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单词 vice
释义 vice nounadjective | verb + vice adjective➤secret不为人知的不良嗜好verb + vice➤have有恶习◆he had only two vices: smoking and women.他只有两个坏毛病:抽烟和玩女人。➤indulge, indulge in沉溺于恶习◆he used his inheritance to indulge his vices of drinking and gambling.他挥霍遗产,沉湎于酗酒、赌博的恶习之中。 vice- /vaɪs/ combining form (used in nouns and related adjectives 用于构成名词及相关形容词) next in rank to sb and able to represent them or act for them 副的;代理的◆ruth hawkin, vice-director of hps group hps 集团副总监鲁思 • 霍金◆the chairman resigned and handed control to his vice-chairman. 董事长辞职后把权力移交给了副董事长。vice [uncountable] criminal activities that involve sex or drugs(与性或毒品有关的)罪行◆at the door were two plain-clothes detectives from the vice squad.门口是两个扫黄缉毒队的便衣侦探。vice [uncountable] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) evil or immoral behaviour恶行;不道德行为◆the film ended most satisfactorily: vice punished and virtue rewarded.这部影片的结尾皆大欢喜:邪恶受到惩治,美德得到褒奖。ⓘ in journalism and other more informal contexts vice usually refers to activities such as sex, taking drugs, drinking alcohol and gambling (= playing games of chance for money).在新闻报道和其他较非正式语境下,vice 通常涉及性、吸毒、酗酒和赌博等行为。 opp virtue → morality vice [countable] a bad or immoral quality in sb's character; sth bad or immoral that sb does邪恶;恶行;不道德行为◆of his many vices, his cruelty was the worst.他作恶多端,尤以残暴为甚。◆ (humorous) the occasional cigar is my only vice.我唯一的罪过是偶尔抽支烟。opp virtue ⓘ a virtue is a particular good quality or habit. * virtue 指美德◆patience is not one of her virtues, i'm afraid.恐怕她不具有耐心这一美德。vice-/vaɪs ||; vaɪs/(used to form compound nouns 用于构成复合名词) having a position second in importance to the position mentioned 副: ◇vice-president 副总统◇the vice-captain 副队长 vice/vaɪs ||; vaɪs/noun1. [u] criminal activities involving sex or drugs 罪恶活动,道德败坏行为(如卖淫、吸毒) 2. [c] a moral weakness or bad habit 道德弱点;坏习惯: ◇greed and envy are terrible vices. 贪婪和妒忌是可怕的道德弱点。◇my only vice is smoking. 我唯一的坏习惯是吸烟。 ☞look at virtue. 参看virtue。 3. (us 美 vise) [c] a tool that you use to hold a piece of wood, metal, etc firmly while you are working on it 老虎钳 (figurative 比喻) ◇he held my arm in a vice-like (= very firm) grip. 他像老虎钳似的牢牢夹住我的胳膊。 vice /vaɪs; vaɪs/n 1. [c] a bad habit or a bad part of someone's character 恶习; [性格上的]缺陷:◇smoking is my only vice. 吸烟是我唯一一个坏习惯。 2. [u] criminal activities that involve sex or drugs [涉及性或毒品的]罪恶; 不道德行为; 邪恶行径 3. [c] bre a tool used to hold something firmly while you do work on it 【英】 老虎钳,台钳; vise ame 【美】




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