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单词 valueadded
释义 value added noun [uncountable] (economics 经济学) the amount by which the value of a product increases at each stage of the production process, not including the cost of the basic materials 增值;增加的价值◆in many rural areas, output per head and value added will be lower. 在许多农村地区,人均产量和价值增值较低。 syn added value 2.(marketing 营销) the extra value that a company adds to a basic product or service, for example by adding extra features, before it is sold to the consumer 附加价值;增值◆a comparison of consumer spending on goods with different amounts of value added 增值不同的产品的消费者开支比较 syn added value 3.(marketing 营销) the extra features that a product or service has that a customer is willing to pay more for 附加功能 value added adjective [only before noun] value-added 1.(marketing 营销) (about products) having extra features added to them that a customer is willing to pay more for (产品)带有附加功能的◆standard lines such as wrapped white bread and value-added products such as wholemeal bread and crispbread 诸如包装好的白面包等标准产品以及诸如全麦面包和薄脆饼干等增值产品2.(about a company) using raw materials or parts to produce products of much higher value (公司)增值的2.(about a company) offering extra or special services in a particular commercial area (公司)在特定商业领域提供特殊服务的




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