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单词 win
释义 win nounadjective | verb + win | win + verb | preposition adjective➤big, comfortable, convincing, decisive, easy, emphatic, handsome, resounding, runaway (bre) 大胜仗;轻松赢得的胜利;令人信服的胜利;决定性的胜利;显著的胜利;巨大的胜利▸➤excellent, fine, great, impressive出色的胜利;漂亮的胜利;大胜;给人留下深刻印象的胜利▸➤thrilling令人激动的胜利▸➤remarkable, shock, unexpected, upset (name) 非凡的胜利;出人意料的胜利;并不感到高兴的胜利▸➤famous著名的胜利◆people still talk about the famous win against brazil.人们仍然对打败巴西队的那次著名胜利津津乐道。➤last-gasp, narrow最后时刻获胜;险胜◆an extra-time penalty gave barcelona a last-gasp win over chelsea.加时赛中打进的一粒点球使巴塞罗那队最后时刻战胜了切尔西队。➤overtime (name) 加时赛的胜利▸➤hard-earned, hard-fought来之不易的/艰难的胜利➤come-from-behind (name) 后来居上的胜利▸➤deserved (bre) 应得的胜利▸➤away, home (both bre) 客场/主场获胜◆the team claimed a 6-3 away win over middlethorpe.该队在客场以 6 比 3 战胜米德尔索普队。➤back-to-back, consecutive, straight连续的获胜;一个接一个的胜利◆the red sox opened the season with five straight wins.红袜队赛季一开始就连胜 5 场。➤five-point, two-goal, etc.赢 5 分的胜利、进两球取胜等▸➤cup-final (in football/soccer足球) , final-round, league, play-off, semi-final杯赛决赛/决赛/联赛/加时赛/半决赛获胜➤super bowl™, world series, etc.超级碗、世界系列赛等获胜▸➤democrat, labour, etc.民主党、工党等获胜verb + win➤chalk up, claim, clinch, earn, gain, get, have, notch, notch up, post, pull out, record, score取得胜利;获胜;赢得胜利◆we've had three successive wins in the national league.我们在全国联赛中已取得三连胜。◆torino notched up a 2-1 win at lazio.都灵队以 2 比 1 赢了拉齐奥队。➤cruise to, romp to (especially bre) 轻松取胜◆woods romped to a 12-shot win in the open.伍兹在公开赛中以低于标准杆 12 杆的成绩轻松获胜。➤deserve应得胜利▸➤give sb让某人获胜▸➤celebrate庆祝胜利win + verb➤come胜利到来◆his only big win came in the french open ten years ago.他唯一的一次重大胜利是在 10 年前的法国公开赛上取得的。➤keep sb, lift sb, put sb, take sb胜利使得某人⋯;胜利把某人提升到⋯;获胜使某人进入⋯◆williams's straight-sets win puts her through to the semi-final.威廉姆斯不失一盘而取胜,进入了半决赛。preposition➤without a win没有胜利◆they've gone four games without a win.他们参加了 4 场比赛,一场都没赢。➤win against, win over击败◆liverpool gained a thrilling 5-4 win over glenavon.利物浦队以 5 比 4 的比分险胜格莱纳文队。win verbadverb | verb + win | preposition | phrases adverb➤comfortably, convincingly, decisively, easily, handily, hands down, handsomely, outright轻松获胜;令人信服地取胜;决定性地获胜;轻而易举地获胜;大获全胜◆the french team won hands down.法国队轻松获胜。➤narrowly险胜◆she narrowly won the first race.首场比赛她涉险过关。➤nearly差点儿获胜▸➤duly (bre) 不出预料获胜◆he duly won, but was then sidelined by a leg injury.他不出预料获得胜利,然而后来因为腿部受伤而退出比赛。➤unexpectedly出乎意料地获胜▸➤eventually, finally, ultimately最终获胜;终于取胜verb + win➤deserve to应该赢◆we didn't deserve to win-we played very badly.我们不该赢 - 我们打得太差劲了。➤hope to, want to希望赢;想要赢▸➤be expected to, be tipped to, expect to期望获胜;预测能获胜;希望赢◆the actress is tipped to win an oscar for her performance.这位女演员因表演出色而被认为有望获得奥斯卡奖。➤be in a position to, be likely to有能力赢;很可能会赢◆he entered election day in a strong position to win.他闯入大选日,获胜的可能性很大。➤have yet to还未取胜◆he has yet to win a major tournament.他还没有在重大锦标赛上取胜过。➤go on to接着赢得◆the movie was an instant success and went on to win five academy awards.这部电影一上映就获得成功,接着又荣获 5 项奥斯卡大奖。➤be going to将会赢◆who do you think is going to win?你认为谁会赢?➤manage to成功获胜➤try and, try to努力赢得◆you have to try and win every race.你必须努力赢得每场比赛。➤fail to未能赢得◆the far right party failed to win a single seat.极右党派一个席位都没有得到。➤help (to), help sb (to)有助于/帮助某人获得◆qualities which help win business and motivate staff有助于赢得生意并能激励员工的素质preposition➤against击败⋯◆they stand a good chance of winning against their league rivals.他们有很大的希望击败联赛对手。➤at在⋯方面获胜◆i never win at tennis.我打网球从来没赢过。➤by以⋯获胜◆she won the race by 25 seconds.她领先 25 秒赢了这场赛跑。phrases➤be capable of winning (sth)有能力赢(得⋯)◆there are a lot of teams capable of winning the title.很多队都有实力夺冠。➤be confident of winning (sth)有把握赢(得⋯)◆we're confident of winning the title this year.我们今年有把握夺冠。➤a chance of winning (sth), a chance to win sth, an opportunity to win sth赢(得⋯)的可能性;赢得⋯的机会◆the chance to win the trip of a lifetime赢取一次终生难遇的旅游的机会➤succeed in winning sth成功地赢得⋯◆he succeeded in winning their confidence.他成功地赢得了他们的信任。➤have, know, etc. what it takes to win sth具有、知道等赢得⋯的条件◆does he have what it takes to win the tour?他具有赢得锦标赛的实力吗?➤win by a landslide, win in a landslide (name) 取得压倒性胜利◆president reagan won by a landslide.里根总统以压倒性多数票获胜。➤win or lose不论输赢 win /wɪn/ verb (winning, won, won /wʌn/) 1. [intransitive, transitive] to be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc. 获胜;赢◆we seem to be winning the battle for the german market. 看来我们会赢得德国市场的争夺战。 2. [transitive] to get sth as the result of a competition, race, etc. (通过竞争等)取得,赢得◆the company has won a contract to build trucks for the army. 这家公司赢得了为军方制造卡车的合同。◆although we won several website awards, sales were disappointing. 尽管我们赢得了好几个网站的奖项,但是销售额仍然令人失望。 3. [transitive] to achieve or get what you want, especially by your own efforts (尤指通过自己努力)取得,得到◆we won 250 000 new customers in the final quarter of last year. 去年最后一个季度,我们争取到了 25 万名新顾客。◆the two airlines have won approval for their planned merger. 这两家航空公司的合并计划得到了批准。 ●win sb around/over/round (to sth)to get sb's support or approval by persuading them that you are right 把某人争取过来;赢得某人的支持◆their latest model has so far failed to win over consumers. 他们的最新款式到目前为止没有赢得消费者的认同。●win sb/sth backto get or have again sb/sth that you had before 恢复;夺得◆how can we win our customers back? 我们怎样夺回我们的客户呢? win /wɪn/ noun [countable] a victory in a competition, race, etc. (竞争、比赛等的)胜利,赢◆the order is an important win for the aircraft maker. 这笔订单对于这个飞机制造商来说是一个重要的胜利。☞ win☞ win win verb  ➡ see also the entry for defeat另见 defeat 条win ♦︎ prevail ♦︎ win out ♦︎ triumph ♦︎ win the day ♦︎ come out on topthese words all mean to be successful against sb or in spite of difficulties.这些词均表示获胜、战胜。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to win / prevail / win the day against sb◆to prevail / win out / triumph over sb / sth◆to win / prevail / win out / triumph in the end◆to eventually / ultimately win / prevail / triumph / win the day / come out on top◆to finally win / prevail / win out / triumph / win the day■ win (winning, won, won) [intransitive, transitive] to be the most successful in a competition, race, election, argument, battle or war获胜;赢◆which team won?哪个队赢了?◆france won by six goals to two against denmark.法国队 6:2 战胜了丹麦队。◆he always won at cards.他玩纸牌总能赢。◆he narrowly won (= by a small margin) the seat for labour.他以微弱多数为工党赢得了席位。◆i think i won the argument.我认为这场辩论是我赢了。◆historians still argue about who really won the war of 1812.历史学家仍在争论究竟是谁赢了 1812 年的那场战争。opp lose → lose  ➡ see also win → victory noun ■ prevail /prɪveɪl/ [intransitive] (formal) (of ideas or opinions) to be accepted, especially after a struggle or argument(想法或观点在争论或辩论后)被接受,压倒◆justice will prevail over tyranny.正义必将战胜暴虐。◆fortunately, common sense prevailed.幸而理智占了上风。ⓘ prevail can also mean to defeat an opponent in sport. * prevail 还可以指在运动中战胜对手。  ➡ see also prevail → defeat ■ win out -->phrasal verb(winning, won, won) (rather informal) to be successful in spite of difficulties(克服困难)终获成功◆it remains to be seen whether the archaeologists will win out over the planners in this dispute.在这场争论中考古学家能否胜过城市规划人员,还需拭目以待。◆economic efficiency will always win out in the end.最终永远是经济效率说了算。■ triumph /traɪʌmf/ [intransitive] (written) to defeat sb/sth; to be successful, especially in spite of difficulties打败对手;战胜;成功◆italy triumphed 3-0 in the quarter-finals.意大利队在四分之一决赛中 3:0 获胜。◆as usual in this kind of movie, good triumphs over evil in the end.像这类影片惯常的情节一样,最终善良战胜了邪恶。■ win the day -->idiom(winning, won, won) (written, especially journalism尤用于新闻) to be successful against sb/sth, especially at the end of an argument or difficult situation(尤指争论或困境中最终)得胜,占上风,取得成功◆consumer pressure has finally won the day and forced a change in the law.来自消费者的压力最终占了上风,迫使法律条文作出了修改。■ come out on top -->idiom(came, come) (rather informal) to be successful against sb in a contest or argument(在竞赛或争论中)获胜,取得成功◆the older child, stronger and more experienced, is bound to come out on top.那个年纪较大的孩子身体更结实、经验更丰富,肯定能获胜。win(winning, won, won) [transitive] to achieve or get sth that you want, especially through hard work or ability or because of the good qualities you have(尤指通过努力、能力或良好品质)取得,获得◆she won the admiration of many people in her battle against cancer.她在与癌症的抗争中赢得许多人的钦佩。◆he won a scholarship to study at stanford.他获得奖学金去斯坦福大学学习。ⓘ in this meaning win is used especially to talk about getting people's admiration, support and respect, as well as agreements to provide money (a scholarship) or work (a contract).表达此义时,win 尤与 admiration、support、respect 搭配,指赢得他人敬佩等;也可与 scholarship 或 contract 等词搭配,指获得资助或工作。win [countable] (rather informal) victory in a game, competition or election(比赛、竞争或选举中的)胜利◆people still talk about the famous win against brazil.人们仍在谈论那场战胜巴西的著名赛事。◆torino notched up a 2-1 win at lazio.都灵队以 2:1 战胜拉齐奥队。◆they have now gone 10 games without a win.他们迄今为止已是 10 场比赛没有赢过一场。◆after this year's election win, they have time on their side.赢得了今年的选举后,他们有了充裕的时间。ⓘ win is a slightly informal word, used especially in sports journalism. it is not used to talk about victory in an argument or war. * win 略为不正式,尤用于体育新闻中,不用于指辩论或战争的胜利。 opp loss ⓘ a loss is a failure to win a game, competition or election. * loss 指比赛、竞争或选举中的失败◆argentina's 2-1 loss to brazil.阿根廷对巴西 1:2 的落败  ➡ see also win → win verb , winner → winner win(winning, won, won) [intransitive, transitive] to be the most successful in a competition, race, election, argument, battle or war获胜;赢◆which team won?哪个队赢了?◆france won by six goals to two against denmark.法国队 6:2 战胜了丹麦队。◆he always won at cards.他玩纸牌总能赢。◆he narrowly won (= by a small margin) the seat for labour.他以微弱多数为工党赢得了席位。◆i think i won the argument.我认为这场辩论是我赢了。◆historians still argue about who really won the war of 1812.历史学家仍在争论究竟是谁赢了 1812 年的那场战争。opp lose → lose  ➡ see also win → victory noun win/wɪn ||; hwɪn/verb (present participle winning;past tense past participle won /wʌn ||; wʌn/) 1. [i,t] to be the best, first or strongest in a race, game, competition, etc 获胜;赢 [t] ◇to win a game/match/championship 在游戏╱比赛╱锦标赛中获胜: ◇i never win at table tennis. 我打乒乓球从没有赢过。◇which party do you think will win the next election? 你认为下次选举哪一个政党会获胜? 2. [t] to get money, a prize, etc as a result of success in a competition, race, etc (在比赛、竞赛等中)赢得(奖金、奖品等): ◇we won a trip to australia. 我们赢得去澳大利亚旅游的机会。◇who won the gold medal? 谁赢了金牌?◇he won the jackpot in the lottery. 他中了彩票大奖。 ☞note that we earn (not win) money at our job i earn £15000 a year. 注意:挣钱叫做earn money,不说win:i earn £15000 a year.我一年挣15000英镑。 3. [t] to get sth by hard work, great effort, etc (因努力、苦干等而)取得或赢得: ◇her brilliant performance won her a great deal of praise. 她出色的演出赢得很多赞扬。◇to win support for a plan 争取对计划的支持 win noun [c]: ◇we have had two wins and a draw so far this season. 本赛季到目前为止,我们取得两胜一和。 ➔winning adj ◇the winning ticket is number 65. 中奖票的号码是65号。 win/lose the toss→tossyou can't win(informal 非正式) there is no way of being completely successful or of pleasing everyone 无法面面俱到;无法取悦每个人: ◇whatever you do you will upset somebody. you can't win. 你无论怎样做都会有人不高兴,你没有办法取悦所有人。 win sb over/round (to sth) to persuade sb to support or agree with you 争取某人支持或同意: ◇they're against the proposal at the moment, but i'm sure we can win them over. 眼下他们反对这个提议,但我相信我们可以把他们争取过来。 win1 to win a race, competition etc2 to win an argument, fight, war, etc3 to be winning a game, race etc that has not yet finished4 to win easily5 to win when you almost lost6 when someone wins7 the person or team that wins8 to be the person or team that is expected to win9 something that you get when you winrelated wordsoppositelose,to beat someone in a game or competition 比赛或竞赛中击败某人 beat/defeat,see alsosport/game,compete with,war,fight,competition,against/oppose,gambling,succeed/successful,1. to win a race, competition etc 比赛、竞赛等中获胜 win /wɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to win a race, competition, election etc, for example by getting more points, votes etc than everyone else or by being the first to finish 赢,在…中获胜 no-one really expected the socialist party to win. 没有人预期社会党获胜。win a race/game/election etc chang won the first set but lost the next two. 常赢了第一局,但是接下来连输两局。 the competition was won by a nigerian student. 这场比赛获胜者是一个尼日利亚学生。win a prize/medal/cup etc his book won the pulitzer prize for literature. 他的书赢得普利策文学奖。 what would you do if you won $1 million? 要是你赢得一百万美元会做什么?win by 6 votes/2 goals etc win by getting 6 votes etc more than the other person or team 以领先6票/2球等获胜 he went ahead of nolan, winning by 15 seconds. 他跑在诺兰前面,领先15秒获胜。win 4-2/20-12 etc use this to show the final result of a game 以4-2/20-12等获胜[表示比赛的最后结果] do you remember our first game of the season? we won 3-1. 你还记得那个赛季我们的第一场比赛吗?我们以3-1获胜。win at cards/chess/tennis etc she always wins at scrabble. 她玩拼字游戏总是赢的。 finish first/be first/come in first also come first british /ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈfɜːʳst, biː ˈfɜːʳst, ˌkʌm ɪn ˈfɜːʳst, ˌkʌm ˈfɜːʳst/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to win a race or competition in which more than two people or teams are competing 赢得第一 who do you think will finish first? 你认为谁会得第一名? the british team was first, followed closely by the americans. 英国队赢得第一,美国队紧随其后。 andré etienne came in first, having completed the course in record time. 安德烈·艾蒂安赢得第一,以有史以来最快的时间跑完了全程。finish first/be first/come in first in an australian runner came first in the marathon. 一位澳大利亚选手在马拉松赛跑中得了第一名。 sue finished first in two races -- the 50m backstroke and the 100m front crawl. 休在50米仰泳和100米自由泳这两场比赛中获得第一。 first place /ˌfɜːʳst ˈpleɪs/ [singular noun] the position of the person or team that wins a race or competition 第一名 in first place johnson finished in first place, narrowly ahead of green. 约翰逊得了第一名,只比格林快一点点。win first place in my greatest achievement was winning first place in the young artist competition. 我最大的成就是在青年艺术家比赛中获得第一。 get in /ˌget ˈɪn/ [intransitive phrasal verb not in progressive] british if a political party gets in, they win an election, and have the right to form a government 【英】[政党]当选 do you think labour will get in again at the next election? 你认为工党在下一届选举中会再次当选吗?2. to win an argument, fight, war, etc 在辩论、打斗、战争等中获胜 win /wɪn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to argue, fight etc more successfully than someone else 赢,在…中获胜 the court case has been dragging on for months, and it's increasingly unlikely that she'll win. 这场官司拖拉了好几个月,她越来越不可能赢了。 i could never win an argument with my father. 我永远也争论不过爸爸。 who won the first civil war? 谁赢了第一次内战?win a victory this was the first of many victories won by women's rights campaigners. 这是女权运动者许多次胜利中的第一次。 come out on top /ˌkʌm aʊt ɒn ˈtɒpǁ-ˈtɑːp/ [verb phrase not in progressive] informal to win something, especially something that other people are judging or deciding 【非正式】获胜[尤指由其他人评判或决定] in a survey of customer preference, one model came consistently out on top. 在顾客喜好调查中,有一个型号一直胜出。 in all action movies, the hero always comes out on top. 所有动作片中,英雄人物总会胜出。 prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ [intransitive verb] formal if an idea or way of doing something prevails, it is finally accepted as being better or more important than something else, especially after a lot of arguing 【正式】[观点或做法]占上风;获胜[尤指许多辩论后] fortunately, in this case, common sense has prevailed. 幸运的是,在这件事中常理占了上风。prevail over she seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else. 她似乎认为动物的权利应当高于一切。 carry the day /ˌkæri ðə ˈdeɪ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] british to win by persuading people to accept a plan, proposal, or idea, especially after a lot of talking and arguing 【英】[尤指通过大量讲话和辩论说服人们接受计划、建议或想法而]获胜 anti-gun campaigners feel they have enough support to carry the day in tomorrow's vote. 反枪支运动者认为他们有足够的支持,能在明天的投票中获胜。 his appeal to reason and common sense was what finally carried the day. 诉诸理性和常理是他最终取胜的原因。 win the day /ˌwɪn ðə ˈdeɪ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] british to finally win an argument or political struggle, especially when this has been difficult - used especially in news reports 【英】[在争论或政治斗争中]最终获胜[尤指艰难的胜利,尤用于新闻报道] on this occasion the strikers won the day and were given a pay increase of 20%. 这一回罢工者最终得胜,获加薪30%。3. to be winning a game, race etc that has not yet finished 比赛、赛跑等未结束时领先 be winning /biː ˈwɪnɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to have more points or votes than your opponents in a game or election, or to be at the front in a race when the game, race etc has not yet finished [在比赛或选举中]领先 senna was winning when the race was brought to a halt because of a crash. 比赛因撞车暂停时,塞纳正领先。be winning something it looked as though bush was winning the election battle. 看样子布什似乎在选战中领先。 lead/be in the lead /liːd, biː ɪn ðə ˈliːd/ [intransitive/transitive verb or verb phrase] to be winning a game, race, election etc 领先,处于领先地位 the high school team were leading with 60 points. 高中队以60分领先。 the dolphins are still in the lead with only 2 minutes left to play. 离完场只有3分钟,海豚队仍处于领先地位。lead by 10 points/three meters etc agassi was leading by two sets when rain stopped play. 因下雨终止比赛时,阿加西领先两局。 be ahead /biː əˈhed/ [verb phrase] to be doing better than someone else in a game, competition, race, or election 领先 she was still ahead in the polls just a week before the election. 就在大选前一周,她在民意调查中仍然领先。be ahead of waylan was ahead of miller by three shots. 韦兰领先米勒三球。put somebody ahead shortly afterwards smith put the dodgers ahead with a stunning home run. 随后不久,史密斯以一个惊人的本垒打使道奇队得以领先。be 12 points/5 games etc ahead damon hill is now 14 points ahead of his nearest rival. 达蒙·希尔现在领先紧追其后的对手14分。by way ahead by the final lap, molly was way ahead of all the other girls. 最后一圈时,莫莉遥遥领先于其他女孩子。be ahead by 12 points/5 games etc houston was ahead by 3 points at half-time. 中场时,休斯顿队领先3分。4. to win easily 轻松获胜 win easily /ˌwɪn ˈiːzə̇li/ [verb phrase] everyone expected the democrats to win easily. 大家都预料民主党会轻松得胜。win something easily she won the race easily with seconds to spare. 她领先好几秒,轻松地赢了赛跑。 win hands down /wɪn ˌhændz ˈdaʊn/ [verb phrase] to win very easily without having any problems 垂手而胜;轻易取胜 the socialists will win hands down if the election is free and fair. 如果这次选举是自由、公正的,那么社会党将会轻易取胜。 the newer model wins hands down when it comes to speed and capacity. 从速度和功率来说,这款较新的型号无出其右。 be no contest /biː ˌnəʊ ˈkɒntestǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] if a game, competition etc is no contest, one person or team wins so easily that it is impossible for their opponent to win 毫无敌手 in the end it was no contest. new labour won more votes than even they thought possible. 最终是所向披靡,新工党获得的票数甚至超出了他们自己的预料。 run away with /ˌrʌn əˈweɪ wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to win a game or competition very easily, especially because you are much better than your opponents [尤因比对手优胜而]轻易赢得[比赛] united have established a clear lead, and are threatening to run away with the championship. 联队明显领先,大有轻易获胜之势。 be a shoo-in /biː ə ˈʃuː ɪn/ [verb phrase] american to be very likely to easily win an election, competition etc, by having many more points, votes etc than you opponents 【美】稳操胜券 he looked like a shoo-in to win south carolina's republican presidential primary. 他似乎稳操胜券,能在南卡罗来纳州共和党总统候选人初选中胜出。 sweep to victory /ˌswiːp tə ˈvɪktəri/ [verb phrase] to win very easily, in a way that impresses people - used especially in news reports 大获全胜,获得压倒性胜利[尤用于新闻报道] olson scored twice as the rams swept to victory. 奥尔森两次得分,使公羊队大获全胜。 nixon swept to victory by 47 million votes to 29 million. 尼克松以4,700万比3,900万的票数大获全胜。 romp home /ˌrɒmp ˈhəʊmǁˌrɑːmp-/ [verb phrase] british informal to win a race or game easily 【英,非正式】[在比赛中]轻易取胜 no goals were scored in the first half but spurs romped home in the second, scoring four. 上半场没有入球,但下半场热刺队进了四球,轻易获胜。5. to win when you almost lost 几乎要输的时候获胜 win by a narrow margin /ˌwɪn baɪ ə ˌnærəʊ ˈmɑːʳdʒə̇n/ [verb phrase] if someone wins something or is elected by a narrow margin, they win by getting only a few more points, votes etc than their opponent 勉强获胜;以微弱差距当选 we won the debate by a narrow margin. 这场辩论我们勉强取胜。 winning by a narrow margin, the lakers now go on to play in the championships. 湖人队险胜之后,继而在总决赛中打下去。 scrape home /ˌskreɪp ˈhəʊm/ [verb phrase] british to win by a very small number of votes or points, or by a very small distance in a race 【英】险胜 the green party scraped home in the local elections. 在地区选举中,绿党险胜。 the referees decided that foreman had just scraped home. 裁判判福尔曼勉强获胜。 be close also be a close-run thing british /biː ˈkləʊs, biː ə ˌkləʊs rʌn ˈθɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if a race, competition, election etc is close or is a close-run thing, any person or party could win because they all have nearly the same number of points, votes etc, or are close to each other in the race 势均力敌,难分胜负 the election was very close - a handful of votes decided it. 这次选举势均力敌,只有几票之差。 the champions have kept their title, but it was a close-run thing. 冠军们保住了他们的名次,但这是一次险胜。6. when someone wins 某人获胜 victory /ˈvɪktəri/ [countable/uncountable noun] when a country, player, team etc wins a battle, game, race etc 胜利 the crowds were celebrating italy's victory. 人群在庆祝意大利队的胜利。 we're very confident of victory. 我们对获胜很有信心。 victory celebrations 胜利庆祝活动victory over/against their 2-1 victory over the australians was completely unexpected. 他们以2比1战胜澳大利亚队完全出乎意料。win a victory he had won a comfortable victory in the general election. 他在大选中轻松获胜。 win /wɪn/ [countable noun] when a team or player wins in a sport or competition - used especially in news reports [体育比赛或竞争中]胜利,赢[尤用于新闻报道] it was an important win for manchester united. 这是曼联队的一场重大胜利。 a couple from london are celebrating a big lottery win. 一对来自伦敦的夫妇在庆祝中了大笔彩金。win over/against a 2-0 win over their oldest rivals 2比0战胜他们最老的对手 triumph /ˈtraɪəmf/ [countable/uncountable noun] written an important victory after a long, difficult struggle, especially in war or politics 【书面】[尤指战争中或政治上长期艰苦斗争后获得的]胜利,成功 despite many local triumphs, their party stands little chance of winning a national election. 他们的党尽管在许多地方选举中取得胜利,但是在全国性选举中获胜的机会不大。 arsenal's recent league cup triumph. 阿森纳队最近在联盟杯上的胜利 success /səkˈses/ [countable/uncountable noun] a victory, especially in a series of games, fights etc 胜利[尤指在一连串的比赛、战斗等中] with such a strong team, france are heading for certain success. 法国队实力如此强大,肯定会在比赛中取胜。 their fourth success in a row 他们连续第四次的胜利 conquest /ˈkɒŋkwestǁˈkɑːŋ-/ [countable/uncountable noun] a victory in which one country wins a war against another country and takes control of it [一个国家对另一个国家的]战胜,征服;击败 the palace was built in cordoba, spain, following the arab conquest. 阿拉伯战胜之后,把宫殿建造在西班牙的科尔多瓦。 the roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the british isles by the germanic tribes. 罗马军团撤退,给日耳曼部族开辟了征服不列颠群岛的道路。 walkover /ˈwɔːkˌəʊvəʳ/ [singular noun] informal a situation in which someone wins very easily, especially in a sport, because they are much better than the people they are playing against 【非正式】轻易取得的胜利[尤指在体育比赛中] if they were expecting this game to be a walkover, they were very wrong. 他们要是以为这是场轻易取胜的比赛,那就大错特错了。 landslide /ˈlændslaɪd/ [singular noun] when one party or candidate gets far more votes than their opponents in an election [选举中]一方选票占压倒性多数 the newspapers were predicting a landslide for thatcher. 各报纸都预言撒切尔将获得一面倒的胜利。by a landslide he was re-elected in 1984 by a landslide. 1984年,他以压倒性多数再次当选。landslide victory few people had expected labour's landslide victory in 1945. 1945年,几乎没有人预料到工党的一面倒胜利。7. the person or team that wins 获胜的人或队 winner /ˈwɪnəʳ/ [countable noun] the winner will receive a prize of $500. 获胜者会得到500美元奖金。 the crowd roared as the winner crossed the finishing line. 获胜者跨过终点线时,人群欢呼起来。winner of on thursday the judges will be announcing the winner of this year's booker prize. 星期四,评审团将宣布本年度的布克奖得主。 champion /ˈtʃæmpiən/ [countable noun] a person who has won a competition, especially in sport [尤指体育比赛中的]冠军 mohammed ali, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, will appear on the ‘tonight’ show next week. 前世界重量级拳击冠军穆罕默德·阿里将出现在下周的《今夜》节目里。defending champion the person who won last time and is trying to win again 卫冕冠军 as defending champion, he is expected to reach the final. 作为卫冕冠军,他预计会进入决赛。reigning champion the present champion who won the competition last time 现任冠军 bjorn borg was the reigning wimbledon champion for five years. 比约恩·博格是温布尔登网球赛连续五年的冠军。 winning /ˈwɪnɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] winning team/player/horse etc the team, player etc that wins the winning team will go through to the grand final in london. 获胜队将进入在伦敦举行的大决赛。 a group of reporters followed the winning jockey and horse into the winner's enclosure. 一群记者跟随获胜的骑师和赛马进入领奖区。 victor /ˈvɪktəʳ/ [countable noun] written the winner in a war, election, or important sporting event 【书面】[战争、选举、重要体育比赛的]胜利者,获胜者 after the war, the victors returned in triumph. 战后,胜利者凯旋而归。 the victors are waving to the crowd as they do their lap of honour. 获胜者向人群挥着手绕场一周欢庆胜利。 victorious /vɪkˈtɔːriəs/ [adjective] having won an important fight, competition, election, etc 胜利的,获胜的 he shook hands with his victorious opponent. 他与获胜的对手握手。 three young men from the victorious team came forward to collect their trophy. 获胜队有三名年轻男子上前领取奖杯。8. to be the person or team that is expected to win 被认为会赢的人或队 be (the) favourite british /be the favorite american /biː (ðə) ˈfeɪvərə̇t/ [verb phrase] to be the person or team that everyone expects to win 被认为最有希望获胜的竞争者 be (the) favourite for the danish runner was the favorite for the 100m sprint. 丹麦选手是100米短跑中最有希望获胜的人。be (the) favourite to win thatcher was favourite to win the 1983 election. 撒切尔最有希望在1983年的选举中获胜。be (the) clear favourite the luxembourg entry is clear favourite to win the eurovision song contest. 在这次欧洲歌曲电视大奖赛中,卢森堡的参赛选手显然最有希望获胜。 frontrunner /ˌfrʌntˈrʌnəʳ/ [countable noun] the person or team that is most likely to win a race, election, or competition [比赛、选举或竞争中的]领先者 he will certainly be a frontrunner in the democratic primaries. 他肯定会在民主党初选中领先。 the greens have never really been among the frontrunners in british politics. 绿党在英国的政坛上从未真正领先过。 be in the running /biː ɪn ðə ˈrʌnɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to be one of the people who has a good chance of winning 有获胜的机会 spain still has several athletes in the running. 西班牙还有好几个运动员可能获胜。be in the running for anthony hopkins was in the running for an oscar. 安东尼·霍普金斯正在角逐奥斯卡奖。9. something that you get when you win 赢得的东西 prize /praɪz/ [countable noun] something that is given to the person who wins a competition, game, or race [发给竞赛优胜者的]奖品 the prize is a 3-week holiday in the bahamas. 奖品是巴哈马三周游。first/second/third etc prize second prize is a book token. 二等奖是一张购书礼券。win/get a prize she won the booker prize for her novel ‘the blind assassin’. 她的《盲眼刺客》一书赢得布克奖。prize winner a list of prize winners will appear in net week's issue. 获奖名单将在下周的一期刊登。 cup /kʌp/ [countable noun] a special silver or gold container, shaped like a large cup with two handles, that is given to the winner of a sports competition [发给体育比赛优胜者的]奖杯 the queen presented the cup to the captain of the winning team. 女王把奖杯颁发给获胜队的队长。 medal /ˈmedl/ [countable noun] a round flat piece of metal that is given to someone who has won a race, game, or competition 奖牌 the winning team went up to collect their medals 获胜队上前领取奖牌。gold/silver/bronze medal a medal for coming first/second/third 金牌/银牌/铜牌 the gold medal was won by anna svensen. 金牌由安娜·斯文森赢得。 trophy /ˈtrəʊfi/ [countable noun] an object or special cup that is given to the winner of a race, game, or competition, especially in sports [尤指颁给体育比赛获胜者的]奖品;奖杯 the winner went to receive her trophy. 获胜者过去领她的奖杯。 they became the first british team to win a major european trophy. 他们成为第一支赢得欧洲重要奖杯的英国球队。 jackpot /ˈdʒækpɒtǁ-pɑːt/ [singular noun] the largest amount of money that can be won in a game of chance [在靠运气的游戏中可赢得的]巨额奖金 the jackpot is worth $1 million this week. 这一周的巨额奖金值100万美元。hit the jackpot win it 得头奖 unemployed roadsweeper mickey reid hit the jackpot when his £4 lotto ticket won him £1.8m. 失业的马路清洁工米基·里德中了头奖,他买的4英镑乐透彩票赢了180万英镑。 winnings /ˈwɪnɪŋz/ [plural noun] money that you win by playing games for money [在赌博中]赢来的钱 she collected her winnings and put them into her bag. 她收起赢来的钱放进包里。 scooping up his winnings, he went off to invest them at the blackjack table. 他抓起赢来的钱,去投在玩21点的赌桌上。☞ win¹☞ win²




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