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单词 wine
释义 wine nounadjective | ... of wine | verb + wine | wine + verb | wine + noun | phrases adjective➤red, white红葡萄酒;白葡萄酒▸➤fizzy, sparkling有汽的葡萄酒;汽酒▸➤dry无甜味葡萄酒▸➤sweet甜葡萄酒▸➤light低度葡萄酒◆he served a light white wine with the lunch.他和午饭一起端上来了低度的白葡萄酒。➤full-bodied, heady, strong浓郁的/容易上头的/烈性葡萄酒▸➤fruity味醇的葡萄酒▸➤sour带酸味的葡萄酒◆a cheap sour wine带酸味的廉价葡萄酒➤mature, young陈酒;新酒◆the younger wines will be mature after about three years.新酿的葡萄酒约 3 年之后就会成陈酿。➤new, old新葡萄酒;陈葡萄酒◆some new wines from south africa一些产自南非的新葡萄酒➤excellent, expensive, fine, good, great, quality, vintage顶好的葡萄酒;昂贵的葡萄酒;上等葡萄酒;佳酿;高品质葡萄酒;(特定年份)优质葡萄酒▸➤cheap, table便宜/佐餐葡萄酒▸➤house招牌酒◆the restaurant's house wines are australian.这家餐馆的特选葡萄酒是澳大利亚产的。➤dessert餐末甜酒▸➤fortified加度葡萄酒◆fortified wines such as port and sherry波尔图酒和雪利酒一类的加度葡萄酒➤mulled, spiced香甜的热葡萄酒;加香葡萄酒▸➤chilled冰镇的葡萄酒◆chilled white wine冰镇白葡萄酒➤dandelion, elderberry, rice, etc.蒲公英酒、接骨木果酒、米酒等... of wine➤drop (especially bre) 一点儿葡萄酒◆would you like another drop of wine?要再来点儿葡萄酒吗?➤bottle, carafe, decanter, glass一瓶葡萄酒;一杯葡萄酒verb + wine➤drink喝葡萄酒◆do you drink wine?你喝葡萄酒吗?➤have喝葡萄酒◆i'll have some wine, please.请给我来点儿葡萄酒。➤taste品尝葡萄酒◆he went to chile to taste wines.他去智利品尝葡萄酒。➤sip, take a sip of啜一点儿葡萄酒◆she took a sip of her wine.她抿了一点儿葡萄酒。➤gulp, gulp down, swig大口吞饮葡萄酒▸➤take a gulp of, take a swig of喝一大口葡萄酒▸➤pour (sb)(为某人)倒葡萄酒◆the waiter went around pouring the wine.服务生走来走去给人们倒葡萄酒。➤make, produce酿造/生产葡萄酒◆the winery has been making wine for 25 years.这个葡萄酒厂生产葡萄酒已有 25 年了。◆about 60% of australia's wine is produced in south australia.澳大利亚大约 60% 的葡萄酒产自南澳大利亚州。➤age, mature使葡萄酒陈化/发酵◆wine aged in the bottle在瓶中陈化的葡萄酒➤chill冷藏葡萄酒▸➤order, serve点葡萄酒;上葡萄酒▸➤ply sb with向某人劝酒◆they always ply their clients with wine before getting down to business.他们在正式谈生意之前总是先请客户喝酒。wine + verb➤flow (figurative) 葡萄酒大量供应◆the wine flowed freely at the party.聚会上大量供应免费葡萄酒。➤go to your head葡萄酒上头◆the wine had gone to his head and he was starting to talk rubbish.他喝葡萄酒上了头,开始胡说八道。➤breathe葡萄酒通气飘香◆open the wine an hour before the meal to let it breathe.饭前一个小时打开酒瓶让葡萄酒通一下气。➤be corked葡萄酒有软木塞堵着▸➤age, mature葡萄酒变陈/熟化wine + noun➤bottle, glass葡萄酒酒瓶/酒杯➤cooler (= for cooling wine) 冰酒器▸➤list, selection(餐馆的)酒品单◆the restaurant has an extensive wine list.这家餐馆酒的品种很多。➤rack酒瓶架◆i took another bottle from the wine rack.我从酒架上又拿了一瓶葡萄酒。➤cellar酒窖➤bar酒吧➤shop, store (especially name) 酒店➤cooler (= a drink) (name) , spritzer冰镇果酒饮料;汽酒➤vinegar葡萄酒醋◆add two tablespoons of white wine vinegar.加入两勺白葡萄酒醋。➤grape酿酒用葡萄◆red wine grapes grow well here.这儿的酿酒用红葡萄长势很好。➤tasting品酒◆we hold occasional wine-tasting sessions.我们不时举办葡萄酒品酒会。➤drinker喝葡萄酒者▸➤grower, growing种葡萄兼酿葡萄酒者;葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造业◆a wine-growing region葡萄种植和葡萄酒酿造业地区➤distributor, importer, merchant (especially bre) 葡萄酒经销商/进口商/贸易商➤sales葡萄酒销售➤business, industry葡萄酒业➤country, region生产葡萄酒的地区;葡萄酒产地◆a farm at the edge of northern california's wine country位于加利福尼亚州北部葡萄酒产区边缘的农场phrases➤wine (sold) by the glass按杯卖的葡萄酒◆a good selection of wine by the glass was on offer.供应各种按杯卖的精选葡萄酒。wine/waɪn ||; waɪn/noun [c,u] an alcoholic drink that is made from grapes, or sometimes other fruit 葡萄酒;酒: ◇sweet/dry wine 甜/干葡萄酒◇german wines 德国葡萄酒 wine is made in three colours; red, white and rosé. 葡萄酒酿制成三种颜色:红色(red)、白色(white)及玫瑰色(rosé)。 wine /waɪn; waɪn/n [c,u]an alcoholic drink made from grapes or other fruit 葡萄酒,果子酒:◇a glass of red wine 一杯红葡萄酒◇a fine selection of german wines 一批精选的德国葡萄酒 ☞ wine




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