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单词 enjoyment
释义 enjoyment nounadjective | verb + enjoyment | preposition | phrases adjective➤great, huge, real极大的享受;真正的乐趣➤full, maximum充分的/极大的享受◆a large income is not necessary for the full enjoyment of life.要生活得十分愉快不一定要有高收入。➤pure, sheer纯粹的乐趣◆for sheer enjoyment, you can't beat this game.单以开心来说,没有比这个游戏更好的了。➤evident, obvious明显的享受▸➤quiet, simple静静的享受;简单的乐趣verb + enjoyment➤derive, find, get, have, take得到快乐;找到快乐;获得乐趣◆they found real enjoyment just in being together.他们只要待在一起就感到十分快乐。➤bring (sb), give sb, provide (sb with)带给 ( 某人 ) 快乐;让某人快乐◆the show brought enjoyment to millions of viewers.这项表演给数百万观众带来了快乐。➤add to, enhance, increase增加快乐;增添享受◆food is there to keep you healthy and enhance your enjoyment of life.食物是让人保持健康并增添生活乐趣的。➤spoil破坏兴致preposition➤for (sb's) enjoyment为了 ( 某人的 ) 高兴◆i play tennis purely for enjoyment.我打网球纯粹是为了娱乐。➤with enjoyment愉快地◆mackie was smiling with enjoyment.麦基愉快地微笑着。➤enjoyment in⋯的乐趣◆i still find enjoyment in the job.我依然能在这一工作中找到乐趣。➤enjoyment of对⋯的喜爱◆your enjoyment of the movie depends on being able to overlook the terrible acting.能否欣赏这部电影,取决于能否忽略糟糕的演技。phrases➤a source of enjoyment快乐之源◆her little grandson has been a source of great enjoyment to her.她的小孙子给她带来无限的欢乐。➤for your own (personal) enjoyment为了自己开心◆i did this work for my own enjoyment, not for money.我做这个工作主要是为了自己的乐趣,不是为了赚钱。 enjoyment [uncountable] (rather formal) the feeling of enjoying yourself愉快;快乐;乐趣◆i get a lot of enjoyment from gardening.我从园艺中获得很多乐趣。 ➡ see also enjoy → enjoy , enjoy yourself → play verb 1 note 辨析 pleasure or enjoyment? enjoyment usually comes from an activity that you do; pleasure can come from sth that you do or sth that happens. * enjoyment 通常源于自己做的事,pleasure 既可源于自己做的事也可源于发生的事◆he beamed with pleasure at seeing her.他看到她时喜不自胜。◆he beamed with enjoyment at seeing her. enjoyment/ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt ||; ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt/noun [u] [c] pleasure or a thing which gives pleasure 乐趣;赏心乐事: ◇she gets a lot of enjoyment from teaching. 她从教学中得到许多乐趣。◇one of her main enjoyments is foreign travel. 到国外旅游是她生活中的一大乐事。 enjoymentsee ⇨ enjoy 7 enjoymentn [u]◇we hope the bad weather didn't spoil your enjoyment. 我们希望坏天气没有破坏了你们的兴致。




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