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单词 tip²
释义 tip²v -pped, -pping 1. [i,t] to move something so that one side is higher than the other, or to move in this way (使)倾斜,(使)倾侧:◇he tipped his seat back and stared at the ceiling. 他向后倾侧椅子坐着,眼睛盯着天花板。 2. [t] to pour something out of a container 倾倒,倒出:◇edward tipped the last of the wine into their glasses. 爱德华把最后一些酒倒入他们的玻璃杯中。 3. [i,t] to give a small additional amount of money to a waiter, taxi driver etc 给(某人)小费,给赏钱 4. be tipped to do sth if someone is tipped to win something, get an important job etc, many people say this will happen 被认为有希望做某事:◇tom cruise is tipped to win an oscar. 大家认为汤告鲁斯有希望赢得奥斯卡奖。tip sb ↔ offinformal to tell someone, especially the police, that someone has secretly planned to do something 【非正式】 [尤指给警方]通风报信:◇the police must have been tipped off about the robbery. 这次抢劫行动警方一定是事先得到了密报。tip over[i,t tip sth ↔ over] to fall or turn over, or make something do this 打翻,(使)倾覆:◇a can of paint had tipped over in the back of the van. 小型货车后面的一罐油漆打翻了。




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