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单词 unemployment
释义 unemployment nounadjective | ... of unemployment | verb + unemployment | unemployment + verb | unemployment + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤double-digit, high, huge, mass, massive, severe, widespread两位数的失业率;高失业率;大规模失业;大批人失业;严峻的失业状况;普遍的失业▸➤low低失业率▸➤growing, rising上升的失业人数▸➤falling下降的失业率➤chronic长期失业➤involuntary非自愿性失业▸➤long-term长期失业▸➤seasonal (especially bre) 季节性失业▸➤structural结构性失业▸➤graduate, youth大学生/年轻人失业▸➤rural, urban乡村/城镇失业人数... of unemployment➤level, rate失业率verb + unemployment➤be faced with, face面临失业▸➤cause, create导致/造成失业▸➤alleviate, bring down, cut, reduce缓解失业状况;降低失业人数▸➤increase使失业人数增加▸➤combat, tackle对付/处理失业问题unemployment + verb➤climb, double, increase, rise, soar失业人数攀升/加倍/增加/上升/剧增◆unemployment climbed above two million.失业人数攀升到 200 万人以上。➤decline, fall失业人数下降▸➤average sth, remain sth, remain at sth, stand at sth失业率平均为⋯;失业率保持在⋯;失业率为⋯◆unemployment averaged 15% across the country.全国的失业率平均为 15%。➤hit sth, reach sth失业率达到⋯◆unemployment hit 10% in 1982.1982 年失业率达到 10%。◆unemployment reached 30%.失业率达到 30%。unemployment + noun➤benefit, benefits, compensation, cover, insurance (especially name) 失业救济金;失业补偿;失业保险◆new claims for unemployment benefits remain low.新近领取失业救济金的人仍然不多。➤claims (especially name) 申请失业救济金▸➤data, figures, levels, numbers, percentage, rate, statistics, total失业数据;失业数字;失业率;失业总数◆the county's unemployment rate has dropped to 9%.该县的失业率已降至 9%。➤black spot (bre) 失业重灾区◆this former mining town is now an unemployment black spot.这个昔日的采矿小镇现在成了失业重灾区。preposition➤unemployment among⋯中的失业◆unemployment among graduates is falling steadily.毕业生的待业人数正持续下降。phrases➤a period of unemployment失业期间▸➤a rise in unemployment, an increase in unemployment失业人数上升➤a fall in unemployment失业人数下降unemployment /ʌnɪmplɔɪmənt/ noun [uncountable] 1.the fact of a number of people not having a job; the number of people without a job 失业;失业人数◆an area of high unemployment 失业率高的地区◆a rising/falling unemployment rate 上升的/下降的失业率2.the state of not having a job 失业◆people facing long-term unemployment 面临长期失业的人们  ➡  employment ◇ frictional unemployment ◇ hidden unemployment ◇ search unemployment ◇ seasonal unemployment ◇ structural unemployment ☞ unemployment unemployment noununemployment ♦︎ redundancy ♦︎ dismissal ♦︎ sacking ♦︎ lay-off ♦︎ dischargethese are all words for the state of not having a job, the fact of losing your job or the act of officially removing sb from their job.这些词均表示无业、失业或解雇、开除。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆mass unemployment / redundancies / dismissals / lay-offs◆large-scale unemployment / redundancies / lay-offs◆to face unemployment / redundancy / dismissal◆to lead to / avoid unemployment / redundancies / dismissal■ unemployment [uncountable] the state of not having a job; the fact of a number of people not having a job; the number of people without a job无业;失业;失业人数◆thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.成千上万的青年正面临长期待业状况。◆it's an area of high unemployment.那是个失业率高的地区。◆last month saw a rise in both inflation and unemployment.上个月的通胀率和失业人数均有所上升。opp employment → work noun 2 ■ redundancy /rɪdʌndənsi/ [uncountable, countable, usually plural] (bre, rather formal) the situation when sb has to leave their job because there is no more work available for them(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇◆thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy in the new year.数千名工厂工人在新年面临下岗。◆she decided to take voluntary redundancy (= to offer to leave her job).她决定接受自愿裁退。◆the threat of compulsory redundancies still hangs over the firm.强制裁员的威胁依然笼罩着公司。◆200 workers have been issued with redundancy notices.已有 200 名工人收到了裁员通知。 ➡ see also make sb redundant → fire verb ■ dismissal [uncountable, countable] (rather formal or law法律) the act of officially removing sb from their job; an example of this解雇;开除;撤职◆he still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal.他仍然希望赢得遭到无理解雇的赔偿。◆the dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.董事长辞职后紧接着就是裁员。  ➡ see also dismiss → fire verb ■ sacking [countable] (bre, rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) an act of dismissing sb from their job, especially because they have done sth wrong(尤指因犯错导致的)解雇,炒鱿鱼◆a council chief faced calls for his sacking yesterday over allegations that he had accepted bribes.一名市政部门的主管昨日因受贿指控而被要求撤职。  ➡ see also sack → fire verb ■ lay-off [countable] (rather informal, especially journalism尤用于新闻) an act of making sb unemployed because there is no more work available for them, especially temporarily(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇(尤指临时性的)◆we do not want to risk further lay-offs in the factory.我们不想再在工厂里冒裁员的风险了。ⓘ you can also talk about job cuts in this context.在这种语境下亦可用 job cuts。  ➡ see also cut → reduction , lay sb off → fire verb ■ discharge /dɪstʃɑːdʒ; name dɪstʃɑːrdʒ/ [countable, uncountable] the act of officially allowing sb, or of telling sb, to leave their job, especially in the army获准离开;免职;退伍◆the illness resulted in his discharge from the army.这场病导致他从部队退伍。  ➡ see also discharge → fire verb unemployment [uncountable] the state of not having a job; the fact of a number of people not having a job; the number of people without a job无业;失业;失业人数◆thousands of young people are facing long-term unemployment.成千上万的青年正面临长期待业状况。◆it's an area of high unemployment.那是个失业率高的地区。◆last month saw a rise in both inflation and unemployment.上个月的通胀率和失业人数均有所上升。opp employment → work noun 2 unemployment/ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt ||; ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/noun[u] 1. the situation of not being able to find a job 失业: ◇the number of people claiming unemployment benefit (= money given by the state) has gone up. 申请失业救济金的人数增加了。 [opp] employment 反义词为employment 2. the number of people who are unemployed 失业人数: ◇the economy is doing very badly and unemployment is rising. 经济萧条,失业人数不断上升。 [syn] joblessness 同义词为joblessness ☞look at the dole. 参看the dole。 un·em·ploy·ment /ˏʌnɪm`plɔɪmənt; ˌʌnɪmˈplɔɪmənt/n [u]when someone does not have a job, or the number of people who do not have a job 失业(状态); 失业人数:◇areas of high unemployment 高失业率的地区 ☞ unemployment




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