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单词 hollow
释义 hollow nounadjective | preposition adjective➤deep深深的凹陷▸➤little, shallow, slight小坑;浅坑;轻微的凹陷▸➤damp, dark, grassy潮湿的洼地;黑漆漆的洞;长满草的洼地▸➤sheltered隐蔽的洞▸➤natural天然洞穴preposition➤in a/the hollow在洞中◆snow lay in dark hollows.雪堆积在阴暗的洞穴里。➤hollow in⋯上的坑◆a hollow in the ground地上的坑➤hollow of⋯的洞◆the hollow of her throat她的喉管hollow [usually before noun] false表里不一的;不真诚的◆he gave a hollow laugh.他干笑了一声。◆their appeal for an end to the violence had a hollow ring (= quality) to it.他们呼吁停止使用暴力,但并无诚意。ⓘ a hollow laugh or voice sounds sad or angry rather than happy or sincere. hollow promises, threats or words are about things that will not really happen. something that has a hollow ring to it, or that rings hollow, does not seem sincere or real. * hollow 修饰 laugh 或 voice 时指笑声或说话声听起来悲伤或愤怒,而非快乐或真诚;修饰 promise、threat 或 word 时指承诺、威胁或言辞虚张声势,不会真的落实。短语 have a hollow ring to it 和 ring hollow 表示看来不真诚、没有诚意。hollow [countable] an area that is lower than the surface around it, especially on the ground; an empty space inside sth凹陷处;坑洼处;洞◆the village lay secluded in a hollow of the hills (= a small valley).村子坐落在一个幽静的小山谷里。◆she noticed the slight hollows under his cheekbones.她注意到他颧骨下面的轻微凹陷。◆the squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。▸ hollow adjective◆a hollow ball / centre / tube / tree中空的球/中心部位/管子/树◆hollow eyes / cheeks凹陷的双眼/双颊hollowadjective◆a hollow ball / centre / tube / tree中空的球/中心部位/管子/树◆hollow eyes / cheeks凹陷的双眼/双颊hollowadjective◆a hollow ball / centre / tube / tree中空的球/中心部位/管子/树◆hollow eyes / cheeks凹陷的双眼/双颊hollow¹/ˈhɒləʊ ||; ˈhɑlo/adj1. with a hole or empty space inside 空心的: ◇a hollow tree 空心树 2. (used about parts of the face) sinking deep into the face (指脸的部份)凹陷的: ◇hollow cheeks 凹陷的双颊◇hollow-eyed 眼睛凹陷的 3. not sincere 不诚实的;虚伪的: ◇a hollow laugh/voice 虚伪的笑声╱话音◇hollow promises/threats 虚假的诺言;虚张声势的恫吓 4. (used about a sound) seeming to come from a hollow place (指声音)似由空洞传来的: ◇hollow footsteps 低沉的脚步声 hollow²/ˈhɒləʊ ||; ˈhɑlo/verb hollow sth out to take out the inside part of sth 挖空(某物) hollow³/ˈhɒləʊ ||; ˈhɑlo/noun [c] an area that is lower than the land around it 洼地;凹地 ☞ hollow¹☞ hollow²☞ hollow³




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