence / permit◆to invalidate / annul a marriage■ cancel (-ll-, name -l-) [transitive, intransitive] to say that you no longer want to continue with an agreement, especially one that has been legally arranged撤销,取消,废除(尤指具有法律效力的协议)◆to cancel a policy / subscription取消保单;停止订阅◆is it too late to cancel my order?我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?◆the us has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million.美国已同意免除总额为 1 000 万美元的债务。◆no charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.如果在 10 天以内取消,不收费用。▸ cancellation noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the cancellation of a contract合同的取消◆cancellations must be made in writing.撤销必须要有书面通知。■ lift [transitive] to remove or end restrictions解除,撤销,停止(限制)◆to lift a ban / curfew / blockade解除禁令/宵禁/封锁◆martial law has now been lifted.戒严令现已解除。■ revoke /rɪvəʊk; name rɪvoʊk/ [transitive] (formal) (of a group or person in authority) to officially cancel a document, decision or agreement, so that it is no longer legally or officially valid(掌权者)取消,废除(文件、决定或协议)◆your licence may be revoked at any time.你的执照随时可能被吊销。■ repeal /rɪpiːl/ [transitive] (rather formal) (of a government or group in authority) to officially make a law no longer valid(政府或当局)废除,撤销,废止(法规)◆the committee does not have the power to repeal the ban.委员会无权取消禁令。■ invalidate /ɪnvælɪdeɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to have the effect of making a document or contract no longer legally or officially valid使无效;使作废◆misuse of the mattress will invalidate the guarantee.床垫因使用不当造成的损坏不予保修。ⓘ things are usually invalidated as a result of sth that happens or that sb does, but not because sb intends or decides to invalidate them. * invalidate 通常是因为某事发生或某人行为所导致的,而非某人意图或决定废除的。 opp validate ⓘ to validate sth is to make it legally valid. * validate 指使具有法律效力◆an official stamp was used to validate the voting papers.加盖公章使选票具有法律效力。■ annul /ənʌl/ (-ll-) [transitive] (formal) to state officially that a marriage, law or election result is no longer legally valid, usually because the rules or correct procedure were not followed宣告(婚姻、法规或选举结果)无效◆their marriage was annulled after just six months.他们的婚姻仅过了半年就宣告结束。 cancel(-ll-, name -l-) [transitive, often passive] to decide that sth that has been arranged will not now take place取消;撤销;终止◆all flights have been cancelled because of bad weather.因天气恶劣,所有航班均已取消。◆don't forget to cancel the newspaper (= arrange for it not to be delivered) before going away.外出前,别忘了安排停送报纸。 ➡ see also postpone → delay ▸ cancellation (name also cancelation) noun [uncountable, countable] ◆we need at least 24 hours' notice of cancellation.如欲取消,请至少提前 24 小时告知。◆cancellations must be made in writing.撤销必须有书面通知。 cancel(-ll-, name -l-) [transitive, intransitive] to say that you no longer want to continue with an agreement, especially one that has been legally arranged撤销,取消,废除(尤指具有法律效力的协议)◆to cancel a policy / subscription取消保单;停止订阅◆is it too late to cancel my order?我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?◆the us has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million.美国已同意免除总额为 1 000 万美元的债务。◆no charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.如果在 10 天以内取消,不收费用。▸ cancellation noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the cancellation of a contract合同的取消◆cancellations must be made in writing.撤销必须要有书面通知。cancel/ˈkænsl ||; ˈkænsḷ/verb [t] (cancelling;cancelled (us 美) canceling;canceled) 1. to decide that sth that has been planned or arranged will not happen 取消;撤销: ◇all flights have been cancelled because of the bad weather. 由于天气恶劣,所有航班都取消了。 ☞look at postpone. 参看 postpone。 2. to stop sth that you asked for or agreed to 收回,撤回(要求、意见等): ◇to cancel a reservation 撤销预订◇i wish to cancel my order for these books. 先前我订了这些书,现在想不要了。 cancel (sth) out to be equal or have an equal effect 抵消;对消: ◇what i owe you is the same as what you owe me, so our debts cancel each other out. 我欠你的数跟你欠我的数一样,这就可以对消了。 cancelto decide that a planned event will not now happenrelated wordsto arrange to do something at a better time 决定让计划中的事件不发生 later (2),1. to decide that a planned event will not now happen 安排在更佳时间做某事 cancel /ˈkænsəl/ [transitive verb] to change a previous arrangement, so that a meeting, concert, game etc that was planned will not happen 取消,撤销 classes were canceled for the day. 当天的课取消了。 i forgot to cancel my doctor's appointment. 我忘记了取消与医生的约会。 they were forced to cancel the concert when the conductor became ill. 指挥生病,他们被迫取消了那场音乐会。 cancellation /ˌkænsəˈleɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] bad weather led to the cancellation of most flights out of chicago's o'hare airport. 恶劣的天气致使芝加哥奥黑尔机场大部分航班被取消。 the fighting in the region could lead to the cancellation of next month's elections. 该地区的战斗可能会使下月的选举取消。 call off /ˌkɔːl ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to stop a meeting or event that you have organized 取消,撤销[会议或安排好的活动] call off something the game was called off due to heavy rain. 因为大雨,比赛取消了。call something off linda may call the wedding off. 琳达可能会取消婚礼。 be off /biː ˈɒf/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if an event or activity is off, it has been cancelled because of a sudden problem or change in someone's plans [事情或活动因突然出现问题或计划突然改变而]取消 i'm afraid the party's off. nick won't let us use his apartment. 很抱歉,这次聚会取消了。尼克不让我们用他的公寓。 myers called me yesterday to tell me that the deal was off. 迈尔斯昨天打电话给我说交易取消了。 scrub /skrʌb/ [transitive verb] british informal to decide not to do something that you have planned because there is a problem 【英,非正式】[因为有麻烦而]取消[计划] we haven't really got enough money for the trip -- let's just scrub it. 这次旅游我们实在是钱不够——就算了吧。 shelve /ʃelv/ [transitive verb usually in passive] shelve a project/plan/idea/proposal etc to decide not to continue with a plan, although it may be considered again at some time in the future 暂时搁置项目/计划/想法/提议等 plans for a new stadium have been shelved for now. 新体育馆建设计划被搁置了。 the city shelved the project due to lack of funding. 因缺少资金,该市搁置了那个计划。 can·cel /`kænsḷ; ˈkænsəl/v [t] -lled, -lling bre 【英】 -led, -ling ame 【美】 1. to decide that something you have planned will not happen 取消:◇i had to cancel my trip to rome. 我不得不取消了罗马之行。 2. to tell someone that you no longer want something 取消:◇i'd like to cancel my subscription to 'time' magazine. 我想取消订阅《时代》杂志。cancel sth ↔ outif one thing cancels out another, it makes it have no effect 抵销:◇the huge meal i ate cancelled out all the exercise i had done. 我吃的那顿大餐让我之前的所有锻炼都白做了。 ☞ cancel




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