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单词 user
释义 user nounadjective➤avid, heavy, large热心的用户;大用户◆heavy users of credit赊购多的顾客◆the larger users of the service have to pay more.享受的服务多,就得多付费。➤small小用户▸➤daily, frequent, regular日常用户;经常使用者;固定用户➤occasional偶尔使用者➤casual不定期用户◆a casual user of cocaine偶尔吸食可卡因的人➤active活跃用户➤potential潜在用户▸➤current, existing现有用户◆existing users will be able to upgrade their software at a reduced price.现有用户可以按优惠价升级软件。➤first-time, novice初次使用者;新用户◆they offer a short course to first-time users of the software.他们为初次使用该软件的用户提供短期培训。➤experienced有经验的用户▸➤end (usually end-user) 终端用户◆the company supplies its computers direct to the end-user.这家公司直接向终端用户提供计算机。➤authorized, unauthorized授权/非授权用户➤registered注册用户➤malicious (computing计算机) 恶意用户◆these security holes allow malicious users to hijack your account.这些安全漏洞使恶意用户得以窃取你的账户信息。➤computer, desktop, pc计算机/台式电脑/个人电脑使用者➤internet, web因特网/网络用户➤remote远程用户➤broadband, dial-up, wireless宽带/拨号上网/无线用户◆we'll have about 500 million wireless users accessing the internet.我们将有约 5 亿用户无线上网。➤cellphone, mobile-phone (bre) 手机用户▸➤business, corporate, home商业/企业/家庭用户◆a computer intended for business and home users商务和家庭两用计算机➤car, public-transport, rail, road坐汽车的人;使用公共交通工具者;火车乘客;公路使用者▸➤wheelchair轮椅使用者◆a special entrance is being built for wheelchair users.正在修建一个轮椅使用者专用入口。➤library图书馆使用者▸➤service享受服务的人◆a survey of health service users一项针对保健服务对象的调查➤electricity, energy电力/能源用户▸➤drug, heroin, substance, tobacco, etc.吸毒者、海洛因吸食者、抽烟者等 user /juːzə(r)/ noun [countable] a person or thing that uses sth 用户;使用者◆the software is too complicated for the average user. 这个软件对于普通用户来说太复杂了。◆the system allows mobile phone users to see video clips. 这一系统可让移动电话用户观看视频剪辑。◆financial services companies are heavy users of it. 金融服务公司大量使用信息技术。 end-user ◇ lead user ◇ multi-user ☞ useruser/ˈju:zə(r) ||; ˈjuzɚ/noun [c] (often in compounds 常用于构成复合词) a person who uses a service, machine, place, etc 使用者: ◇users of public transport 公共交通工具的乘客◇drug users 吸毒者 usersee ⇨ use 4,18     • • •• ⇨ drug user us·er /`juzə; ˈjuːzə/n [c]someone who uses a product, service etc 使用者,用户:◇computer users 电脑用户




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