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单词 transcribe
释义 transcribe /trænskraɪb/ [transitive] to record thoughts, speech or data in a written form, or in a different form from the original记录;抄录;把⋯转成(书写或别的形式)◆clerks transcribe everything that is said in court.书记员把法庭上所有的话都记录在案。◆the interview was recorded and then transcribed.采访谈话先录了音,然后再抄录出来。 ➡ see also transcript → copy noun 1 transcribe/trænˈskraɪb ||; trænˈskraɪb/verb[t] 1. transcribe sth (into sth) to record thoughts, speech or data in a written form, or in a different written form from the original 把(思想、演讲或数据)以文字写出或改录: ◇clerks transcribe everything that is said in court. 文书把法庭上所说的话统统以文字记录下来。◇the interview was recorded and then transcribed. 采访给录制下来,然后整理成文字。 2. (technical术语) to show the sounds of speech using a special phonetic alphabet 把(声音)用音标标示 ☞look at phonetic. 参看phonetic。 3. transcribe sth (for sth) to write a piece of music in a different form so that it can be played by another musical instrument or sung by another voice (为适合其他演奏或演唱方法)改编: ◇a piano piece transcribed for the guitar 一首为吉他演奏而改编的钢琴曲 transcribesee ⇨ copy 2 tran·scribe /træn`skraɪb; trænˈskraɪb/v [t]to write down the words that someone has said, or write down the notes of a piece of music 记录,记下[某人的讲话或乐曲的音符]




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